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A blueprint for digital censorship in the US?
Internal documents from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), as revealed by digital censorship journalist Matt Taibbi, showed that the group’s primary…

In honor of Free Speech Week, end all regulatory gag orders
Free Speech Week is an annual, nonpartisan celebration of the indispensable right to speak one’s mind. While every level of government is expected…
The Justice Department’s Proposals for Breaking Up Google’s Dominance Won’t Work
Reason quoted CEI’s expert on antitrust atmosphere Jessica Melugin, director of the Center for Technology and Innovation at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, tells Reason that a…
Search Posts
The Washington Post
Making Defamation Law Great Again: Michael Mann’s Suit May Continue
Jonathan Adler of The Volokh Conspiracy blog covers the D.C. Court of Appeals ruling in Michael Mann’s defamation suit against Rand Simberg, Mark Steyn, National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. …
5 Great Books on Politics and Public Policy from 2016
A lot of interesting books on politics, economics, and public policy were published over the last twelve months. It can be difficult, though, finding the gems…
On Climate Change, Who Will Censure the Censors?
Bloomberg discusses the subpoena CEI received from an attorney general as an attempt to silence our free speech on climate change. Eight months…
Desperate Democrats turn to states to salvage climate agenda, but will it work?
Watchdog.org discusses with Sam Kazman CEI's victory in their case against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Late last month the Supreme Court…
New York Post
The disclosure that could end Eric Schneiderman’s career
New York Post discusses CEI's victory in their case against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and his anti-free speech campaign. …
National Review
New York Attorney General Ordered to Release Climate-Change Pact
National Review reports on CEI's victory in their case against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Last week, New York attorney general Eric…
Judge Orders New York AG Schneiderman to Turn Over Secret Climate Change Docs
Newsmax discusses with Sam Kazman the New York Supreme Court's ruling in favor of CEI in their case against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. …
North Dakota orders pipeline protesters out
Politico's Morning Energy reports on the New York Supreme Court's ruling in favor of CEI in their lawsuit against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. …
Washington Times
Court orders New York AG Schneiderman to turn over climate change secrecy pact
The Washington Times discusses with Sam Kazman the New York Supreme Court ruling in favor of CEI in their case against New York Attorney General…
Daily Caller
Court Deals Blow To New York AG’s Anti-Free Speech Campaign
The Daily Caller discusses with Sam Kazman CEI's victory in their lawsuit against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. New York’s highest court…
RealClear Radio Hour: Internet Sales Tax Shakedown and Legal Graft
This week on RealClear Radio Hour, Jessica Melugin and Trevor Burrus discuss freedom from bureaucracy online and political corruption.
The Sacramento Bee
Criminalizing climate change dissent? A new abuse of power
The Sacremento Bee reports on the subpoena CEI recieved for their climate research, which was an attack on their first amendment rights. After…
ACLU Blasts Federal Bank Regulators for Unconstitutional Power Grab
Unaccountable agencies unsurprisingly behave in an unaccountable manner. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was recently found by a Federal court to be so unaccountable…
CEI v. The Attorney General of New York
In May 2016, CEI requested copies of all “common interest agreements” that were made with or that mentioned other state attorneys general or certain environmental…
News Release
Volkswagen Class Action Ruling: Bad Deal for Consumers
CEI’s Center for Class Action Fairness is disappointed by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California’s approval today of the Volkswagen class action settlement because…
RealClear Radio Hour: Transcending Bipartisanship, Money, and Politics
In this episode of RealClear Radio Hour, Avik Roy outlines his strategy for bipartisan health care reform and Lee Goodman laments the increasing political attacks…
Government’s Speech Double Standards
Thanks to overbearing government, there are huge double standards when it comes to free speech. Rulings of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) force employers…
Morning Consult
Do Noble Political Ends Justify Abusive Means?
The Morning Consult reports on the subpoena that CEI recieved from Attorney General Claude Walker. Starting in 2014, approximately 20 Democrat attorneys general,…
Sexual Harassment Regulation Expands Federal Bureaucracy
Writing in the California Law Review, Harvard Law School professors Jeannie Suk and Jacob Gersen note that “Today we have an elaborate and growing federal…
Washington Examiner
Dems’ climate probe reaches ‘scandalous’ proportions, group says
Washington Examiner highlights CEI's fight against the climate change subpoena we recieved from Attorney General Claude Walker. The attorneys general also have targeted conservative…
Obama Administration Attacks ‘Reasonableness’ and ‘Common Sense’ in Sex Harassment Investigations
The Supreme Court has repeatedly said that not all sexual flirtation or interaction constitutes sexual harassment, and that whether conduct is bad enough to amount…
EEOC to Gadsden Flag Lovers: Shut Up or Face Costly Lawsuits
Libertarian think tanks have been known to distribute lapel pins that display the Gadsden flag, reading “Don’t Tread on Me.”…
Can ExxonMobil Be Found Liable for Misleading the Public on Climate Change?
Bloomberg reports on the subpoena CEI recieved from Attorney General Claude Walker for their research on climate change. In March the Virgin Islands…
Contingency Lawyers Undermine Integrity of Government Prosecutions
There’s been a lot of press coverage of the Climate Change subpoenas that were issued and then withdrawn by Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude Walker.
Reaction to CEI’s Lawsuit against New York Attorney General Schneiderman
Yesterday CEI filed a lawsuit against New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman for refusing to disclose the legal agreements his office made with other state…
Wall Street Journal
Schneiderman’s Climate Secrets
When Eric Schneiderman and 16 other Democratic state attorneys general announced in March that they were targeting Exxon Mobil for its alleged heresy on climate…
Conservative think tank sues Schneiderman over Exxon probe records
Politico reports on CEI's lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Schneiderman related to the investigation of ExxonMobil and CEI. The Competitive Enterprise Institute today filed…
Washington Examiner
Conservative group takes New York AG to court over climate probe
Washington Examiner reports on CEI's lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for withholding key documents related to ongoing climate investigations. The Competitive Enterprise Institute is…
Washington Times
New York AG sued over secrecy agreement on climate-change investigation
The Washington Times reports on CEI's lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for refusing to release documents related to the climate change investigations. …
Washington Free Beacon
NY Attorney General Accused of Skirting Public Records Law
The Washington Free Beacon reports on CEI's lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Schneiderman from refusing to release documents related to the climate change investigations. …
Climate Change Court Drama: What Does New York’s Attorney-General Have to Hide?
Reason.com reports on a subpoena CEI recieved from the Attorney General of the U.S. Virgin Islands as an attempt to silence the climate change debate. …
Our Fight against Government Intimidation
Regardless of which policies you support, any assault on free speech is profoundly unjust. And when that assault is coordinated by high-ranking government officials, it’s…
Washington Examiner
Climate change-doubting group slams AGs for ‘un-American’ investigation
Washington Examiner reports on CEI’s video about the subpoena they recieved from Attorney General Claude Walker. A group targeted by Democratic attorneys general…
Investor's Business Daily
The ‘Green 20’ Attorneys General Try End-Run Around Congress
Investor's Business Daily discusses government officials' investigations into CEI's climate change research as an attempt to silence debate on the issue. Many on…
Washington Times
Most Voters Oppose Government Prosecution of Climate Skeptics, Say Debate Isn’t Over: Poll
The Washington Times reports on a Rasmussen Reports survey that reveals voters oppose official's efforts to prosecute scientist who oppose their stance on climate change.
Washington Times
Democratic AGs ignore polls, press case against climate skeptics
The Washington Times reports on a recent poll that says voters oppose government official's prosecuting those who disagree with them on climate change. CEI received…
Washington Examiner
Most voters don’t want AGs to investigate groups who doubt climate change
Washington Examiner reports that voters are opposed to government officials' investigations of those who disagree with their stance on climate change, such as CEI's…
Daily Caller
Poll Shows Voters Oppose Investigating Global Warming Skeptics
The Daily Caller reports that voters are opposed to government officials' investigations of those who disagree with their stance on climate change, such as CEI's…
Washington Examiner
Group says Dem AGs want to protect Obama’s climate agenda with probes
Washington Examiner reports on a letter that reveals the intent behind the intimidation campaign to silence the debate on climate change, such as CEI's subpoena. …
RealClear Radio Hour: #BeTheNext
In this episode of RealClear Radio Hour—from the 2016 YAL National Convention— Cliff Maloney leads a millennial revolution and Glenn Jacobs—aka WWE Wrestler Kane—shows his…
The Hill
Liberal hypocrisy on the free exchange of ideas
The Hill reports on the subpoena CEI received as an attack on their free speech and to silence the debate on climate change. This…
Foundation for Economic Education
One Man’s Fight against Bureaucratic Tyranny Moves On-Campus
Beating a people into submission doesn’t happen overnight. It proceeds in stages, and requires long-term leveraging of institutions and appeals to moral authority to justify…
Reason’s Bastiat Journalism Prize Celebrates Writers Who Advance Freedom
Leftist intellectual and media bias can be as disheartening and maddening as it is relentless. So thank goodness for the Reason Foundation and its annual…
The Hill
Exxon Allies Cry Foul Over Law Firm in Climate Probe
Exxon Mobil Corp.’s allies are crying foul over the role of a law firm involved in the fight over the oil giant's history with climate…
“Web of Denial” Basher Sen. Schatz Ignores Science on Carbon Dioxide
The core premise of Senate Democrats’ fulminations this week against the “web of climate denial” is that there is no real debate about how dangerous…
Not Angry, Just Sad
Politico's Morning Energy reports on the letter CEI and other free-market groups sent in response to the Senate Democrats' attack on those who disagree with…
Understanding the Climate Skeptic Witch Hunt in Congress
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO for short, is a legal method used by the government to go after mob cartels and…
Senator “Which Way” Whitehouse Can’t Decide Whether #ExxonKnows
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) on Monday introduced a “Web of Denial” concurrent resolution, which “condemns groups who have misled the…
Kim Strassel Offers Prescient Look at Political ‘Intimidation Game’
Prescience is an odd quality to attribute to a book-length treatment of recent history. Nonetheless, The Intimidation Game by Kimberly Strassel adheres closely to Antonio’s…
How to Hoist Sen. Whitehouse and Rep. Lieu on their own Petards
Nineteen Senators led by Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) yesterday launched a series of floor statements denouncing fossil fuel companies and more than 30 conservative and free-market…