Before Net Neutrality Eats the World
The Federal Communications Commission has called off closed-door talks with tech lobbyists, talks meant to iron out a government driven compromise on “net neutrality.”…
Daily Caller
Justice Kagan, Please be a Judicial Activist
With yesterday’s Senate vote in the books, Elena Kagan has finally passed through the confirmation gauntlet and earned the title of Justice. Now…
Daily Caller
We Need a Mexican Standoff on Cap and Trade
Despite claims to the contrary, the energy tax known as cap and trade is still alive. Although Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has supposedly pulled…
Daily Caller
Department of Labor Inspector General Nominee: Too Political, Too Controversial
Fresh from the recess appointment of former SEIU lawyer Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board, President Obama has nominated another controversial figure to…
Daily Caller
Kagan and the Agency-Exhaustion Doctrine: A Response to Media Matters
Well, who’da thunk it? George W. Bush’s Justice Department is now considered a citadel of wisdom by the legal eagles at Media Matters for America.
Daily Caller
In Defending Kagan, Media Matters Embraces Bush Justice Department
Well, who woulda thunk it?! George W. Bush’s Justice Department is now considered a citadel of wisdom by the legal eagles at the liberal Media…
National Review
Brownback’s Mountains
It looked like we had dodged a bullet. With an election looming, Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) decided that a provision requiring…
National Review
He Auto Know Better
President Obama is telling people today that the Auto Bailouts worked. He’s claiming that the auto industries are showing a profit and hiring thousands…
National Review
Elena Kagan’s War on Small Business
Solicitor General Kagan urged against letting a small firm challenge a regulatory agency in court. Would a Justice Kagan do the same? Now that Congress…
National Review
Should Internet Gambling Be Legalized?
The question isn’t should gambling online be legalized, but rather, does the federal government have the authority to criminalize the activity? The answer is: no.
National Review
Arizona’s Immigration Surprises
Arizona’s new anti-immigration law, which goes into effect on July 29, has been a rallying point for many conservatives. It reinvigorated the lackluster administration of…
National Review
Bill Would Mandate Equal Pay for Unequal Work (Letter to the Editor)
Diana Furchtgott-Roth was right to criticize a bill that would require some people who do unequal work to be paid equal amounts. The perverse “Paycheck…
National Review
Offsets Are Crucial in Cap and Trade (Letter to the Editor)
The administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency implies (“Cap and Trade Will Work Well Again,” Letters, July 20) that because cap and trade worked…
National Review
Obama’s Latest Monstrosity
The 2,315 page Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill that President Obama will sign today should not be called “financial reform.” Instead the bill, which…
National Review
Too safe for our own good?
Myths about the risks of various products and activities can themselves be harmful to your health. They include the belief that greater regulation is synonymous…
American Spectator
Economists vs. Economics
Has the financial crisis ruined economics? Not only did economists fail to predict it, nobody seems to have a clue how to right the…
Seattle Times
U.S. Tech Firms’ China Presence Furthers Internet Freedom
On July 9, China renewed Google's license to operate in that country, leading critics to condemn the firm for acceding to China's oppressive policies. But…
Seattle Times
Have We Really Been Stimulated?
They use the phony statistic ‘saved’ or ‘created.’ To say saved or created, who knows if this job would have been eliminated if you…
Seattle Times
Have We Really Been Stimulated
The Lansing State Journal reported last week that the federal stimulus has been working. The White House projects the spending act created or saved between…
Seattle Times
Michigan a Right to Work State?
Oakland County Sherriff Mike Bouchard, who is running for the Republican nomination for governor, called for making Michigan a right to work State in a…
Seattle Times
More Muscle for Big Merchants
It’s usually not that easy for big retail chains to win battles on Capitol Hill — particularly if they are trying to secure a benefit…
Seattle Times
Obama’s New Financial Regulation Bill Strangles America’s Economy with Red Tape
The 2,315 page Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill that passed the Senate 60-39 on Thursday and will be signed by President Obama next week should not…
Seattle Times
Who Won Big in the Financial Bill – More Muscle for Big Merchants
It’s usually not that easy for big retail chains to win battles on Capitol Hill — particularly if they are trying to secure a benefit…
Seattle Times
Dodd-Frank is not “Financial Reform,” it’s More Big Government Lunacy
The 2,315 page Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill should not be called “financial reform.” Instead, it should be called what for what it is: pages and pages of…
Seattle Times
What is Government’s Role in Fighting Obesity (Letter to the Editor)
Daily Caller
Author Responds to Media Matters’ Attack
One of the best parts of getting published is getting feedback from readers. Some point out supporting arguments I may have missed. Others make opposing…
Daily Caller
Let Congress Sweat It Out
Many of the so-called solutions the green movement proposes consist of turning back the clock and relying on technology we left behind decades, even…
Daily Caller
Cell Phones Don’t Cause Cancer
Could your cell phone be killing you? A lot of people seem to think so. Some activists say that talking on your phone for…
Daily Caller
The Lady Gaga Economy
The Lady Gaga phenomenon conquered the Today Show this morning, with what must have been the largest crowd they’ve had in their summer…
Daily Caller
The Greenhouse Protection Racket
“Are you gonna come along quietly, or do I have to let the California Air Resources Board (CARB) muss ya up?” That was pretty…
Denver Daily News
Markets Should Drive Xcel, Not Social Values
Xcel Energy is getting a lot of grief over its new “tiered” rate increase Ń a.k.a., the air-conditioner tax Ń but the criticism is…
Denver Daily News
State Needs New Leadership on Insurance Policies
It’s sometimes hard to picture your insurance company as a caped hero sweeping in to rescue you in times of crisis. Yet, that is what…
New York Times
Facing Tough Economic Realities (Letter to the Editor)
Paul Krugman is at a loss to explain why some people oppose extending unemployment benefits. One reason people hold such an opinion is that…
New York Times
Bad Immigration Laws Are for Repealing, Not Enforcing
Immigration reform is at a crossroads. When Arizona passed its anti-immigration law in the spring, it said it was doing so because the federal government…
New York Times
Will 2010 be the Year States say Enough is Enough?
For decades, government employees at every level have received steadily increasing compensation—including salary, pensions, and health care benefits—thanks to the political clout of public employee…
Baltimore Sun
Maryland’s Smart Grid Fiasco
Last month, the Public Service Commission rejected Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.'s "smart grid" proposal. From start to finish, the whole affair demonstrated everything that…
Baltimore Sun
Regulatory Flights of Fancy
In Washington, D.C., everything old is new again. Keynes is back as the defunct economist our politicians are in thrall to, wind and solar…
Baltimore Sun
Blowout Prevention Act–or Oil-Production Prevention Act?
Today, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Environment will hold a hearing on the Blowout Prevention Act of 2010. A draft…
Baltimore Sun
Is Scott Brown a Game-Changer on the Financial Bill?
A Yogi-ism for Congress: “It ain’t over until both houses of Congress vote for an identical bill and send it to the president’s desk —…
Baltimore Sun
Is Scott Brown a Game-Changer on the Financial Bill?
A Yogi-ism for Congress: “It ain’t over until both houses of Congress vote for an identical bill and send it to the president’s desk…
Baltimore Sun
Arizona Declares War on Capitalism
The most persistent misunderstanding about Arizona’s new anti-immigration law, SB 1070, is that it is about security. The law’s supporters argue that there is…
Baltimore Sun
Market Meddling Led to BP Oil Spill (Letter to the Editor)
Naomi Klein is correct that the mere $20m spent on accident prevention and spill response goes "a long way" toward explaining this disaster (…
Denver Business Journal
Markets Should Drive State’s Energy Industry
Xcel Energy is getting a lot of grief over its new “tiered” rate increase—a.k.a., the air-conditioner tax—but the criticism is somewhat misplaced. It’s impossible…
Denver Business Journal
‘Green’ Energy Company Threatens Economics Professor … with Package of Dismantled Bomb Parts
Spain’s Dr. Gabriel Calzada — the author of a damning study concluding that Spain’s “green jobs” energy program has been a catastrophic economic…
Daily Caller
Five Years After Kelo
Today marks the five-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s notorious Kelo v. New London decision. In a 5-4 ruling, the Court held that seizing…
Daily Caller
Constitutionality Aside, Look at the Economic Damage
Last week, the Obama administration confirmed that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will file a lawsuit to challenge Arizona’s immigration law, SB 1070 before…
Daily Caller
The Walgreen Amendment
In passing the financial regulation bill, U.S. Senators made a point of how they were going after the “fat cats” on Wall Street.
Daily Caller
Stimulus Spending Has Done Little to Promote Growth (Letter to the Editor)
The stimulus package destroyed private-sector jobs, since it was financed by borrowing money from private citizens that would otherwise have been spent on private…
Daily Caller
The Great Immigration Deception
Arizona’s controversial immigration law and Democratic responses to it have ignited a fierce political fight that will only intensify as the law goes into…
Daily Caller
Time For A Real Win-Win
The Senate is stalemated over climate policy for an obvious reason. The policies on offer – cap-and-trade, renewable electricity standards, “clean…