The Wall Street Journal

The Climate Police Escalate

Sometimes we wonder if we’re still living in the land of the free. Witness the subpoena from Claude Walker, attorney general of the U.S. Virgin…

National Review

Quick Hits

Hans Bader writes about how Harry Reid killed a bipartisan patent-reform bill, and simultaneously undermined one of President Obama’s favorite talking points.

Intellectual Property

New York Post

Obama Makes Up His Own Rules

“Racial discrimination in school discipline is a real problem today,” Duncan claimed in announcing the new policy. But chances are he outsourced this “solution.” “I…

Washington Post

Inconvenient Facts for Obamacare

Economist Doug Holtz-Eakin, who heads the conservative American Action Forum and has been warning for years about the law’s ill-effects isn’t surprised. He e-mails, “The…


Married To The State

Two marriage penalties enshrined in Obamacare are proof of the government’s continued efforts to erode traditional marriage. Consider this: the Affordable Care Act requires…