
A Question for Iain

Iain, I believe you that congestion pricing has not worked in reducing traffic during London’s rush hour. Here’s my question: how can Virginia’s just-started…


The Problem with HSAs

Doug, Although I sympathize with your point of view, I think that your post about HSAs misses the fact that the HSAs we have…


It’s no better here

Doug, Obviously, stories like the one you related show that socialized medicine is a bad idea. In this context, it’s worth noting two things:…


End of An Era

Re-watching Dirty Dancing — a movie far better than its reputation — last night inspired me to do some Internet research. I was pleased…


Other Things On Their Way Out

The Washington Post runs a very interesting story about things on their way out. The list includes “truly blind dates” (we now have Google),…


They Forgot One Thing

Today, of course America woke up to news that JP Morgan Chase has bought out Bear Stearns for $2 a share. (It was trading…


Dirty Speculation

Today’s Washington Post runs a story about the services provided by high-priced call girls. According to the story, high class prostitutes provide “a pledge…


Consumers Want Insurance Choice

An important new study from the American Consumer Institute shows that consumers, on the whole, want broader choice of insurance plans. Right…


Tax Complexity? Bah.

I’m a case study in complex taxes. During 2007, I switched jobs, got income from a half dozen sources, bought one house, sold another, made…


Shacks for Rich People

I recently came across Tumbleweed, the self-styled “tiny house company.” The houses that Tumbleweed builds in California and delivers to any site in the…


Castro the Bigot

Via comes an I-can’t-believe-she-wrote-this memo telling journalists to be nice to Castro. One particularly delicious passage: Please note Fidel did bring…


But We Already Have It. . .

Doug, I agree with your criticisms of the about the problems with the Swedish health care system. But, of course, we have pretty much…


Bill Frist on Chronic Disease

My former boss, Bill Frist, has a very interesting piece in today’s Miami Herald. A quote: Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, emphysema, high…


State Monopolies

John, You miss one very important part of the history of the yellow cab company in Chicago: It succeeded as a business almost entirely…


At CPAC and Depressed

I’m at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and I’m discouraged. I’m a pro-life, pro-gay, pro-market, pro-gun conservative who hates terrorists and central planning…


Let’s Keep Taxis

Michelle, I’m all with the D.C. cab drivers and I disagree with your post. Anyone with a not-terrible driving record should be free to…


A Disaster in the Making

Late last year, two recently elected southern Republican governors, Louisiana's Bobby Jindal and Florida's Charlie Crist, vowed to work together for a "national catastrophe fund"…
