
Sunstein Nomination

Looks like my colleague Iain Murry and I concur on President-elect Barak Obama’s selection of Cass Sunstein to head the…


Trashing Taxpayers

A recent article in today’s New York Times details the perils of an industry that is greatly impacted and propped up by government regulations: the…


“Green” Agenda?

The Washington Examiner has an editorial today titled “Environmentalism is not about the Environment.”  Indeed. …


We Told You So

If you ever thought that governmental economic planning or market manipulation is a useful tool, take a look at this article in today’s Washington…


No Need to Fear Plastics

Reading the headline of a Washington Post story today, you would think that government researchers have made a new and major finding on a…


Bureaucracy Waivers

The Bush Administration has decided that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is too bureaucratic to follow when it comes to building a fence along…


Careful What You Wish For

It is ironic that environmentalist hype about global warming and green calls for alternative fuels are undermining some of the greens’ very own programs and…


Green Polluters

If you are not on’s, daily email, you might want to sign up. This daily dispatch sends along nuggets of good information and…