
The Economics of Toilet Seats

Up or down? The debate is as old as the toilet itself. Economist Jay Pil Choi constructed a game theoretic model, and it turns out…


Printing Money Troubles

New $100 bills that are harder to counterfeit have been rolling off the presses recently, with an error rate of 30 percent.


Joe Biden vs. Adam Smith

Vice President Joe Biden recently said that every great idea of the last two-plus centuries came from government. My colleague Alex Schibuola and I rebut…


An Optimistic Take on the Election

CEI President and Founder Fred Smith and I have an article in The Daily Caller expressing cautious optimism about yesterday’s election results. Our main points:…


Why I Didn’t Vote This Year

Over at The Daily Caller, I tally up the arguments for and against voting. Think them through. Do what's right for you. And don't look…


Misplaced Ire

The commentariat is liable to sprain an ankle, jumping to conclusions like that.


Mises on Political Parties

With a fiercely partisan election less than a month away, the concluding paragraph of Ludwig von Mises’ Liberalism is a refreshing rejection of party politics.


Stimulus Roundup

Most people doubt Congress’ ability to spend money wisely. The stimulus has given them some proof.


You Can’t Make This Up

$150,045 of stimulus money is being spent to restore a bridge that doesn't connect to any roads and ends in an 8-foot drop.