
Eric Holder and Tech Policy

Barack Obama will be nominating Eric Holder, former Clinton Administration deputy attorney general, to become the nation's highest ranking law enforcement official.  This has folks…


GM Fiction & Scare Tactics

You can visit supposedly to get some facts about why GM ought to be given billions of your tax dollars. You'll find, however,…


If You Donate, You’ll Vote

Since Bill Clinton ran in 1992 and MTV decided to “Rock the Vote” the youth vote has been something often talked about, but something that…


Vote for is trying to win the Blogger’s Choice Award for the best political blog.  Just a few dozen votes should do it.  If you’d…


LibertyWeek 9: Ballparks & Bailouts

LibertyWeek, CEI’s weekly podcast, covered the bailout and the financial meltdown on Wall Street in its last episode.  “Bailouts & Ballparks” features an interview…


LibertyWeek 8: Cheese for Dogs

Check out me and Richard Morrison doing another episode of CEI’s weekly podcast, Liberty Week.  This week we cover: The “meltdown” on Wall Street…


Who’s Best at Lobbying 2.0?

I’m looking for examples of effective tech lobbyists. We’ve seen a lot of people moving from the Valley to the Hill lately. Microsoft has gone…