
Rachel Was Wrong

Today we launch our campaign urging people to rethink the legacy of environmentalist icon Rachel Carson, with the site Today she’s mostly remembered…

Consumer Freedom


More Federal Spending on Food Stamps?

The liberal ACSBlog has a post trumpeting Congressional Democrats’ argument that federal spending on food stamps isn’t enough. They claim that food stamps aren’t…


Trans Fats Banned

Montgomery County, Maryland, has just banned the use of trans fats in food preparation. Trans fats have been criticized on health grounds, but they…

Consumer Freedom


Market Signal

It is a tenet of free market environmentalism that market signals provide information about the environment and its value. Therefore, when people stop buying beachfront…

Consumer Freedom


Jerry Falwell, RIP

Rev. Jerry Falwell died today. To say the least, his brand of morality did not win him many friends among libertarians. He made some inane…


CAFE klatsch

President Bush is set to address the nation this afternoon on plans to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil, reports the Greenwire news service.

Consumer Freedom


Chrysler For Sale. Sold.

The biggest piece of business news this morning is the sale of 80 percent of Chrysler to a private equity firm, Cerberus Capital. As…


More on Unsustainable Policies

Zimbabwe’s likely appointment as head of the UN Sustainable Development Commission (see below) bring to mind a recent Bureaucrash operation. On April 20th,…


Sustain This

Iain passes on the only-at-the-UN news that Zimbabwe is about to be made the head of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development.


Butt Out!

The Washington Post reports that the The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) will now give higher, more restrictive ratings to films that “that…

Consumer Freedom