
Promoting “Google Government”

It may be a forlorn hope that politicians of either party will ever be truly fiscally responsible, opposing spending programs that either are not authorized…


Free the Oklahoma Three!

There's nothing new about partisans playing hardball when it comes to politics. But it is unusual when partisans attempt to jail their opponents. That apparently…


Greed v. Fire

People often denounce the profit motive as harsh and unfeeling. Only volunteer or government offered aid is supposedly offered with the sincere desire to help.


Free trade’s not the villain

Cato’s Center for Trade Policy Studies has just released a study by Dan Griswold showing that increased trade is not responsible for a lower…


SCHIP Changes: No Improvement

The new SCHIP bill set for a vote today, attempts to woo Republicans by prohibiting illegal immigrants from enrolling in the program. These changes don’t…


Middle-class job losses? (2)

The Wall Street Journal today carries an opinion piece by Stephen J. Rose (subscription required), a labor economist with the Progressive Policy Institute, titled…


Meat Market

A New York Times article today poses the question of whether or not regulatory oversight has been too lax on the meat packaging industry.


Biofuels and Bolshevism

The developed world’s seemingly unquenchable thirst for miracle fuels made from food is pushing Russia further towards authoritarianism. The Financial Times today reports that…


Schadenfreude double play

London Times columnist Sarah Baxter offers an amusing anecdote that illustrates what happens when two incompatible, yet equally illiberal, ideologies collide. A glorious…


Unions respond to private equity

My article on organized labor’s response to the rise of private equity is now online at TCSDaily.  Private equity presents a unique challenge for…


The Corrosive Effects of Torture

The use of torture overseas in enemy interrogations has attracted considerable opposition, for good reason. Military interrogators have recently criticized the practice, saying it is…


Turks on the Brink

The U.S. government is urging Turkey not to invade the Kurdish regions of northern Iraq after Turkish Kurdish separatists based on northern Iraq killed…