
Hungary Goes Hollywood

Earlier this evening, I attended the Washington premiere of Freedom’s Fury, a new documentary about the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. The film…


The Unions Like Puppies, Too

“Organized Labor Pushes Pro-Worker Agenda,” reads the headline of a November 14 Associated Press news story. It is safe to assume…


Hands Across the Sea

Donal Blaney of the Young Britons’ Foundation gave a speech at the recent ConservativeHome awards ceremony in London where he mentioned…


In Vino Veritas

Researchers have found resveratrol, a substance found in red wine and other foods, to help fight obesity and diabetes in laboratory…


Terminal Shortage

When government controls everything, it necessarily has to ration it, which leads to shortages. It’s probably a toss-up at the moment as to which is…

Consumer Freedom


More on Milton Friedman

It speaks volumes of a man — and of his career — when people don’t wait until he’s passed away to pay him tribute. That’s…


Good Government! (Sit!…Stay!…)

The Antitrust Modernization Commission will report recommendations for streamlining the nation’s antitrust laws sometime in April 2007; while the ponderous commission has been around…


Capitalism and Freedom

The title says it all. Unlike many libertarians, for me it didn’t begin with Ayn Rand, but with Milton Friedman, specifically his classic manifesto,…


Taking Reagan’s Advice

Thanks to our friend Neil for reminding us that today is “World Freedom Day” (at least according to the White House). Here’s the proclamation:…