As a result, CEI experts have encouraged and supported trade-enhancing policies and treaties over the years, including “fast-track” Trade Promotion Authority, specific trade deals, and multilateral efforts such as the Doha round of the World Trade Organization. We have opposed increased tariffs, attempts to increase regulation through trade deal language, and the trend toward bilateral rather than multilateral deals. CEI continues to make the case for free trade in the face of increased bipartisan hostility to the idea.
CEI’s experts also work with like-minded colleagues abroad to oppose harmful initiatives, such as working with British colleagues to stop that country’s competition agency from blocking mergers between American firms based on speculative reasoning.
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We’re out of the Paris Agreement—again! How Trump can make it stick
On Inauguration Day (January 20, 2025), President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Agreement, the global climate treaty negotiated by the…

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Delays and higher consumer prices incoming from US trade conflict with China: CEI analysis
President Trump’s ten percent tariffs on Chinese goods have been met with retaliatory tariffs by Beijing, indicating a trade war has begun. CEI’s senior economist…

Trump’s unilateral tariffs: Time for Congress to do its job
Over the weekend, President Trump announced 25 percent tariffs against Canada and Mexico, though Canadian energy imports will face a lower 10 percent rate. He…
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Kemp: Clean Up the Planet with Sound Science: The Earth Day Crowd Has It All Wrong
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EPA Issues Worst Case Scenario Regulations
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You’ve Got Cancer!
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Earth Report 2000
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Third Way Route Jams Trade: Kemp Op-Ed in Financial Times
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EPA to Release Data on Worst Case Scenarios
Washington, DC, July 20, 1999 – “Unless the House of Representatives acts immediately, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will soon release information that essentially…
The Data Access Law: Promoting Accountability and Privacy
With the passage of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in 1966, our society decided to promote government transparency: what is done in government’s name…
The Data Access Law: Decreasing Secret Science While Increasing Accountability
As the federal bureaucracy grows and Congress delegates more of its power to the agencies, the need for agency accountability increases. In October…
Alternative to Kyoto Protocol Concedes Too Much
View Full Document as PDF The Energy and Climate Policy Act of 1999, S. 882, has been introduced as an alternative…
The Clean Air Act’s Federal Terrorist Assistance Program
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CEI Blasts EPA’s “Worst Case Scenario” Info Release: Proposed Amendment Can Deter Terrorists, Extremists Groups Want I
Washington, DC, May 6, 1999 – The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee may consider an amendment today to the federal Clean Air Act…
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CEI Blasts EPA’s “Worst Case Scenario” Info Release: Proposed Amendment Can Deter Terrorists, Extremists Groups Want I
Washington, DC, May 6, 1999 – The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee may consider an amendment today to the federal Clean Air Act…
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Jack Kemp Named Distinguished Fellow At Competitive Enterprise Institute
Washington, DC, April 29, 1999 – The Competitive Enterprise Institute is pleased to announce that the Honorable Jack Kemp has been named CEI’s first…
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Administration Honors Scientist, But Ignores His Work
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Risk And Environmental Information: Federal Data Mandates, Mandates to Misinform
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Media Advisory: Earth Day Experts
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The First Family’s Asthma Problems
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Mammoth Victory For Elephant Conservation At CITES
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Precautionary Petard
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Earth Day Tragedy: Flawed Environmental Treaty Dumps on Third World
WASHINGTON, DC April 22, 1997 —The Basel Convention, a United Nations treaty which regulates world trade, is due to ban all trade in “wastes”…
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Red Tape Will Hinder Trade: Study Questions Environmental and Economic Benefits of ISO14000
WASHINGTON, DC March 22, 1997—Imposing mandatory uniform environmental standards on industrial firms will result in both environmental and economic harm according to a study…
It always makes me queasy when a successful capitalist uses his wealth and talent to sell anti-capitalism. Not because such behavior is a form of…
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Third World Rebuffs Clinton Green Team
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Trashing Free Trade: The Basel Convention’s Impact
Executive Summary With the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, free trade should be on the rise. The WTO has been heralded…
Trashing Free Trade: The Basel Convention’s Impact on International Commerce
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Free Trade for All
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Message From the President: Unsustainable Policies
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The Mismeasure of Man
The environmentalist assault on chlorine has taken a recent turn. Organochlorines, we are now told, not only cause cancer, they are capable of altering human…
Rachel Was Wrong
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring ushered in an era of national concern over the potential effects of synthetic chemicals. Published in 1962, Carson's book suggested that…
Two Years After NAFTA: A Free Market Critique and Assessment
Full Document Available in PDF The debate over the…
Restricting Trade Will Not Help The Environment
Full Article Available in PDF Format Executive Summary Expanding free trade to include all nations could have beneficial effects…
The Basel Convention
The Basel Convention by Ray Evans …
Making the Polluters Pay
Environmentalists often call for a world with zero pollution. The response from industry and professional economists is disbelief. Who is right? That depends…
The True State Of The Planet
The True State of the Planet: Ten of the World’s Premier Environmental Researchers in a Major Challenge to the Environmental Movement Date: 1995 Edited…
The Greening Of Trade Policy: “Sustainable Development” and Global Trade
Executive Summary Introduction The Environmental Critique of Trade Free Trade and Environmental Quality Free Markets Are Truly Green Focus on Global Environment Fosters Ecological…
Trading Away Free Trade
Full article is available in PDF (Liberty magazine, November 1994, pp. 22-26). The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade has lowered the world’s…