Whether it is lifting net neutrality regulations, allowing AI to reach its full potential to benefit mankind, educating policy makers about content moderation, clearing legacy regulations at the Federal Communications Commission, advocating for greater spectrum efficiency, or defending business practices that benefit consumers but are disliked by antitrust enforcers, CEI punches above its weight. Coalition activity, relationships with tech and telecom journalists, media appearances, policy events, Capitol Hill outreach, op-eds, and in-depth studies combine to make CEI influential in the tech and telecom policy area.
Tech and Telecom Issue Areas
Featured Posts
Targeting Digital Platforms
President Biden’s antitrust regulators have filed a pair of lawsuits targeting tech platforms, claiming they abuse their position as intermediaries between consumers and third parties.
National Review
Please, Somebody Google ‘Hubris’
The pretense of knowledge is on full display in the Department of Justice’s proposed remedies for the Google trial. The government’s…
A Trump 2.0 Agenda For Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence represents an unprecedented economic opportunity as well as a complex security challenge for the United States. As Trump gets set to begin his…
Search Posts
Bureaucracy’s Paradox: When Fewer Regulations Mean Less Freedom
"To limit abuse by the rulers, ancient Rome wrote down the law and permitted citizens to read it. Under Dodd-Frank, regulatory authority is…
Court Will Soon Decide Fate of FCC’s Ill-Conceived Internet Regulations
Any day now, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit is expected to release its decision in U.S. Telecom Association v. FCC.
Washington Examiner
Critics charge FCC with suppressing comments on privacy ruling
The Washington Examiner reports on a coalition CEI signed urging the Federal Communications Commission to extend its deadline for comment on broadband rules. …
Washington Times
Conservatives trend liberal over Facebook
Conservatives are hopping mad about Facebook allegedly manipulating its Trending Topics to discriminate against right-leaning news stories. And some want to do something about…
FCC’s Cable Box Mandate: Costly, Illegal, and Unnecessary
Regulators at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) want to dictate how cable and satellite television providers design their so-called “set-top boxes”—a fancy term for…
New York Times
Monopolies, Like Google, Are Innovators, Which Is Good for Consumers
Last week, the European Commission brought new antitrust charges against Google, alleging the company unfairly favors its own services on smartphones running its Android operating…
Congress Must Pass Email Privacy Act
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the Email Privacy Act (H.R. 699) sponsored by Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.). The Competitive Enterprise…
CEI and Tech Freedom Comments to the FCC on “Set-Top Box” Regulations
Full Document Available in PDF The FCC claims it is trying to “Unlock the Box” to “empower consumers to choose how they…
Argus Leader
Online sales tax coming to your inbox
Argus Leader discusses the online sales tax with CEI's Jessica Melugin. In a letter to Congress in 2013, groups such as Americans for…
Congress Should Strip the FCC of the Power to Regulate Broadband Prices
The U.S. House of Representatives will soon vote on a bill known as the “No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act.” Just as…
Netflix’s Throttling Scandal: Possibly Illegal, But Not an FCC Matter
As one of the chief agitators behind the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) controversial effort to regulate Internet service providers like public utilities, Netflix has long portrayed…
Protecting Our Semi-Privacy After The Department Of Justice Apple iPhone Hack
The Department of Justice-sponsored unlocking of the Apple iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino murderers without Apple’s help reaffirmed that an overly encryption-based…
The Sharing Economy Is More than Just Uber
In an article for The New York Times, columnist Farhad Manjoo worries that the Uber model of app-based service companies has run its course. He points out…
U.S. News & World Report
Apple Employees: Just Say No
The FBI is putting relentless pressure on Apple to hack the encrypted iPhone recovered from the San Bernardino shooters. For thwarting ongoing efforts to force…
After the Incentive Auction: Reimbursing Broadcasters for Channel Relocation Costs
This month, the FCC will kick off a much-awaited incentive auction that could reshape America’s airwaves.
FCC’s New Privacy Mandates – What’s Next, Internet Czar?
Today, the Federal Communications Commission unveiled a proposal to regulate how broadband providers may collect and use their customers’ information. If the FCC’s impending privacy…
Barack Obama as FCC Chairman
The saga of executive branch overreach continues, and we got a twofer today. The House Judiciary Task Force on Executive Overreach held a hearing this…
UnChartered Cronyism: The FCC’s Attempts to Block Cable Merger
When you hear about “crony capitalism,” what comes to mind? The Export-Import Bank? The ethanol mandate? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Tax credits and loan…
The One Year Anniversary of Net Neutrality
In the pen and phone era, one of the many examples of the descent into arbitrary lawmaking influencing an entire sector of the economy is…
The Hill
Tech group sues feds over drone registrations
The Hill reports on CEI's response to the FAA's drone registration rules. Critics have been threatening to sue the FAA over the registration…
Permanent Moratorium on Internet Taxation in Customs Bill
Today the Senate voted 75-20 in favor of the conference report accompanying H.R. 644, the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015, the so-called customs…
PITFA a Poor Hostage for Internet Sales Taxes
Despite the premise of many a political cartoon, U.S. senators aren’t stupid. But a few of them are hoping to bamboozle at least 60 of their…
Confusion over FAA drone registry results in privacy problems
Engadget mentions Marc Scribner's statement in response to the FAA's refusal to allow public comments on its drone registration plan. The FAA decided to apply…
CEI Joins 20 Organizations Opposing Utah Internet Sales Tax Proposal
Full Document Available in PDF Dear Utah State legislator: On behalf of our organizations and the millions of citizens we represent, we…
Al Jazeera
US prepares skies to track recreational drones
Al Jazeera reports on the Federal Aviation Administrations rule requires operators of drones must have a permit, and quotes Marc Scribner's comments on the rule. …
Coalition Tells Congress to Keep the Internet Tax-Free
Today, the Competitive Enterprise Institute joined 44 organizations in signing a coalition letter urging Congress to extend and make permanent the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA).
CES 2016, Where Technology And Government Collide
At the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) here in Las Vegas, I got around to taking a few snapshots. There is the Consumer Technology Association’s…
The Hill
Drone user sues feds over registration rules
The Hill discusses CEI's objections to the new FAA drone registration requirements. The Washington, D.C.-based Competitive Enterprise Institute said the FAA violated federal…
Why the Omnibus Shouldn’t Include Cybersecurity Legislation
Later this week, the House is slated to vote on a $1.1 trillion “omnibus” spending bill to fund the federal government through next fall. Naturally,…
Drone regs attract a little praise, lots of prodding
Politico reports on the FAA's drone regualtions and quotes Marc Scribner on the final rule. Marc Scribner, a transportation expert at the Competitive…
The Internet Grinch Tax Threat
Proposals to expand sales tax collection on Internet purchases just won’t go away. And this holiday shopping season—which kicked off with a $3 billion Cyber…
The Blaze
Is Congress About to Expand Govt Surveillance?
The Blaze cites Ryan Radia's work on the inclusion of CISA in the latest Omnibus: The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, which already…
The Hill
Critics threaten lawsuit over drone registration rules
The Hill discusses the FAA drone regulations with Marc Scribner. The Washington, D.C.-based Competitive Enterprise Institute said Monday the FAA violated federal requirements…
USA Today
FAA begins drone registry Dec. 21
USA Today reports on the FAA drone regulations and quotes Marc Scribner on the final rule. Marc Scribner, a transportation expert at the…
FAA Task Force recommends registration for drones over 9 ounces
GoGeomatics references Marc Scribner on the FAA's plan to regulate drones. However, there is considerable doubt that the FAA will be able to…
The Washington Times
How to Keep the Internet Free and Innovative
Unless the courts or Congress rein it in, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) might soon transform itself into the Internet Regulation Commission. On December 4,…
USA Today
Net Neutrality Rules to be Argued in Court
USA Today discusses CEI's involvement with opposing the FCC's net neutrality rules. USTelecom, a trade association that counts among its members AT&T and…
Myths and Facts about the Wire Act
Full Document Available in PDF Myth: The 1961 Federal Wire was intended to ban all online gambling. Fact: At the time of…
Debunking Myths about Internet Gambling
Preventing states from legalizing and regulating online gambling would push American online gamblers back into the black market.
Understanding an Internet Sales Tax
21st century taxation without representation? Attempts to expand states’ abilities to tax online sales across borders are wildly unpopular and fly in the face of fiscal conservative…
Homeland Security Today
Planning A Drone As A Holiday Gift? FAA Task Force Calls For UAS Registration
Homeland Security Today discusses the FAA drone registration mandate plans with Marc Scribner. According to Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) transportation policy expert Marc…
DHS chief suggests ‘legislative teeth’ for Visa Waiver tweaks
Politico highlights Marc Scribner's insights on the FAA drone registration mandates. The Competitive Enterprise Institute said it is “disturbed by the way in which…
News Release
Drone Task Force Report to FAA on Mandatory Drone
The drone registration task force has now issued its recommendations to the FAA concerning plans to require registration for commercial/civilian drones. But the FAA’s plan…
Net Neutrality Questions FCC Commissioners Need to Answer
In a House Energy & Commerce Committee oversight hearing on Tuesday, November 17, all five Federal Communications Commissioners will testify. Net neutrality, the FCC’s broad push…
Drones: FAA wants to be the DMV for flying toys
CFPB’s Database Should Be Bipartisan Privacy Concern
The behemoth Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) played a big role in Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate on Fox Business, both during the commercials and…
Passcode for Liberty: Why the Government Shouldn’t Restrict Encryption (Video)
Most Americans own a smartphone and use cloud computing services such as Gmail, Dropbox, and Facebook. Increasingly, we store sensitive data on our devices and…
St. Cloud Times
Register all drones? Fears surround DOT mandate plan
The St. Cloud Times discusses with Marc Scribner the problems behind FAA drone regulations. "Do we expect pilots to see tiny numbering on these…
RealClear Policy
Undermining Encryption
Ryan Radia discusses the problem with encryption restrictions in RealClear Policy: For most Americans, communicating over the Internet has become routine. We now…
As Senate Cybersecurity Vote Nears, CISA Remains Seriously Flawed
If Congress wants to lift barriers to beneficial information sharing without endangering individual privacy, it’s essential that legislation contains robust safeguards against unwanted uses of…
Staff & Scholars
Jessica Melugin
Director of the Center for Technology & Innovation
- Antitrust
- Innovation
- Media, Speech and Internet Freedoms
Clyde Wayne Crews
Fred L. Smith Fellow in Regulatory Studies
- Business and Government
- Consumer Freedom
- Deregulation
Fred L. Smith, Jr.
Founder; Chairman Emeritus
- Automobiles and Roads
- Aviation
- Business and Government