Financial CHOICE Act Could Unshackle Small Business
As National Small Business Week is unfolded during the previous week, the House Financial Services Committee marked up a bill on Thursday of last week…
Coin Desk
Bitcoin Needs More Politics, Not Less
Two years ago today, politics invaded the world of bitcoin development. It’s been non-stop controversy ever since. But Gavin Andresen’s essay series, “Time to…
Help the World’s Poor with a Bitcoin and Blockchain Future
In this age of virtual reality and talk of space elevators and head transplants, it can be hard to know what is real versus “fake…
Washington Times
Pulling the Administrative State off Autopilot
Reducing burdensome regulations could unleash the full potential of America This past weekend marked President Trump’s 100th day in office. While tax cuts and health…
Washington Examiner
The Wire Act was Already Restored
In his April 24 op-ed, lobbyist Jon Bruning presented several alternative facts about our nation’s gambling laws and history. The most egregious error was…
New Trump Executive Order Seeks To Boost Agriculture And Rural America
“My farmer died.” —Punchline to the old joke about why a USDA employee is weeping at his desk The ratio of number of farmers…
The Spectator Australia
“Buy Ethical” Will Only Harm the World’s Poorest
For the past four years, Baptist World Aid Australia have been releasing their annual Behind the Barcode report into the working conditions of…
Reform Bill Trades Foreign Aid For Corporate Welfare
A new foreign aid bill soon to be introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives looks to substitute U.S. development assistance in favor of private…
Investor's Business Daily
World Bank And IMF Get African Development Wrong, Again
It’s springtime in Washington D.C., which, for the uninitiated, means not only cherry blossoms and Nationals’ baseball, but the spectacle of the World Bank’s and…
New Trump Executive Orders Spotlight Interior And Education ‘Regulatory Dark Matter’
Executive orders and proclamations expanding the scope of Washington over the nation’s business characterized much of the Barack Obama presidency. The former president himself–not just…
Only Economic Freedom Will Keep Africa Growing
Ever since African nations began to gain independence in the 1960s, Western countries have looked to assist their economic development. While the nature of this…
The March For Science Should Demand Separation of Science And State
My second youngest son wanted to head downtown to D.C. for the March for Science. I had to explain to him that’s not quite…
The Only Way Trump’s Washington Can Be Smaller In Four Years
There are now several moving and overlapping parts to President Donald Trump’s streamlining, swamp-draining, “deconstruction of the administrative state” agenda. Last week brought Office…
The Huffington Post
Africa’s Economy Needs to Come out of the Shadows
Westerners used to call sub-Saharan Africa “the Dark Continent.” That epithet reflected a willful ignorance of the continent’s civilizations, cultures, and history, and helped justify…
USA Today
Quit Paris Climate Treaty: Opposing View
President Trump’s advisers are debating recommendations on the Paris climate treaty. Reported arguments for staying in it appear to be no more than rationalizations to…
Real Clear Policy
A Chance to Improve the FCC
The new Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, has his work cut out for him. He must move the FCC’s approach to…
The Hill
Overtime Pay Isn’t A Cure-All: Make Work Flexible Without The Red Tape
Proponents of the Obama-era overtime rule claim that arbitrarily raising the cost of labor at a new, higher salary threshold would help workers achieve a…
The Hill
Republicans Of All People Should Shun Federal Online Gambling Ban
America’s governors want Congress to end a longstanding ban on internet gambling — at least, enough of them do to warrant the National Governor’s…
Happy 5th Birthday, JOBS Act! — Celebrate By Expanding Deregulation
After the recent failure of the Republican-sponsored “repeal and replace” health care bill, it’s hard to imagine members of this Congress coming to consensus even…
American Legislative Exchange Council
Gaming – It’s a Matter of State Sovereignty
During the last Super Bowl, as many as half of the 113 million viewers made some kind of a wager on the outcome…
Counterpoint: Abolishing the CFPB Will be Good for Consumers – and the Constitution
Editor’s Note: For an alternative viewpoint, please see: Counterpoint: Abolishing the CFPB Will be Good for Consumers – and the Constitution Access to capital…
American Legislative Exchange Council
End the Madness by Letting States Legalize Sports Betting
With the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) Men’s Basketball Championship in full swing, sports fans around the nation eagerly follow the action not just to…
The Huffington Post
Resisting Executive Excess Means Relearning Lessons from the Past
Defenders of checks and balances should be happy that a circuit split on President Trump’s executive order on immigration means that the Supreme…
The Hill
Skinny Trump budget has fat omission: NLRB cuts
President Trump has released his “skinny budget” giving a blueprint of where the administration would like to see spending and cutbacks at federal agencies.
Huffington Post
Don’t Remain in the Dark: Celebrate Human Achievement
The World Wildlife Fund is calling on people around the world to show their “commitment to the planet” by sitting in the dark for…
Real Clear Policy
The Truth About Vaping
We can’t be trusted with the truth about e-cigarettes’ health risks — that’s what government health officials and many advocates seem to think. Almost every…
Wall Street Journal
For a Cost of Only $16 per Californian . . .
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) writes that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s decision to defer a $647 million federal grant for Caltrain electrification was “foolhardy”…
Regulations Cost U.S. Business More Than Canada’s GDP
President Donald Trump’s administration has been busy issuing a flurry of executive orders intended to reduce regulatory burdens on businesses that keep them from adding…
Washington Examiner
EPA has been neglecting clean air to freelance on climate change
While critics and supporters alike pore over President Trump’s proposed federal budget to pinpoint programs that will suffer and savings that will benefit taxpayers, President…
The Conservative Online
Market Institutions Never Evolved For The Environment; And That’s Why It Can’t Be Properly Protected
As Joseph Schumpeter noted, free markets had a good first century (the 1750s to 1850s). A market economy produced massive improvements in the quality of…
Here’s What Donald Trump And Congress Should Do About Regulatory Dark Matter
It’s becoming too easy for federal agencies to steer private activity without issuing “real” regulations anymore. Instead, we get regulatory dark matter — particularly…
Science 2.0
Draining the Junk Science Swamp
President Trump’s says he came to Washington to “drain the swamp,” and now his administration is looking for wasteful programs to cut. A great start…
Fox News
End the madness: Let adults bet on sports
This month, millions of Americans will participate in March Madness—friendly betting pools on the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) Men’s Basketball Championship. People from diverse…
Investor's Business Daily
Labor Reform Is Necessary To Sustain Economic Optimism, Growth
Economic optimism is on the rise among small businesses and consumers alike, judging from recent surveys. The monthly Index of Small Business Optimism finds…
Spectator Health
Salt is not the enemy. It’s time authorities stopped demonising it
Forty years ago, the United States senate undertook the near-impossible task of reviewing all existing evidence on nutrition in order to recommend a diet for…
States Give Trump Administration Roadmap for Government Union Reform
President Donald Trump has signaled federal workforce reform is a high priority as a means to cut wasteful spending and improve the delivery of public…
The Washington Times
Nixing the Paris climate pact
Recent media reports suggest a conflict within the Trump White House over whether to keep the president’s campaign promise “to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement,”…
National Review
Financial CHOICE Act Must Keep Durbin Repeal
After the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, the next big task facing Congress will be reform of the equally awful Dodd-Frank Act. House Financial Services…
‘Cordray Tower’ And Other Reasons For Trump To Fire CFPB Director Cordray
Even before its namesake ran for President, Trump Tower was seen as a symbol of the ultimate in opulence. Since the election, some have quipped…
Washington Examiner
New DNC chair Tom Perez has record of executive overreach
On Saturday, former Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Many portray Perez as the moderate pick compared to…
National Review
It’s Time to Shine a Light on Regulatory ‘Dark Matter’
Regulation is not the only way the federal bureaucracy inhibits innovation. President Donald Trump’s desire to shrink the regulatory state by significantly cutting the number…
The Hill
Unlike Puzder, Acosta’s commitment to business growth is unclear
During the Obama administration, Republicans in Congress criticized the Department of Labor for its pro-union activism and economically crippling government mandates that hurt worker opportunity…
Fox News
Here’s why Trump’s Labor pick Andy Puzder will help grow the economy and create jobs
Under the Obama administration, the Department of Labor put out numerous regulations and abrupt policy changes that increased the cost of doing business in America…
The Wall Street Journal
Letter to the Editor: Both Parties Have Many With Trump Trauma
Over a year ago, Paul Krugman coined the term “Trumpenfreude,” meaning the glee or satisfaction experienced by Democrats watching the Republican Party slit its own…
Washington Times
Protecting consumers from swindlers: How ‘fake facts’ make millions for class-action lawyers
For the Washington Times, senior attorney Ted Frank writes: "... trial lawyers can dodge the courts that balk at alternative facts and instead file settlements…
Washington Examiner
Union membership hits rock bottom
Union memberships keep declining. The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report on union membership found the trend has not changed. This time, it’s declined…
Independent Journal Review
I’ve Had A Green Card Since 1999 – Trump’s Executive Order Shows The Overreach Of Presidential Power
Green card holders like me received an unwelcome present from the Trump administration this weekend. In the course of the fiasco surrounding the president’s executive…
US News & World Report
Take a Gamble on Sports Betting: On Super Bowl Sunday, millions of Americans will violate a silly law against gambling on professional sports
In the wake of an intensely polarizing presidential election, there’s comfort in knowing that about half of the nation, regardless of race, gender or…
Trump And The Federal Bureaucracy Just Collided — Here’s What Happens Next
Agencies’ rules and regulations surged during Barack Obama’s last year, helping create a Federal Register 20 percent larger than the prior record. Bureaus and…
Foundation for Economic Education
The Epic Failure of the Government Gas Can
Part of living on Earth is mowing its grass and performing outdoor chores. Last International Earth Day, while the Globe held hands and celebrated Gaia…
American Legislative Exchange Council
Missouri May Become Model State for Government Union Labor Relations
A right-to-work bill making its way through Missouri’s legislature is generating most of the labor-related headlines in the Show-Me state. However, government union reform legislation…
Learn Liberty
5 Weird Ways Prohibition Still Exists Today
You would think that more than 80 years after the 21st Amendment repealed Prohibition, policymakers would have eliminated senseless restrictions on the sale of wine,…
Fox Business
A Trade Policy to Boost American Competitiveness
President Donald Trump’s early actions on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, North American Free Trade Agreement, and the nomination of avowed protectionists to key roles have shaken…
National Review
The UK Supreme Court’s Brexit Decision: Probably Right and Yet So Unnecessary
The UK’s Supreme Court has ruled that Parliament must agree to make Britain’s exit from the European Union, which the British people voted for…
Donald Trump’s 100 Day Executive Action Agenda
New presidents emphasize 100-day priorities, but president-elect Donald J. Trump likely has a 100-minute agenda. An early post-election action instructed transition managers to “develop…
Obama’s Legacy: Here’s A Raft Of Executive Actions Trump May Target
It’s president Barack Obama’s last week. Is the American left ready to consider reining in executive power yet? Coming to terms with the bipartisan stake…
The Hill
Use Holman Rule on federal employees that work full-time for union
Last week, Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.) resurrected a little-known procedural rule that allows lawmakers to slash a federal employee’s pay to $1. What is known…
Trump Must Take On The Cronyism Challenge
For President-elect Donald Trump to deliver on his “make American great again,” promise, economic growth must again exceed today’s anemic rate. Reforming tax policy, reducing…
Foundation for Economic Education
Lower Costs, Not Regulations, Will Save the Environment
I have a long bus commute to work in Washington DC. Most mornings I am engrossed in reading the latest news or a scholarly article,…
Sun Sentinel
Counterpoint: Flimsiness of Obama’s regulatory legacy telling
President Obama’s regulatory-based legacy will be easy to unravel because most anything one president can do unilaterally, a subsequent president can undo. The flimsiness of…
A CES Takeaway: Don’t Fear Robots And Artificial Intelligence–Fear Politicians
Maroon 5 keeps popping up on my Pandora stations, so artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning still have a ways to go. Even if AI…
The Wall Street Journal
Obama’s Regulations Aren’t the Only Trump Target
Overregulation didn’t start during the Obama administration. President-Elect Trump and the new Congress need to go further.
Washington Times
Donald Trump and Environmental Regulation
While President Trump will need legislative approval by Congress to accomplish parts of his economic policy agenda, he can also implement several critical initiatives on his sole…
The Hill
New President, New (Anti-)Red Tape Agenda
Federal regulators issue thousands of regulations every year. Decrees range from the Environmental Protection Agency’s gargantuan Clean Power Plan and “Waters of the United States”…
Obama White House Releases Final Cost Of Regulation Report
The day before Christmas Eve, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released the 2016 Draft Report to Congress on the Benefits…
Coal In The Stocking – Obama Regulatory Rulebook Breaks Record By 13,000 Pages
When I was a kid, Dad always told my sister and me that if Santa Claus caught us awake on Christmas Eve, he’d put pepper…
Brexit Central
How a US-UK free trade deal could revolutionise world trade
While the incoming Trump administration has given much of the world something to fear regarding future US trade policy, for good reason, there is a…
Fox News
Here’s why the Senate should help Trump repudiate the Paris climate agreement
The election of Donald J. Trump to be the next president will soon enable congressional advocates of pro-growth energy policy to go on the offense…
The Claremont Review of Books
Bullying Culture
Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel has written an insightful, important book on the Left’s efforts to drive market-friendly voices from the public square. A…
The Claremont Review of Books
Thomas Friedman, Phone Home
In his ceaseless efforts to boost green energy, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has engaged in propaganda that is so blatant and so bogus…
The Claremont Review of Books
What’s the Best Way to Create More Jobs?
Unleash the power of small business. The US Senate just passed a bill called the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act. The thrust of the…
A Better ‘Pledge’: Congress Shall Make No Law
When I think of a “Pledge” I’m reminded of my fraternity days and being hazed and lightly humiliated. House Republicans are offering their “Pledge to…
The Progressive Era’s Derailment of Classical Liberal Evolution
It is true that where a considerable part of the costs incurred are external costs from the point of view of the acting individuals…
National Review
Vital Votes on Energy Today
The House is voting today on Rep. Fred Upton’s Energy Tax Prevention Act and the Senate will be voting on the McConnell amendment, both…
National Review
A Third Strike Against US Businesses
By responding hastily and irrationally to the recent upsurge in corporate indebtedness, congressional tax-writing committees might well create a major economic distortion in an already-biased…
New York Times
Friendlier Skies? (Letter to the Editor)
A Feb. 3 front-page article announced the welcome news that more airline competition is coming to Eastern markets, spurred by the entry of Southwest…
New York Times
The Paul Ryan Vice Presidential Choice And The Other National Debt
No matter Mitt Romney’s running-mate candiate selection, cable news saturation of America for a couple days would have been and will be inevitable. Especially when…
National Review
Who is ‘Richard Windsor’?
In The Liberal War on on Transparency, published by Threshold Editions last month, I revealed the existence of a series of black, or “alias” email…
The Wall Street Journal
Senate Can Help With Jobs if it Will
Washington Examiner
How Congress can fix labor and employment laws in 2017
Reining in the top federal labor regulatory agencies should be a top priority for the new Congress. The National Labor Relations Board, created by Congress…
Foundation for Economic Education
San Francisco Turns against Its Own Startup Airbnb
San Francisco is the birthplace of Airbnb. Even so, politicians in this city have created some of the most restrictive home-sharing regulations in the…
The Daily Signal
How Trump Can Curb the Power of Unelected Regulators
Do federal agencies face any limits on their power? Recently, a federal appeals court ruled that Richard Cordray’s position as director of the Consumer…
Daily Caller
Constitutional Stakes Are High In New Jersey’s Sports-Gambling Case
Against all odds, Americans elected Donald Trump—a casino mogul, among other things—as its 45th President. In the aftermath of this surprising election, the Supreme Court…
Financial Times
Castro Inherited Cuba’s Admired Achievements
Paul Hare notes that “Cuba’s education and healthcare are still widely admired in the developing world.” (“Castro’s Legacy Makes Cuba’s Progress Harder,” November 29). But…
CNS News
That Time Obama Promoted Myth of Excellent Health Care and Education in Cuba
In his recent remarks in Cuba, President Obama offered glowing praise to institutions in that communist country that did not deserve it. The president…
Foundation for Economic Education
How AirBNB Awakens Dormant Capital
Every day, modern liberal economies create wealth. That wealth translates into better health, better education, art, literature, and the finer things of life. We only…
Donald Trump Promises To Eliminate Two Regulations For Every One Enacted
President elect Donald Trump, in a new video covering the transition and policy for the first 100 days, promises to get rid of regulation on…
Fox News
Labor and employment priorities for the Trump administration
President-elect Donald Trump says economic growth and job creation are top priorities of his administration, and with good reason. For much of the past eight…
Independent Journal Review
It’s Time For The New President And Congress To Think Big When It Comes To Cutting Government Waste
Political revolutions don’t come around often: Margaret Thatcher in Britain in 1979, the fall of the Berlin Wall in Eastern Europe in 1990, the Contract…
USA Today
Let the Market Take Care of Infrastructure
As the dust continues to settle from President-elect Donald Trump’s surprising victory, one idea is quickly gaining bipartisan currency in Washington: more infrastructure investment. House…
Obama White House Releases Its Final Regulatory Agenda
The White House has published the Fall 2016 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. It’s appearing the weekend before Thanksgiving — yet…
Obama’s Midnight Regulations To Get Increased Scrutiny From Congress And Trump
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-California) and other Republican leadership members just sent a letter to Obama administration regulatory agency heads telling them to…
Court Must Overturn ‘Obamacare for your IRA’
Note: This column was coauthored by Pamela Villarreal, senior fellow at the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis. Access to financial advice and a variety…
Trump Could Fight Zika with Regulatory Reform
President-elect Donald Trump has promised that he will focus on reversing an expanding federal regulatory burden. As part of that agenda, he should address regulatory…
Donald Trump And The 115th Congress Could Get Rid Of These 140 Obama Regulations
Many observers are weighing in on the rules and regulations that a new Trump administration might be inclined to eliminate. The Hill, for example, compiled…
Investor's Business Daily
Here’s How The President and Congress Can ‘Rein In’ Regulation
President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald J. Trump have something important in common. They both have a chance to help America's job creators out from…
Five ways President Trump could jump-start economic growth
Too many Americans feel left behind by the weak economic growth and diminished job opportunities under the Obama administration. Too many people have seen their…
Lessons From A Decade Of “Conscious Capitalism”
What can 220 CEOs learn at a “Conscious Capitalism” conference? Perhaps valuable insights into the purpose and value of their businesses. Perhaps also, ways to…
How President-Elect Donald Trump Can Fast-Track Deregulation And Wealth Creation
On this, the day after the election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th president (yes, he has already updated his Twitter profile), President…
Brexit Central
The Trump Presidency could mean a world trade war but Congress may push a US-UK trade deal
Against all the odds, Donald Trump has just pulled off a surprising victory in the US Presidential election. Given that much of his loudest rhetoric…