National Review
Google Bans Payday Loan Ads: Who Needs Operation Choke Point?
Yesterday, Google announced in a blog post that it was changing the terms of its advertising service to ban payday-loan ads. Their reasoning was…
Real Clear Policy
Lawmakers’ Salt Fixation Harms Our Nation’s Health
America has a salt problem — and it's not high blood pressure. The Obama administration plans to set voluntary sodium targets for processed food makers…
Foundation for Economic Education
Is the British Prime Minister a Tax Dodger?
It’s the issue that consumed British politicians and newspapers at the end of April. What Britons do about it will determine whether their nation will…
Financial Protection Bureau Takes Aim at Consumers
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) just proposed limiting binding-arbitration clauses in credit card contracts and other forms of consumer credit. This does not come…
National Review
The CFPB Moves to Ban Arbitration Clauses — Better Lawyer Up
Add another 377 pages to the ever-burgeoning length of the Dodd-Frank Act. Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Racket Bureau announced that it would use its…
The Hill
Presidential candidates should talk about regulation
From “lyin’” to “low-energy,” the current election’s lowering of the rhetorical bar to levels that challenge even the most nimble limbo dancer is more than…
Cato Unbound
The Administrative State’s Irredeemable Devotion to Central Power
Wealth Management
Why the DOL Rule Is Bad for Small Savers
The Department of Labor’s (DOL) “fiduciary rule,” likely to first take effect in June unless blocked by Congress or the courts, will deprive small…
When Anything Could Be The ‘Next Tobacco’
When political operators win big with a clever legal strategy, you can be sure it’ll be used again. One strategy that paid off handsomely for…
Washington Times
New concerns about free speech – Letter to the Editor
The Justice Department’s demand that the University of New Mexico define any “unwelcome” speech about sexual matters as “sexual harassment” violates the First Amendment. (“‘Harassment’…
National Review
I’m So Fed Up, I’m Suing the TSA
Nature Biotechnology, Volume 34, Number 5
A Risk-Based Approach to the Regulation of Genetically Engineered Organisms
New York Times
Monopolies, Like Google, Are Innovators, Which Is Good for Consumers
Last week, the European Commission brought new antitrust charges against Google, alleging the company unfairly favors its own services on smartphones running its Android operating…
National Review
A Chance to Stop Obamacare for Your IRA
A few weeks ago I warned about the Department of Labor’s “Fiduciary Rule” – Obamacare for your retirement accounts. Now comes a chance…
The Hill
Department of labor overtime rule is a roadblock to a bright career path
Obama labor regulators are touting a plan to boost wages, but unfortunately for people living in the real world, it’s a bill of false goods.
The Washington Post
The Environmental Campaign that Punishes Free Speech
With seven state attorneys general and Al Gore sharing a New York City stage, there was no doubt about it: It was showtime for…
Celebrating International Mother Earth Day With A Normal Western Civilization Gas Can
It’s the weekend after International Mother Earth Day 2016, and the United States signed the Paris Climate Agreement. To President Barack Obama, the…
Daily Caller
Be The Earth Day You Want To See
With Earth Day upon us, millions of Americans will be looking for a way to observe the event and celebrate the planet’s bounty and resources.
The Hill
Crunch time: Will Congress rescue America from the Paris Agreement?
Time is running out for congressional leaders to rescue America from the Paris Agreement, the capstone of President Obama’s agenda to kill off affordable…
Detroit News
NLRB rule threatens worker right to privacy
The National Labor Relations Board, charged with conducting private-sector union elections, is now implementing an “ambush election” rule overhauling the union election process. The rule…
Fox News
Email bombshell: Attorneys General worked with Green groups to punish political opponents
Emails obtained by the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) show that the offices of New York Democratic Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and those…
Why President Barack Obama’s Executive Order On Competition Is Anti-Competitive
When you see a headline like “Obama to Sign Executive Order to Ignite Corporate Competition” you have to scratch your head at the premise,…
New York Times
Dodd-Frank Is Hurting Those Who Had Nothing to Do With the Financial Crisis
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has done too little to address the real causes of the financial crisis and too much…
Tribune News Service
Banning Cars from Urban Centers: Costly, Few Benefits Provided
“Take back our streets!” is a common refrain among urban activists. No, they’re not talking about reducing violent crime, as many of them reside in…
CNS News
Coercive Union Power Can Still Be Abated Despite SCOTUS Decision in Friedrichs
Public sector workers in over 20 states must continue paying union dues, like it or not, after the Supreme Court deadlocked in Friedrichs v California…
Foundation for Economic Education
Why Is the Middle Class So Angry?
The middle class is angry. Feeling left out of sharing in the nation’s prosperity the way they used to, they are increasingly turning to…
Let’s stop making air transport security worse
A few weeks ago, I planned a trip to Berlin for mid-March. I initially thought to tack on a couple of extra days to conduct…
American Legislative Exchange Council
What Can be Done after Friedrichs?
Public sector workers in over 20 states must continue paying union dues, like it or not, after the Supreme Court deadlocked in Friedrichs v California…
Real Clear Policy
Minimum Wage: Is Job Loss Acceptable?
Finally, some minimum-wage advocates are acknowledging the policy's tradeoffs. New School economics professor David Howell recently asked the Washington Post, "Why shouldn't we in…
Speech-chilling subpoena issued by Virgin Islands AG in climate investigation
Yesterday, just a few days after the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) criticized investigations of Exxon by state Attorneys General over its speech related to climate…
Library of Law and Liberty
The New Eco Tyranny
Last week, the attorneys general of 20 states met at a conference “dedicated to coming up with creative ways to enforce laws being flouted by…
Charleston Gazette-Mail
Trey Kovacs: NLRB rule threatens worker privacy
Poll after poll indicates Americans value their privacy. Yet government is a top offender in this regard, with federal agencies infringing on private citizens’ information…
Inside Sources
NLRB Rule Threatens Worker Right to Privacy
Poll after poll indicates Americans value their privacy. Yet government is a top offender in this regard, with federal agencies infringing on private citizens’ information…
Protecting Our Semi-Privacy After The Department Of Justice Apple iPhone Hack
The Department of Justice-sponsored unlocking of the Apple iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino murderers without Apple’s help reaffirmed that an overly encryption-based…
National Review
Obamacare for Your IRA is Here
This administration can’t see a private market transaction it can keep its hands off. The latest example is a new regulation with the snooze-inducing title…
Won’t Cut Federal Spending? Then Cap The Cost Of Regulation
Last week a group of libertarian and conservative groups issued a coalition letter calling on Congress to cap regulatory costs. While some of us…
National Review
Tentatively for Universal Basic Income
Michael Strain, as is only to be expected, does a great job outlining the pros and cons of a universal basic income (UBI) before…
Real Clear Policy
M.I.A.: GOP Leaders and the Paris Agreement
The recently adopted Paris Agreement on climate change endangers the U.S. economy, our constitutional framework, and the future of conservative politics. So why aren't…
Science 2.0
Outdated Science And Alarmism Drives Flame Retardant Debate
Learning from history should keep us from repeating our mistakes. Yet when it comes to environmental politics, the opposite seems to be true. History and…
MetLife’s Victory Also Good for Fintech Innovators
Insurance giant MetLife won a big victory Wednesday as a district court rescinded the government’s designation of the firm as “systemically important.” Though not…
My Celebrity Lyft Driver
Schneiderman Targets Peabody Energy: Shareholder Protection or War on Coal?
Full Document Available in PDF Did New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman investigate Peabody Energy to protect shareholders against “misrepresentation” of climate-related…
How the Fiduciary Rule Will Harm Fintech and Startups
Add startup entrepreneurs and Fintech innovators to the long list of potential victims of the Department of Labor’s pending fiduciary rule. There is already bipartisan…
Washington Times
The global warming industry’s RICO gambit
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a law adopted to fight organized crime. Yet, in recent months, a chorus has emerged calling…
Daily Caller
Trade With The Cuban People, Not Castro, Inc.
Libertarians have long argued that lifting the Cuban embargo, allowing free trade to flourish with the Cuban people, would do more to bring down the…
Antitrust Regulation Is Getting A Bit Smarter
Antitrust Regulation Is Getting A Bit Smarter
Obama Spouts Big Govt at Austin Festival
President Obama traveled here to the ongoing South by Southwest festival from Washington, D.C. — and so did I. In his March 11 presentation, he…
National Review
Obama Lectures Britons About Europe – Perhaps It Should Be the Other Way Around
U.S. News & World Report
Apple Employees: Just Say No
The FBI is putting relentless pressure on Apple to hack the encrypted iPhone recovered from the San Bernardino shooters. For thwarting ongoing efforts to force…
National Review
The CFPB is a Great Example of Why People Feel Powerless
Tomorrow, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray takes the stand at a House Financial Services Committee hearing. He deserves to be hauled over the…
GOP Releases Contested 2017 Balanced Budget Proposal — With A Regulatory Budget Alongside
House Republican leadership released their 2017 “Balanced Budget for a Stronger America” fiscal year budget proposal. It seeks to balance the budget in 10…
Washington Examiner
Want to save lives? Don’t regulate e-cigarettes
Smoking kills nearly half a million Americans every year. Tobacco-less vaping products, like electronic cigarettes, have helped many people kick their deadly smoking habit. So…
CNS News
Skittish About ‘Capitalism’ – But Who Is Really Rigging the Game?
This political season, Americans are skittish about capitalism. Some fear it will create inequality and wage stagnation, while others simply lack clarity on what capitalism…
Real Clear Policy
Labor Regulators Target McDonald’s
Imagine the government brings charges against you but won't tell you what you're accused of. The judge insists you should know and proceeds with the…
Foundation for Economic Education
Government Targets the App Economy
The sharing economy promises such radical change that economist Klaus Schwab is calling it The Fourth Industrial Revolution. But unlike the previous revolutions, its…
Yes, The Fiduciary Rule Could Censor Dave Ramsey And Others Providing Over-The-Air Financial Tips
If there were a “fiduciary” rule requiring pundits to accurately describe a pending bill or regulation to their readers, Slate’s Helaine Olen would be in…
Three Decades On, The Fight For Economic Freedom Continues
Americans want honorable, thoughtful government but are no longer sure that result is possible. Government has now grown so gigantic, arrogant, powerful, and pervasive that…
Nobody Knows The Cost Of Antitrust Regulation, And That’s Bad
Antitrust regulation is hardly insignificant, and its costs need to be recognized in today’s world. We’ve seen interference into ATT‘s attempted merger with T-Mobile, delays…
How Fiduciary Rule May Censor Financial Broadcasters Like Dave Ramsey
Popular financial radio show host Dave Ramsey caused a firestorm on Twitter last week when he weighed in against the “fiduciary rule”—the controversial pending Department…
Washington Times
Hindering worker opportunities
Congress passes laws that can upend entire industries, hinder worker opportunities, and raise prices on consumers. But when such laws impact Congress itself,…
Today’s Free Trade: Not Free and Not Trade
This Thursday, the US Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on “Lessons from the past” in implementing free trade deals. There’s a lot to…
The Growing Outrage Of Off-The-Books Federal Regulation
President Barack Obama has practically trademarked going around Congress, proclaiming “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone. And that’s all I…
Memo To Presidential Candidates: Here’s How Oversight Of Federal Red Tape Is A Total Disaster
"[A]s more goals are pursued through rules and regulations mandating private outlays rather than through direct government expenditures, the Federal budget is an…
Washington Post
Fading hope for the Supreme Court
I’m saddened by the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia [“Supreme Court conservative dismayed liberals,” front page, Feb. 14]. He applied the law faithfully,…
Inside Sources
Bipartisan Bill Allows Government to Continue Salt Experiment on Kids
In the scientific community, it is a breach of professional ethics to conduct research on people without their informed consent. But not for the federal…
Super Bowl Ads Need To Reach Both Citizens And Consumers
As an observer of corporate advertising, I found the quality and style of the Super Bowl 50 ads disappointing. Once again, there were plenty of…
National Review
Obamaloans Are Back
As I warned back in 2014, the President’s budget contains a clear sign that he would like to nationalize the small dollar lending market.
Obama’s Budget Proposal Tops $4 Trillion, But Don’t Look To Republicans For Anything Better
Obama’s $4.147 trillion 2017 fiscal budget proposal won’t even merit a hearing in Congress, but it highlights similarities more than differences with Republicans. Among other…
CNS News
Zika Wake-Up Call: Mosquito Borne Diseases Pose Threat to US
The spread of the mosquito-transmitted Zika virus should be yet another wake-up call for public officials around the world. As a relatively new threat,…
Real Clear Policy
Washington’s ‘Dark Matter’ Regulations
In a recent Gallup poll, Americans named the government as the top problem facing our nation for the second year in a row —…
Daily Caller
Energy Bill Greens Financial Agencies
Cronyism and boondoggles in a massive energy bill – or any bill of similar length with dozens of provisions and hundreds of pages — is…
Wall Street Journal
Office for Civil Rights Should Respect Rights
The Wall Street Journal features Hans Bader's letter to the editor. Harvard Law Prof. Jacob Gersen is right to criticize the Education Department…
The Chipotle Effect: When Companies Believe Their Own Hype
Earlier this week the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finally closed the books on the investigation of the E. coli outbreaks at multiple…
National Review
Who Ruined Air Travel? The Airlines, their Unions, and their Politicians
Over on the homepage, Josh Gelernter makes a strong case that the left ruined air travel. He is right when…
National Review
West Lake Landfill Boondoggle Another Nail in the Coffin of Superfund
If you want an example of how the Federal Government isn’t really interested in environmental cleanup you couldn’t go far wrong with looking at the…
CNS News
State Attorney General Climate Change Investigations Are Unconstitutional
Should government officials be able to cut off donations to groups because they employ people disparaged as “climate change deniers,” even if the group in…
National Review
Are There Economic Policy Answers to Trump Voters’ Woes?
Tim Carney, in the Washington Examiner, well sums up the main grievances of both Trump and Sanders voters: the lack of prospects facing blue collar…
The Freeman
Why Government Should Not Regulate the App Economy
In Damon Runyon’s Broadway stories (and in the musical Guys and Dolls), a gambler named Nathan Detroit hosts New York’s oldest established floating crap game,…
National Review
The Administration Is Ruling by Decree
Yesterday, the Department of Labor unexpectedly issued a new rule (which it called an interpretation) that will upend thousands of businesses’ established practices. It did…
Shaky Stock Market A Signal Obama Should Reconsider Veto Threat On Red Tape Relief
In his final State of the Union Address, with a sinking stock market as backdrop, President Barack Obama said, “I think there are outdated regulations…
The Economist
Free Speech on Campus
Judges have long ruled that the First Amendment of the American constitution protects many forms of hateful speech. So the official at the University of…
Real Clear Policy
Obama Should Rein In the NLRB
In President Obama's State of the Union address, he echoed a theme that has been constant throughout his tenure: "How do we give everyone a…
Obama’s Legacy: An Abundance Of Executive Actions
President Barack Obama’s final-year aspirations as outlined in an earlier-than-usual State of the Union Address will likely showcase executive action on gun control (watch for…
Let Small Businesses Fuel Job Growth Again
As 2015 has come to an end, the Federal Reserve has finally raised interest rates, but they will still remain near zero. Zero also approximates…
Prospective Injunctive Relief And Class Settlements
View Full Document as PDF In 2012 the District of Kansas approved the settlement of a class action against Costco brought on behalf…
Real Clear Policy
Reforming Regulation in 2016
The year 2015 was a record-setting one for regulation. The 2015 Federal Register, the daily digest where agencies publish proposed and final rules, reached 82,035…
CES 2016, Where Technology And Government Collide
At the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) here in Las Vegas, I got around to taking a few snapshots. There is the Consumer Technology Association’s…
The Washington Examiner
What the Near-Death of the Railroad Industry Can Teach American Business Leaders
Business executives deal with the spiraling cost of complying with government regulation every day. This burden has become so large and pervasive that many have…
Inside Sources
Holiday Toy Safety: Common Sense Trumps Activist Advice
For Inside Sources, Angela Logomasini writes on the seasonal overactive alarmism around chemicals in children’s toys: If you believe the U.S. Public Interest…
Coal Blog
EPA’s Clean Power Plan Does Not Deserve Judicial Respect
On August 3rd, President Obama announced his administration’s signature global warming policy, known as the Clean Power Plan. In the simplest of terms, the Clean…
National Review
Omnibus Bill: Search in Vain for the Regulatory Relief
There are certainly some good things in the Omnibus Spending/Tax Extenders bills that dropped early this morning (though I…
The Internet Grinch Tax Threat
Proposals to expand sales tax collection on Internet purchases just won’t go away. And this holiday shopping season—which kicked off with a $3 billion Cyber…
The Wall Street Journal
Help the Small and Nimble Get a Start Going Public
Christopher Mims writes that letting ordinary Americans invest in the early stages of high-growth firms “has long been the dream” of equity crowdfunding advocates (“Startup…
Washington Post
How to Keep Fairfax Teachers in the Classroom
The Fairfax County Public Schools system is facing a massive budget shortfall: $72 million for the 2016 school year. With such a large budget deficit,…
The Washington Examiner
Congress can rein in NLRB by withholding funds
Congress is facing a looming deadline. It needs to pass a bill by Dec. 11 to fund the government for the next fiscal year and…
The Daily Caller
A Paris Climate Conference Dispatch
A hearty and collective Bonjour! from Paris, if I may speak for 10,000 functionaries of various governments, 7,000 NGO representatives (you might know them as…
Austin American-Statesman
No sports betting should be a crime
If you have watched any football during the NFL season, you probably saw an advertisement for DraftKings or FanDuel. Part of the rapidly expanding industry…
The Washington Times
How to Keep the Internet Free and Innovative
Unless the courts or Congress rein it in, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) might soon transform itself into the Internet Regulation Commission. On December 4,…
New Obama Rule Could Gag Talk Radio
It is indeed sad that 40 percent of millennials favor the government banning speech that some deem offensive, according to a recent Pew poll. Even…