The Daily Caller
A Paris Climate Conference Dispatch
A hearty and collective Bonjour! from Paris, if I may speak for 10,000 functionaries of various governments, 7,000 NGO representatives (you might know them as…
Austin American-Statesman
No sports betting should be a crime
If you have watched any football during the NFL season, you probably saw an advertisement for DraftKings or FanDuel. Part of the rapidly expanding industry…
The Washington Times
How to Keep the Internet Free and Innovative
Unless the courts or Congress rein it in, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) might soon transform itself into the Internet Regulation Commission. On December 4,…
New Obama Rule Could Gag Talk Radio
It is indeed sad that 40 percent of millennials favor the government banning speech that some deem offensive, according to a recent Pew poll. Even…
How Cars Saved The Montgomery Bus Boycott
December 5, 1955, was a key date in the struggle to eliminate racial segregation laws in the United States. On that date, the African American…
Palm Beach Post
Fantasy sports betting isn’t a federal crime
If you have watched any football during the NFL season, you probably saw an advertisement for DraftKings or FanDuel. Part of the rapidly expanding industry…
American Spectator
Will DOL’s ‘Fiduciary Rule’ Silence Dave Ramsey?
John Berlau writes on how the 'Fiduciary Rule' will regulate the speech of radio shows that give financial advice. It is indeed sad…
National Review
Highway Robbery: Bill Gives IRS Power over Passports
Iain Murray discusses the provision to the highway bill that allows the IRS to revoke passports. This Thanksgiving, we were missing a family…
Pennsylvania Senate begins process of removing Attorney General Kathleen Kane
Examiner features an article by Hans Bader on Pennsylvania's efforts ro remove the worst state Attorney General, Kathleen Kane. A month ago, Pennsylvania Attorney…
Congress Is A Terrible Business Partner
We are beginning to see the unraveling of the Faustian bargain that private health insurance companies made with the Obama administration and the Democratic-controlled Congress…
Las Vegas Sun
Let’s be thankful that now is a fantastic time to be alive
Thanksgiving celebrates human cooperation. And even though the European colonization of America was not exactly a cooperative venture, the inaugural 1621 Plymouth Thanksgiving feast certainly…
Big Sexy Holiday Fun With The Fall 2015 Unified Agenda Of Federal Regulations
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget’s Fall 2015 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions is out, appearing the weekend before Thanksgiving…
Virtuous Capitalism In Theory And Practice
Capitalism has a bad reputation. Many people see it as corrupt, uncaring, and in bed with politicians. And popular wisdom isn’t always wrong. For example,…
CFPB’s Database Should Be Bipartisan Privacy Concern
Newsmax features an article by CEI's John Berlau on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The behemoth Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) played a…
Foundation for Economic Education
How the State Keeps You Working Long Hours
Entrepreneur Tim Ferriss found he had a mega-hit on his hands with his 2007 book, The 4-Hour Workweek, a paean to a new attitude toward…
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Police unions’ lawsuit thumbs nose at taxpayers, constitution
Trey Kovacs discusses the lawsuit filed by the Las Vegas police unions that demand to preserve union release time. This release time relys on taxpayer dollars to…
Real Clear Policy
Obamacare vs. Beer
Michelle Minton, in an article for Real Clear Policy, discusses the implications a provision in the Affordable Care Act may have on the craft brewing…
National Review
Why Liberals Secretly Love Corporations
Iain Murray, in his article for the National Review, investigates why the Left pushes regulatory policies that support the old corporate structure even though this is contrary to…
We Need Protection From Fannie and Freddie
John Berlau, in his article for Newsmax, discusses the future of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the bill that will prevent their bail out.
COMMENTARY: GOP debate’s missing question
The Courier Post published Michelle Minton's article which discusses how the GOP candidates should have approached answering the questions on fantasy football regulations during the…
RealClear Policy
Undermining Encryption
Ryan Radia discusses the problem with encryption restrictions in RealClear Policy: For most Americans, communicating over the Internet has become routine. We now…
Govt Vies for Control Over Your Investment Decisions
John Berlau writes in Newsmax about the recent CEI headed coalition letter to Congress urging them to defund the DOL's "fiduciary rule." A…
National Review
Regulatory Freeze Needs to Be Part of the Deal
Iain Murray discusses regulatory reform in the National Review: Representative Bill Flores’s Terms of Credit Act, which sought to pair the debt limit…
Investor's Business Daily
NLRB Attack On McDonald’s: Transparency For Thee, Not For Me
Who’s the boss? The National Labor Relations Board recently muddled that normally straightforward question. In August, the NLRB, in the case of Browning-Ferris Industries, unilaterally…
The Real Value Of ‘Networking’ In The Business World
Fred Smith discusses "The Real Value of Networking" in Forbes Beating up on capitalism – and business leaders generally – is all the…
The Freeman
Depression-Era Laws Threaten the Sharing Economy
Imagine you’re driving for Uber or Lyft. As an independent contractor, you enjoy setting your own work hours, picking up people you like chatting with…
An Honest Economist In A PC World
Washington Examiner
Taxpayer-Funded Anti-BPA Activism is the Real Danger
Alarmist claims about the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) have reached an absurd level. According to the website, a new study shows that…
The Hill
Unable to ban Internet gambling, lawmakers try for moratorium
The Washington Post
Deregulation and Privatization Are the Ways Forward
In his Oct. 8 op-ed column, “A global economy in peril,” Lawrence Summers argued that current bond prices are a sign that government debt…
Cato Journal: Fall 2015 Vol. 35 No. 3
Government Against Itself: Public Union Power and Its Consequences
Full Document Available in PDF This article was originally published in the Fall 2015 Edition of the Cato Institute’s Cato Journal.
Real Clear Policy
‘Reforming’ the Toxic Substances Control Act
CEI's chemical policy expert, Angela Logomasini, discusses whether the proposed changes to the Toxic Substances Control Act are good or bad for consumers As early…
Daily Caller
Why Warren’s Witch-Hunt Won’t Work
CEI's expert John Berlau writes for The Daily Caller discussing Elizabeth Warren's desire for an increase in financial regulations. Elizabeth Warren “drew blood,”…
The Hill
Workers Need Opportunities More Than a Summit
CEI's Labor Expert, Trey Kovacs, discusses the pitfalls of President Obama's labor summit geared towards promoting union's interests rather than those of workers. On October…
Elizabeth Warren Wants to Make Financial Decisions For You
John Berlau discusses Elizabeth Warren's pushes for excessive financial regulations in his piece published in News Max. Elizabeth Warren “drew blood,” writes Washington…
The Hill
A Simple Way to Grow America’s Economy and Create Jobs
Coauthored with Lindsay Lewis, executive director of the Progressive Policy Institute. It’s hard to find common ground between the two parties in Washington these days,…
Daily Caller
Misplaced Concern: Pope Francis’s Energy Agenda
In the Daily Caller, Myron Ebell discusses the problem with Pope Francis' views on energy: “Everybody loves Pope Francis” for his “humble…
National Review
A Better Road Map than the U.N.’s to Empower the Poor
Investor's Business Daily
None Dare Call It Conspiracy: Obama’s Coordinated Climate Campaign
Chris Horner in Investor's Business Daily on the coordinated campaign to promote the White House's climate agenda: Hypocrisy, thy name is Barack…
Still-MIA White House Report To Congress On Costs And Benefits Of Federal Regulation Is Latest Ever
American Spectator
Obama’s Job Killing Gift to Big Labor
Trey Kovacs discusses the active NLRB in the waning years of the Obama administration: The Obama administration rewarded its union allies last month…
The Next Generation Of Capitalists
Ten years after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans has made a tremendous comeback. That’s due not just to the hard work of natives…
The Hill
Should Congress Trash Michelle Obama’s Lunch Program?
Cap X
CapX Reviews: By the People
Charles Murray, in his new book, By the People: Rebuilding Liberty without Permission, argues that America’s constitutional checks on the growth of spending, taxation, and…
USA Today
Hillary Clinton’s Right on Smashing ‘Quarterly Capitalism’
“Quarterly capitalism” is a new focus of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign that could pick up even more steam with recent market turmoil. “It’s easy to…
A New History Of American Business
Government intervention in the economy—via spending, regulation, and taxation—has expanded steadily over the last century and is now at an all-time high. As economist Joseph…
CNS News
Thrifty Seniors Pay Steep Price for Responsible Behavior as Federal Medicare Laws Punish Savers
Opportunity Lives
California’s Pension System is Headed Off a Cliff – Here’s How We Can Fix It
Here at Opportunity Lives, we’ve covered how Americans are hungry for news with a solutions bias. One bearer of such news is Lawrence J. McQuillan,…
The Daily Caller
Macroeconomics Is The Root Of All Error
The Freeman
World’s Poor: “We Want Capitalism”
Denver Post
In Defense of Chick-fil-A
The Daily Caller
When The Price Of Money Is Wrong, The Price of Everything Is Wrong
The Real Problem with the TSA Can’t Be Fixed with Yelp Reviews
This article was co-written with Harper Jean Tobin, Director of Policy at the National Center for Transgender Equality, and John Whitehead, President of The Rutherford…
Forced Union Fees Do Not Have to Go to the Union – You Have Other Options
The Michigan Supreme Court recently ruled that state employees cannot be required to pay dues to a union or risk being fired. This is but…
The Freeman
Liquid Capital Was the First Killer App
The sharing economy is older than smartphone apps. The modern financial system may be the first example to have evolved. Rather than sharing capital assets…
The Wall Street Journal
Little State Choice With the FHTF Funds
T. Peter Ruane’s claim (“It’s a Rough Road in Any Direction,” Letters, Aug. 6) “that all of the decisions…
Students Dive Into The Political Shark Tank
Recently I was a presenter and participant in a workshop organized by the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). The event, “Communicating Liberty: Shark Tank,”…
Experimenting In The Laboratory Of Economics
Nobel Prize-winning economist Vernon Smith was in Australia last week to lecture at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management in Sydney. In addition to his…
The Boston Herald
Feds go too far
The Herald was right to criticize the Obama administration’s recently imposed “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” rule (“Fed housing overreach,” July 19). It wrongly seeks to…
The Problem With The White House Threat To Veto The REINS Act
The House this week, and later the Senate, will take up legislation to require that Congress approve all big federal agency regulations, those with $100…
Missouri tax dollars subsidize union activism
Taxpayers expect their government to spend tax dollars only on activities that benefit the public. But in Missouri, public employers at nearly every level of…
Fox News
Whisky: A living testament to the human spirit
The Albuquerque Journal
PRC should fight EPA on haze rules
$115 million. That’s how much of your money the Public Regulation Commission could throw away for nothing. This is no joke. In order to comply…
Congress Better Fix ‘Regulatory Dark Matter’
In pursuit of job creation and economic growth, Congress is debating several red tape reforms with elevated but still insufficient focus. In the wake of its…
Real Clear Policy
Trial Lawyers’ Underappreciated Power Over ‘Independent Redistricting Commissions’
The Supreme Court's recent decision in King v. Burwell wasn't the only one in which it twisted clear language to protect the progressive political agenda. In another…
CNS News
Federal Financial Aid Drives Up Tuition and College Costs, Study Finds
The federal government is now admitting that its own financial aid is…
Daily Caller
We Are All Greeks Now. Does Totalitarianism Lie Ahead?
Fox News
Don’t let Team Obama ‘protect’ your retirement account they way it has ‘protected’ your health care
Taking a victory lap as the Supreme Court vindicated ObamaCare, the Obama administration is busy preparing to apply the paternalistic precepts of the health care…
Sorry Folks, Independence Day Is Canceled
“Well, Doctor [Franklin], what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic, if you can keep it.” This…
U.S. Airlines Face Antitrust Collusion Investigation–What’s The Big Deal?
Airlines, apparently including United Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines…
The Hill
Gloves are off in lobbying war for online gambling
The weather isn’t the only thing heating up in D.C. this summer. The battle over state-based online gambling has reached a fever pitch. Until last…
Daily Caller
How Ideas Of The Family Evolve Alongside Culture, Politics, And Law
Duluth News Trubine
Pro/Con: Is government micromanaging US auto industry?
Yes: Industry, motorists victims of over-regulation Over-regulation is slowing growth, stifling innovation and costing jobs across the economy. The auto industry is the prime example.
National Review
There Is No ‘Deal’ to Reauthorize Ex-Im
I am bemused by Senator Cruz’s volte-face on trade-promotion authority. There is no deal to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank (which CEI, like…
National Review
Raisins Takings Case Goes Back to Magna Carta
One of the oddest cases the Supreme Court decided today also should have been one of the simplest. In Horne v USDA the very simple…
Bradenton Herald
Auto industry and motorists prime victims of government`s overregulation
Over-regulation is slowing growth, stifling innovation and costing jobs across the economy. The auto industry is the prime example. Auto workers and investors are obviously…
Pro: Auto industry and motorists prime victims of government’s over-regulation
Auto workers and investors are obviously harmed by heavy-handed government regulation, but the biggest losers are drivers. In buying new vehicles, they already face higher…
Canada Free Press
Auto industry and motorists prime victim of Feds over-regulation
Auto workers and investors are obviously harmed by heavy-handed government regulation, but the biggest losers are drivers. In buying new vehicles, they already face higher…
The Sacramento Bee
Auto industry and motorists prime victims of government’s over-regulation
Over-regulation is slowing growth, stifling innovation and costing jobs across the economy. The auto industry is the prime example. Auto workers and investors are obviously…
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Finding Another Way than Obamacare
White House’s Final 2014 Report To Congress On Regulatory Costs And Benefits Appears
The White House Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) final 2014 Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs…
The Hill
The conservative case for a modernized Passenger Facility Charge
Recently in these pages, Grover Norquist, president of the venerable Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), argued that modernizing the airport Passenger Facility Charge (PFC)…
The Pope, Poverty And Global Warming
The world waits in anticipation as Pope Francis and his advisers finalize an official Vatican statement on climate change and the environment – expected out…
The Hill
Latest Internet sales tax bill gives states unprecedented taxing power
This week’s introduction by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) of yet another Internet sales tax bill illustrates the importance of understanding this complex issue and the…
National Review
The True Myth of Magna Carta
Today, Britain, America, and other Anglosphere countries celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta. In that meadow, tranquil to today (at least…
The Wall Street Journal
Title IX: From Pro-Female Reform to an Anti-Male One
Ms. Gavora rightly criticizes the Education Department, where I used to work, for pressuring colleges to adopt unconstitutional speech codes in the name of fighting…
Real Clear Policy
USA FREEDOM Act: A Win for Privacy
For years, unbeknownst to the American people, a top-secret government program overseen by the National Security Agency collected and stored "metadata" about nearly all U.S.
Memo To Presidential Campaigns — Federal Regulation Matters More Than Spending
President Barack Obama’s federal budget proposal for FY 2016 sought $3.999 trillion in discretionary, entitlement, and interest spending; the Republican alternative a little…
Huffington Post
Save the Bees: Eliminate Biofuel Mandates
The Obama administration made a lofty promise with the launch of its National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and other Pollinators.
Fox News
National Doughnut Day: Have a doughnut (or two) for freedom
Friday is national Doughnut Day (or “donut” if you’re a Dunkin’ loyalist). Celebrated the first Friday of June, it might seem like a simple promotion…
The Freeman
The Poor Need Affordable Energy
Affordable energy is fundamental to what economist Deirdre McCloskey calls the “Great Fact” of the explosion of human welfare. It remains central to the…
Daily Caller
Will Democracy Drown In A Sea Of Sophistry?
The Washington Examiner
Gondolas in D.C.? Transit policy should not be a high-wire circus act
The Washington Post’s Perry Stein recently wrote a fascinating article on a proposed new transit link between Georgetown and Arlington. No, it wasn’t…
National Review
America’s Own FIFA: the EPA
RealClear Policy
Saving the Bees vs. Pork Barrel Spending
A Comprehensive Regulatory Reform Agenda, Barack Obama Veto Pen Notwithstanding
Congress passes a few dozen laws each year, but regulators meanwhile issue several thousand rules and regulations. On top of that, “regulatory dark matter“…
Now More Than Ever, Make ABC ‘s George Stephanopoulos Moderate Presidential Debates
I’ve never been a fan of the “objective media” platitude, preferring competing biases to pretended objectivity. The crucial corollary to that, though, is that…
Daily Caller
Congratulations, New Grads, And Welcome To Indentured Servitude!
The Freeman
Britain Back from the Brink of Socialism (For Now)
RealClear Policy
Special Interests vs. Trade Promotion Authority
With the United States currently negotiating two mammoth trade agreements, President Obama being granted Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) is far from a done deal. Opposition…