When Lansing Writes Laws Based on Emotion, Rather Than Facts
Michigan lawmakers were optimistic in 2011 that their newly enacted “keg tag” law would help reduce the state’s high rates of underage binge drinking.
The Hill
Congress Must Stop Union Scheme Siphoning Funds from Medicaid
Congress created Medicaid to exclusively fund care to the elderly and disabled, not fund labor unions. But powerful labor unions like the Service Employee International Union…
The Internet of Things Wants to Know Where Its 5G Is
A major pledge of the Trump Administration was cutting red tape and boosting America’s infrastructure. Ten months in, there are lots of moving parts to…
Reflections on the Evolution of Trade Policy
The Trump administration’s renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) could launch a trade war with our major trading partners,…
The Washington Examiner
Payday-Loan Borrowers Need Protection from the Poorly-Named Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
In an epic, down to the wire vote last week Congressional Republicans narrowly overturned a regulation that would have enriched lawyers at the expense of…
U.S. News and World Report
The High Cost of a Bad Overtime Rule
Former Department of Labor Wage and Hour Administrator David Weil urges Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to defend an Obama era overtime regulation in a recent…
What Has To Happen For Trump’s Federal Regulatory Budget To Work
Congress is moving forward on the 2018 federal Budget Resolution, and maybe the promised tax system overhaul. Of course, the $4 trillion a year the…
National Review Online
Time for a New Fed Chairman
The establishment is…
The Washington Examiner
Air Traffic Control Might Finally Move into the 21st Century
America is long overdue for an overhaul of our radar-based air traffic control system. Yet federal modernization efforts are plagued by delays, cost-overruns, and shifting…
Intercollegiate Review
Licensed to Death: How One Reform Could Empower Americans and Boost Our Economy
Economic freedom—the ability of individuals to exchange voluntarily without government interference—is the greatest driver of prosperity the world has ever seen. Over the past three…
How Technology Makes Life–and Wine–More Satisfying
It’s easy to romanticize the past and wish one lived during a “golden age.” But was the past really that good? Fictional character Gil Pender…
Donald Trump’s Regulatory Reform Could Be Derailed by Administrative State Jargon
The federal administrative state hummed along for years, relatively unperturbed until Donald Trump implemented a freeze on new costs in January. In the background, though,…
The Washington Examiner
Repealing the Clean Power Plan Will Benefit All Americans
Although there is no shortage of policy reasons to repeal the Clean Power Plan, the plan also exceeds the legal authority delegated to the EPA…
U.S. News & World Report
Cutting Off Consumers
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau just released a new rule against payday loans, but instead of helping consumers avoid some pitfalls of borrowing, it will…
The Wall Street Journal
Oil and Spectrum Rights Models Offer a Clue
Thomas W. Hazlett’s “How Politics Stalls Wireless Innovation” (op-ed, Oct. 2) outlines the irrationality of the current political mismanagement of the electromagnetic spectrum and…
National Review Online
Consumers Harmed by Consumer Protection Bureau – Again
Yesterday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued yet another rule that will harm consumers. A new rule on small dollar loans will kill off about…
CQ Researcher
Should Climate Change Be a National Security Priority?
Climate change should not be a national security priority. Directing the Pentagon to focus on it will actually make America less secure. Generals know how…
The American Spectator
Why Trump Must Fire Obama Holdover Cordray
In the private sector and during his short time as president, Donald J. Trump has never been shy about firing subordinates. Yet some powerful Obama…
Foundation for Economic Education
Economic Freedom Is the Best Weapon Against Poverty
Over the past few decades, hundreds of millions of people have risen out of poverty to grow into a powerful global middle class. This unprecedented…
Wall Street Journal
School Discipline Disparities and Education
Jason Riley is right to criticize civil-rights activists for insisting that racial differences in suspension rates must be the result of racism, rather than differences…
Wall Street Journal
Where Was CFPB While Wells Fargo Plundered?
F. Paul Bland asserts (Letters, Sept. 12) that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rule is necessary to avoid “immunity” for Wells Fargo for…
Foundation for Economic Education
London’s Uber Ban Sends it Back to the Dark Ages
When I lived in London in the 1990s, I had to use pricey Black Cabs to get around the city at night. However, heaven help…
The Greeley Tribune
Yeatman-Cooke: The Math Behind Xcel’s ‘Colorado Energy Plan’ Defies Reality and History
Xcel Energy recently announced that it would use Gov. John Hickenlooper’s July executive order calling for climate change policy as reason to bypass the Colorado…
Foundation for Economic Education
People Are Complaining About iPhone X Because That’s How Innovation Works
The iPhone X has not even been released and people are already complaining about it. That shouldn’t be surprising. It is one of the…
The Hill
Stop the Loose Talk About Hurricanes and Global Warming
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has been criticized for his remarks to CNN that the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma is not the time…
Activists Use Faulty Claims to Push Flame Retardant Ban
“Look before you leap” has long been considered sage advice. But environmental activists today called on regulators at the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to…
The Washington Times
Banishing Regulatory ‘Dark Matter’
Turns out there aren’t just too many regulations, but too many different kinds of them to track. Congress has stalled out on passing regulatory reform…
USA Today
Global Warming Alarmists Shouldn’t Exploit Hurricanes
The outcry over global warming crowds out and obscures the real issues with hurricanes that should be considered by elected officials at all levels. The…
Wall Street Journal
Congress Can Rescind the CFPB’s Gift to Trial Lawyers
Do Americans need more lawsuits? They’ll get them if the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has its way. The CFPB—created by the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010…
The Case for Trump’s Tax Plan Is Strengthened By IRS’s $300 Billion Compliance And Deadweight Burden
Donald Trump made his most urgent appeal for middle class tax cuts in North Dakota, the home state of Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, a Democrat who…
RealClear Markets
Janet Yellen Says All the Wrong Things About Dodd-Frank
In possibly her last visit as Chairwoman to the Federal Reserve’s annual conference in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Janet Yellen decided to go out with a…
Foundation for Economic Education
Eventually Amazon Will Fail – and That’s a Good Thing
The Federal Trade Commission has cleared the merger between Amazon and Whole Foods, sparking yet more fears that the retail giant is becoming too…
Washington Examiner
Labor Day: Give Workers, Not Labor Unions, More Rights
With Labor Day around the corner, it’s an appropriate time to examine federal labor policy in relation to worker rights. Upon examination, it becomes clear…
Washington Examiner
No, Houston’s Regulation Policy Didn’t Make Hurricane Harvey Flooding Worse
When a major American city is under eight feet of water, it’s a distasteful time to play politics. That hasn’t stopped multiple media commentators looking…
Spectator Australia
The Best Banking Regulator? Competition
Australian banking is in a tough spot. The recent Commonwealth Bank scandal, involving a systemic breach of anti-money laundering laws, has exposed a culture of…
Trump’s Tax Reform Plan Targets Middle-Class Tax Complexity
President Trump visited Missouri to talk about tax reform, stressing simplicity and middle-class tax relief and “plans to bring back Main Street by reducing…
U.S. News & World Report
Why Google Could Lose
The fired and now-infamous Google engineer James Damore may have a federal case against his former employer. In the aftermath of Damore’s 10-page memo criticizing…
National Review Online
Operation Choke Point is Over – Perhaps
Supporters of the rule of law will be overjoyed to hear that the Department of Justice has officially closed down Operation Choke Point. In…
Bugged by Junk Science
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite” was once nothing more than a lighthearted expression, yet nowadays it’s a real concern. Banning the most effective controls…
Worker Choice — Pay Dues, or Not
Forcing workers to pay union dues as a condition of employment may soon become a policy of the past, at least for government employees. As…
Morning Consult
It’s Time to Eliminate Volcker Rule and Federal Deposit Insurance
America’s national bank regulator, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, announced this month that it would seek to ease one of the most…
Washington Examiner
‘Drain the swamp?’ Start with the CFPB
As you muck around the D.C. swamp, there are plenty of dank crevices its denizens inhabit. Those habitats will need to be cleared away if…
How Many Rules And Regulations Do Federal Agencies Issue?
With Congress on summer vacation, it’s an appropriate time to reflect on the number of laws it passes vs. the number of rules and regulations…
USA Today
Don’t Hype Draft Climate Studies
Another week of the Trump presidency, another bout of fevered reporting on claims promoted by the career (and holdover) federal employee “resistance.” But particularly when…
The Hill
The FDA Shouldn’t Give Into Irrational E-Cigarette Fears
The Food and Drug Administration is now on the wrong side of a new anti-vaping campaign. Instead of helping teens reject using tobacco or e-cigarettes,…
Why Hasn’t Trump Fired CFPB’s Cordray?
Another day, another Trump administration official fired or threatened with firing. That’s what political news has seemed like for the past few weeks. But almost…
Warning: Federal Government Deems Fidget Spinners An “Emerging Hazard”
Don’t eat your fidget spinner. I guess that’s what the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is trying to tell us now.
Star Tribune
Menthol Limits: Ban Could Close Vaping Escape Hatch for Smokers
Almost half a million people in our country die from smoking-related illnesses every year. But instead of helping people quit, anti-smoking activists seem to prioritize…
Investor's Business Daily
Glass-Steagall Held Back Main Street Banks and Their Customers
A strange-bedfellows mix of Democrats and Republicans have called for resurrecting the Glass-Steagall Act, a Depression-era law that separated commercial and investment banking. For…
Symposium: Granular Analysis Versus Doctrine in Carpenter
The outcome of Carpenter v. United States will turn on how granular the Supreme Court is in analyzing what happens when government agents require…
The Daily Signal
One Union’s Desperate Effort to Unionize Automakers in the South
A union organizing campaign at one workplace does not normally generate national headlines, but the 10-year-plus effort by the United Auto Workers to unionize the…
RealClear Policy
Regulatory Reform: A Beacon of Light for Bipartisanship
Common ground is nearly impossible to find in Washington these days. But with the Senate’s recent confirmation of Neomi Rao as the White House’s…
The Washington Times
Obama’s Paris Climate Scheme Revelation
The New York Times on Aug. 24, 2014, broke a major news story: “Obama pushing Climate Accord in Lieu of Treaty.” It’s a clumsy headline…
How Is Trump’s “One-In, Two-Out” Policy On Federal Regulations Going?
The Trump White House has just published the “Spring” 2017 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. The Unified Agenda is the federal…
Understanding Bitcoin’s Scaling Debate: Politics Comes First
Software programmers are usually collegial and collaborative, but parts of the bitcoin developer community are currently displaying the kind of acrimony familiar to political capitols…
The Hill
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Pro-Lawyer Power Grab
Imagine you have a dispute with your credit card company. Currently, you can go to an arbitration body, where the card company will almost certainly…
Fixing A Washington That’s Gone From Rule Of Law, To Rule By Whatever
Astrophysicists have concluded that ordinary visible matter—the Sun, the Moon, the planets, the Milky Way, the multitudes of galaxies beyond our own, and their trillions…
The Institutions of Liberty & Liberal Democracy: What is Old Must Be New Again
Net Neutrality Day Of Action Platitudes To Ensnare Corporate Proponents
Amazon, Google, Facebook and others in the tech world…you’re really going to keep poking on net neutrality? Some of you seem a tad less…
Washington Examiner
Air Traffic Control Reform Is a No-Brainer
Air travelers expect air traffic control to work, and that it be out of sight and mind. Unfortunately, ongoing government failure to modernize the Federal…
Senator Elizabeth Warren Takes Swipe At Trump’s New Regulatory Overseer
Of the hundreds of federal agencies issuing thousands of rules each year, there is one small body, of a few dozen employees, within the…
Inside Sources
Point: Trump’s War on Junk Science
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s action on pesticides sets an important pro-science precedent.
International Freedom Fighters Organize in Miami
Fans of free markets and limited government have a new place to seek allies. Recently Conservatives International, a new global advocacy organization, was launched…
Washington Examiner
NLRB Policy Could Stifle Expansion of Apprenticeships and Worker Training Opportunities
As extremely partisan as Congress has become nowadays, there are glimmers of hope for agreement on reforms to help boost jobs and economic opportunity. Republicans,…
How Many Federal Agencies Exist? We Can’t Drain The Swamp Until We Know
As the federal bureaucracy has expanded, has America become “One Nation, Ungovernable”? No one can even say with certainty anymore how many federal agencies exist;…
The Washington Times
Signaling Political Virtue via the Paris Accord
The latest in political virtue signaling is the “We Are Still In” movement, a self-described group of “mayors, governors, college and university leaders, businesses, and…
The Conservative
Trade’s Real Enemy Is Regulation
Free trade has brought countless benefits over the past two centuries. It allows for specialisation among nations that has brought down the cost of living…
The Columbus Dispatch
Act Makes Union Bosses Listen to Workers
President of the AFL-CIO Richard Trumka recently delivered a heap of advice on “compromise” in a commencement speech to Penn State Fayette Graduates. His college…
RealClear Health
Fears Aren’t Facts: E-Cigarettes
There can no longer be any dispute: electronic cigarettes, also known as “vapes,” are significantly less harmful to health than traditional combustible cigarettes. Not only…
USA Today
Cut Energy Star from the Budget
Can the quest for energy efficiency be deadly? The horrendous London apartment building fire two weeks ago suggests that it can: One reason for the…
Passing Financial Choice Act Will Help FinTech Innovators
Earlier this month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Financial CHOICE Act along partisan lines with all Democrats present voting against it and all…
Trump’s New Executive Branch Reorganization Should Discipline Agency Guidance Documents
President Donald Trump is undertaking a “Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch.” (E.O. 13781) For the new executive branch reorganization to bear…
The Daily Caller
Energy Week Is About America’s Energy Future
The Trump Administration has proclaimed this week as “Energy Week” – a time to focus on pro-energy initiatives that can actually boost our economy, promote…
Trump’s Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch About To Get Underway
The modern debate over the administrative state and regulation parallels skirmishes over spending, the deficit, the debt, and the debt ceiling. This week, first draft…
Washington Examiner
No, Amazon Isn’t a Monopoly Just Because It Bought Whole Foods
Amazon announced a deal last week to purchase the grocery chain Whole Foods for nearly $14 billion. The company’s largest proposed transaction to date,…
No, Amazon isn’t a monopoly just because it bought Whole Foods
Amazon announced a deal last week to purchase the grocery chain Whole Foods for nearly $14 billion. The company’s largest proposed transaction…
States Are Secretly Trying to Tax Your Online Purchases
States and localities currently cannot tax online purchases made from companies outside their own borders. Yet over the past two decades, state and local…
Happy Birthday, Adam Smith!
June 16, 1723, is the birth date of Adam Smith, a Scottish intellectual greatly admired for clarifying the virtuous, self-organizing nature of free markets. Smith…
Cayman Financial Review
The Internet of Payments and the Future of Banking: Crisis and Opportunity
Imagine a world where your washing machine can recognize it needs more detergent and orders it for you. Now imagine a world where your self-driving…
The Technology And Telecommunications Sectors And Trump’s Crucial Second 100 Days
Is it possible to keep federal government regulators’ hands off the technology sector? We’re in the middle of president Donald Trump’s second “100 Days,” and…
National Review
Here’s Three Things the President Should Do in His Executive Reorganization
Today is the last day for the public to submit ideas for the reorganization of the executive branch that the President announced in his…
Inside Sources
Why the CBO Estimates for the GOP Health Care Bill Are Undoubtedly Wrong
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has forecast that 14 million more people will be uninsured in 2018 under the House of Representatives’ American Health Care…
The Denver Post
Colorado’s Costly “Demand-Side Management” Bill Makes No Sense
At the end of the legislative session, the Colorado General Assembly had an opportunity to stop a nonsensical electricity program that will cost Xcel Energy…
Inside Sources
Point: Net Neutrality Bad for Consumers
The FCC’s proposed rollback of its 2015 Open Internet Order has put the term “net neutrality” back in the political zeitgeist. The phrase itself is…
National Review
The Top Ten Reasons to Pass the Financial CHOICE Act
It’s no secret that the Dodd-Frank Act did for Americans’ access to financial services what Obamacare did for their access to health insurance. In…
The Hill
Curtailing Use of ‘Official Time’ in VA Will Benefit Veterans Care
A recent op-ed in The Hill by Jeff Shapiro, president of the National Federation of Federal Employees’ Veterans Affairs Council, (“A true labor-management partnership at…
CNS News
The TSA Delays Transatlantic Laptop Ban
On May 30, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) said it would not impose a ban on laptop computers in airline cabins on transatlantic…
The Hill
Congress Introduces Legislation to Reverse Obama’s Big Labor Agenda
Federal labor agencies issued numerous regulations during the Obama administration in hopes of boosting union membership rolls. It didn’t work. The latest data published by…
In Today’s World, Trump’s Balanced Budget Will Require Regulatory Reform
It seems every American president’s fiscal budget gets declared DOA. Presidents signal priorities to Congress, which subsequently goes and does at it chooses. Sen. Mitch…
RealClear Future
Straight Talk on the “Talking Car” Mandate
Will another driver’s car “talking” with yours someday save your life? The answer, from regulators and many automakers, is a resounding “Yes.” Such a promising…
The Hill
The GOP Must Fight Against the Durbin Amendment’s Price Controls
If there’s one thing House Republicans should stand united against, it’s draconian government price controls. When it comes to government policies interfering with market prices,…
Washington Examiner
Send the Paris Climate Deal to Die in the Senate
President Trump will attend the G7 Summit in Italy on Friday. This meeting of foreign leaders reportedly will pressure Trump to reverse his decision to…
Foundation for Economic Education
The Progressives Took Away Our Right to Contract. It’s Time to Reclaim It
According to surveys, 77 percent of millennials want flexible work hours, which many say makes them more productive at work. Yet some recent…
The Hill
Congress Must Put an End to Online Taxation Without Representation
The recent reintroduction of the misnamed Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) is the latest in the effort to expand taxes on internet sales. Proponents of taxing…
Inside Sources
Congress Considers Plan to Improve Workplace Flexibility
Sometimes people need extra time off work to take care of loved ones or tend to life’s other demands and goals. But for many, that…
These Federal Aviation Administration Regulations Are Why We’re Not Going to Mars
During president Donald Trump’s discussion about drinking processed urine on the International Space Station with duration record-setter Peggy Whitson, the exchange turned to a…
The Wall Street Journal
We’ll Always Have Paris if U.S. Doesn’t Act
Regarding Rep. Kevin Cramer’s “Remake the Paris Deal to Promote U.S. Energy” (op-ed, May 8): The agreement contains no provision for renegotiation. Indeed, Paris’s…
Learn Liberty
How “Regulatory Dark Matter” Blocks Innovation
The Trump administration’s desire to get rid of unnecessarily burdensome and unwise regulations is laudable, but fulfilling that desire won’t be easy. Nor will it…
This Overlooked Labor Rule Could Be a Huge Drag on U.S. Businesses
On May 10, 13 Democrats in the House of Representatives sent a letter to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) expressing concerns over the…
Cayman Financial Review
The Internet of Payments and the Future of Banking: Crisis and Opportunity
Imagine a world where your washing machine can recognize it needs more detergent and orders it for you. Now imagine a world where your self-driving…