
Today’s Links: May 17, 2012

OPINION LEONARD KILROY and HARRIS KENNY: "States and Cities Going Private With Infrastructure Investment" "As public debts grow, cities and states simultaneously…


Wind Turbines Endanger Eagles

From Deroy Murdock's op-ed in Newsday: "Lethal take" is Washington-speak for federally approved eagle slaughter. Precise eagle-kill numbers are tough to determine, in…



Senate Rejects Obama Budget, 99-0

President Obama’s proposed budget is so irresponsible that even the Senate, controlled by Obama’s own political party, just rejected it in a 99-to-0 vote.


Let’s Lose LOST

The Law of the Sea Treaty would drastically undermine American sovereignty, giving massive powers to the U.N. (aka the Dictators’ Club of New York), but…


Volcker Rule, Iron Man, and Chemical Risk

John Berlau discusses JPMorgan Chase's mark-to-market losses. Matt Patterson explains how Iron Man is a capitalist hero. Angela Logomasini frames the debate on chemical regulation.