Kentucky Hosts Rio Follow-Up, But Frivolity is Pretty Big on the Agenda
I eagerly joined more than 1,100 people from forty-nine states gathered in Louisville, Kentucky from May 26-28, 1993. I was a speaker and participant at…
Acute Government Activism
Click on link above to obtain .pdf of article.
Acute Government Activism
While President Clinton has taken pains to mimic the rhetorical successes of Ronald Reagan and John E Kennedy, he has actually modeled his presidency in the…
Don’t Cross these Lines
Please click on .pdf link above to view article.
Rethinking Corporate Strategy
The past four years have not been easy for American business. President Bush was trusted to protect economic concerns in areas ranging from the environment…
Barriers to Private Insurance
Full Document Available in PDF The American insurance industry is shackled by regulations and restrictions…
Wall Street Journal
Al Gore, Reactionary Environmentalist
Al Gore has written, “When giving us dominion over the earth, did God choose an appropriate technology?” And then: “One is tempted to answer, the…
Carnival of Dunces
Rio is a beautiful city, shoehorned between steep granite mountains and seemingly infinite sandy beaches where, despite the thinning of the ozone layer, eco-efficient clothing…
Planning For A Better Environment
Full Article Available in PDF Format Executive Summary For 20 years, environmental policy has been…
Europe, Energy, and the Environment: The Case Against Carbon Taxes
Environmental Policy at the Crossroads
Full Chapter Available in PDF Format Executive Summary It has always been with us, and…
An Environmental House of Cards
AFTER REPEATEDLY HEARING “read my lips, no new taxes,” it is appropriate to ask whether President Bush’s promise to be green was simply protective coloration.
Auto Fuel Economy Standards: Good For The Environment? Or A Cause Of Highway Deaths?
Full Policy Brief Available in PDF Format Executive Summary The Corporate Average Fuel Economy Program was part of legislation…
A Free Market Environmental Program for the Soviet Union
The Liberating Benefits of a Safer, Cleaner, and More Mobile Society
Full document available in pdf format.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns…
The Liberating Benefits Of Automobility
Full Article Available in PDF Format American’s love affair with the automobile has become…
Washington Times
Clunker Control
Orange County Register
Common Sense About Clean Air
Orange County Register
Unregulated Old Cars are Primary Polluters
Daily Press
Surviving Ourselves
The Olympian
Earth Day or Media Hoax? Some Urge Caution
Environmental Protection: Is there a Better Way
Earth Day 1990-22 April—marks twenty years since the first Earth Day and since the modern environmental movement became a force for politicians to reckon with.
Let the Market Save Us
Earth Day 1990 promises to be a replay of Earth Day 1970. The message hasn’t changed: Man and markets threaten Mother Earth. There are too…
Denver Post
Way to Stay Green: ‘Stay Red, White and Blue’
A Z Central
Free Market Can Provide Environmental Leadership
Miami Herald
Earth Day 1990: Even Corporations Want In
The Spectator
The Giant Rat of Kenya
“Let’s Pretend” Markets
‘The Ring’ Free Market Classic
During this last week, thousands of Washingtonians have flocked to one of the world’s greatest artistic events, ‘The Ring” by Richard Wagner. Much has…
Biotechnology Flirts with the Regulators
Biotechnology, like other unfamiliar high tech industries, offers great hopes but arouses even greater fears. Politicians, the record proves, are far more likely to respond to…
Cap The Financial Black Holes
A consensus is emerging that the rate of U.S. thrift and bank failures stems in large part from the perverse incentives of Federal Deposit…
The Suicidal Corporation: Two Cheers!
Smith book review for The World and I…
Washington Post
Antitrust Act May Undergo Major Changes
What’s Wrong With Business Lobbyists
Fred Smith Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal, January 16, 1986…
Momentum Builds for Antitrust Reform
Rethinking Superfund
Manhattan Report—What are the origins of Superfund? Fred Smith—The Superfund law—the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act—was passed by Congress in 1980 in the…
Taxpayers Tied to the Tracks
Full article available in pdf. In the latest episode of the Perils of Pauline, the villain, (a.k.a., Amtrak—the most heavily subsidized…
Beyond Superfund
Please click on link above to obtain .pdf of the article. Expansion of the Superfund for toxic-waste cleanup now appears to have been deferred…
The Politics of IMF Lending
The Politics of IMF Lending
Full Document Available in PDF I. Introduction The 1983 debate over increasing the funding of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reflects the…
The Politics of IMF Lending
Watt vs Peterson
Most editorial comment on the running argument between Interior Secretary James G. Watt and Russell W. Peterson, president of the National Audubon Society, totally misses…
Corporate Bankruptcy Needs A Fresh Market Review
Full Article Available in PDF Format THE RECENT SPATE OF bankrupt cies involving large corporations has triggered a new…
The Politics of IMF Lending
How the IMF Could Become a Real S&P for International Debt
Should the U.S, donate an added $8.4 billion- to the International Monetary Fund? IMF opponents, of course, answer “No,” They claim that increased- IMF funding…
Why Not Abolish Antitrust?
Full Article Available in PDF Format Deregulators appear to be of two minds about antitrust. They denounce the actual practice…