Red state farmers, conservatives clash over farm bill
From Tom Lutely’s article in The Billings Gazette: Conservative groups like Americans for Prosperity, Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform and the Competitive…
Unhappy Birthday to You
Call the State National Bank of Big Spring,…
State of the Web: Which vision of an ‘open Internet’ would you fight for?
The physical layer of the Internet is owned by a tight cabal of powerful corporations that includes behemoths like AT&T and Verizon Communications. During the…
Libertarians make the case: net neutrality is unconstitutional
From Cyrus Farivar’s article in Ars Technica: A group of well-known libertarian organizations has filed an amicus brief (PDF) to the US Court…
Completing its First Year, U.S. Consumer Financial Bureau Sued by Small Texas Bank
From The Fort Worth Star-Telegram‘s Watchdog Bytes blog: The filing of the lawsuit by a smaller bank seems to be a strategic move…
Sorrell: A Different Kind of Election
From Andrew McKeever’s column in The Manchester Journal: In Vermont, Sorrell’s toughest test won’t likely be in the November general election, but rather…
‘Internet freedom’ becomes hot cause for politicians across political spectrum
From Brandon Sasso’s article in The Hill: On Tuesday, a coalition of more than 100 advocacy groups unveiled their “Declaration of Internet Freedom,”…
Groups Release Dueling Internet Freedom Declarations
From Grant Gross’ article in CIO: One declaration, backed by Free Press, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Center for Democracy and Technology and…
Groups That Fought Anti-Piracy Bills Post Their ‘Declaration of Internet Freedom’
From Jennifer Martinez’ article in The Hill: Libertarian groups TechFreedom and the Competitive Enterprise Institute released their own declaration over the weekend and…
Anti-SOPA Veterans Issue Declaration of Internet Freedom
From Timothy B. Lee’s article on ArsTechnica: But not everyone was enthusiastic about the declaration. Indeed, a coalition of right-of-center organizations promoted…
Obama’s Consumer Watchdog Gets Sued
From Suzy Khim’s post in The Washington Post‘s WonkBlog: The State National Bank of Big Spring, Tex., the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the…
Long Odds for Suit Challenging CFPB
From Mike Catalini’s post in The National Journal: The suit is being brought by State National Bank of Big Spring, Texas, a tiny…
Lawsuit Challenges Consumer Protection Bureau
From Jim Puzzanghera’s article in The Los Angeles Times: The suit was filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., by the…
Texas Bank to Take Lead in CFPB Lawsuit
From Rachel Witkowski’s article in American Banker: The State National Bank of Big Spring will file a lawsuit Thursday afternoon in the U.S.
Conservative Groups and Bank Challenge Consumer Bureau
From Maya Jackson Randall and Victoria McGrane’s article in The Wall Street Journal: The State National Bank of Big Spring, Texas, the Competitive…
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Under Legal Attack Over Broad Powers
From Reuters: The challenge, brought by the State National Bank of Big Spring, Texas; the Competitive Enterprise Institute; and the 60 Plus Association,…
Why Dodd-Frank Is Unconstitutional
From C. Boyden Gray and Jim R. Purcell’s op-ed in The Wall Street Journal: Of course, the government will respond that we are…
New York Court Nixes Challenge to Carbon Market
From Reuters’ Point Carbon: A New York state court on Wednesday dismissed a Tea Party-backed lawsuit that tried to…
Norquist, Conservative Groups Petition FCC in Favor of Latest Verizon Deal
From Josh Peterson’s Daily Caller article: “Demand for wireless broadband is more than doubling annually, but vast swaths of valuable spectrum — the…
Paul Ryan at CEI Gala: Want to See How This Movie Ends? Look at Europe
From Francesca Chambers’ post in RedAlertPolitics: It’s not to late to turn around our country and get the American Dream back, said Rep.
Paul Ryan Goes Solo for Romney in N.C.
From ABC News’ Veep Beat: RYAN STUMPS FOR ROMNEY IN NORTH CAROLINA: While his state is engaged in a recall election today, Rep.
Paul Ryan Calls Wisconsin Recall Election for Walker
Horses In the Dining Room?
From Rep. Jason Chaffetz’ op-ed in The Daily Herald: Some 1.65 million lawsuits are filed each year over enforcement of federal regulations…
Stakeholders Examine State Immigration Laws, Offer Solutions
From C-SPAN: The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) brought together legislators, law enforcement officers and activists to discuss solutions to immigration problems.
State Lawmakers Only Have Eyes for SB 1070
From Laurie Roberts’ column in The Arizona Republic: On Tuesday,Landfried’s group is joining with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Texans for Sensible Immigration…
Proposed CISPA Amendments Do Little to Appease Critics
From Declan McCullagh’s article in CNET: A fourth amendment, also from Jackson Lee, would extend CISPA by allowing Homeland Security to “intercept”…
Senate Judiciary Committee Takes Up Arizona 1070 Law
Conservative Groups Slam House Cybersecurity Bill
From Brendan Sasso’s article in The Hill: Six leading conservative groups urged Congress to re-work the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)…
McGraw Appointees Give $36K to Re-Election Campaign
From John O’Brien’s article in The West Virginia Record: An October report produced by the Manhattan Institute as part of its Trial Lawyers…
When Will We Learn Lessons of Big Government?
From Lawrence Reed’s article in The Times-Herald: The Obama administration is jamming new regulations down the throats of businesses big and small at…
The Truth About the Republican War on Caterpillars
From Molly Ball’s article in The Atlantic: In a similar gesture of outrageous insensitivity to the feelings of Creepy-Crawly-Americans, some conservatives also want…
Lights Off for Earth Hour? Rightbloggers Leave Lights On, Declare Victory Over So-Called “Environment”
From Roy Edroso’s article in The Village Voice: As we explained last year, Human Achievement Hour was founded in…
Lighten Up
From Jennifer Harper’s Inside the Beltway: Earth Hour: Oh, it does sound so noble, a veritable Al Gore-ian delight. Landmarks around the…
Congress Must Act Now on Federal Transportation Bill
From a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial: As we noted in a February editorial, that bill has received significant opposition from such conservative and…
CEI to Host Norquist-Lott Book Party
From Betsy Rothstein’s post on FishbowlDC: The Competitive Enterprise Institute and Christian Josi are hosting a book party and signing tomorrow at CEI…
Stearns’ Healthcare Record Questioned
From Bill Thompson’s article in The Gainesville Sun: Such remarks echo a common refrain among conservative critics of President Barack…
Presence of Lead, Other Chemicals in Cosmetics Poses Concerns
From Barbara Bradley’s article in The Commercial Appeal: The Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit advocacy group headquartered in Washington, posts some hair-raising information…
Justices Allow Challenge to EPA Control of Wetlands
From Felicity Barringer’s article in The New York Times: The Sacketts were represented by the Pacific Legal Foundation, a libertarian…
Supreme Court Rules Against EPA ‘Strong Arm’
From Michael Tremoglie’s article on LegalNewsline: Many organizations filed amicus briefs in favor of the Sacketts. Among them were the U.S. Chamber of…
EDITORIAL: Obama’s Bogus Rules
From a Washington Times editorial: The scope of federal rule-making is bewildering. More than 700 new final rules have been published this year,…
Verizon’s Deal With Cable Companies Finds Supporters, Detractors
From Michelle Maisto’s article in eWeek: Eleven…
Natural-Gas Vehicles Plan Sputters in Senate
From Ben Geman’s post in The Hill’s E2 Wire Blog: The Senate plan would have expanded credits for purchasing natural-gas cars and trucks,…
Koch v. Pickens Natural-Gas Battle Reaches Senate Floor
From Ben Geman’s article on The Hill‘s Energy & Environment Blog: And several groups are circulating a joint letter to senators opposing the…
Leave a Light On For Earth Hour
From Peter Roff’s column in the U.S. News & World Report: The modern environmental movement believes that mankind’s activities need to be regulated…
U.S. Chamber Pushes Regulators for Hearing on Nonbanks
From Donna Barok’s article in American Banker: The American Council of Life Insurers, Business Roundtable, and Competitive Enterprise Institute, among others, made the…
The Autoworkers Obama Left Behind
From Michelle Malkin’s column: Thanks to a separate Freedom of Information Act request filed by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, we already know that…
Stop the Regulation!
From Mike Whalen’s op-ed on The Huffington Post: Unfortunately, when it comes to our current government and regulation, the reality is that where…
Flex-Fuel Amendment Makes for Strange Bedfellows
From The New York Times‘ Wheels blog: Environmentalists and automakers, as well as the United States Chamber of Commerce, the Competitive Enterprise Institute…
Coastal Drilling
From a letter to the editor in The Ventura County Star: I’m terribly disappointed that …