
The End of Auto Bailouts (Not.)

Reports have it that Congress and the President have agreed to an auto industry bailout. Bad idea. But here’s one prediction: this $15 billion…


NFIP Needs Renewal. . .But

Unfortunately, Congress needs to renew the National Flood Insurance Program sometime in the next few weeks. Right now, the program provides the only flood coverage…


Why Democrats Often Deregulate

My former employer, the United States Senate, will–at long last–turn over its dinning facilities to a private contractor. Anyone who has ever had to…


A Question for Iain

Iain, I believe you that congestion pricing has not worked in reducing traffic during London’s rush hour. Here’s my question: how can Virginia’s just-started…


The Problem with HSAs

Doug, Although I sympathize with your point of view, I think that your post about HSAs misses the fact that the HSAs we have…


It’s no better here

Doug, Obviously, stories like the one you related show that socialized medicine is a bad idea. In this context, it’s worth noting two things:…


End of An Era

Re-watching Dirty Dancing — a movie far better than its reputation — last night inspired me to do some Internet research. I was pleased…


Other Things On Their Way Out

The Washington Post runs a very interesting story about things on their way out. The list includes “truly blind dates” (we now have Google),…


They Forgot One Thing

Today, of course America woke up to news that JP Morgan Chase has bought out Bear Stearns for $2 a share. (It was trading…


Dirty Speculation

Today’s Washington Post runs a story about the services provided by high-priced call girls. According to the story, high class prostitutes provide “a pledge…


Consumers Want Insurance Choice

An important new study from the American Consumer Institute shows that consumers, on the whole, want broader choice of insurance plans. Right…


Tax Complexity? Bah.

I’m a case study in complex taxes. During 2007, I switched jobs, got income from a half dozen sources, bought one house, sold another, made…


Shacks for Rich People

I recently came across Tumbleweed, the self-styled “tiny house company.” The houses that Tumbleweed builds in California and delivers to any site in the…


Castro the Bigot

Via comes an I-can’t-believe-she-wrote-this memo telling journalists to be nice to Castro. One particularly delicious passage: Please note Fidel did bring…


But We Already Have It. . .

Doug, I agree with your criticisms of the about the problems with the Swedish health care system. But, of course, we have pretty much…


Bill Frist on Chronic Disease

My former boss, Bill Frist, has a very interesting piece in today’s Miami Herald. A quote: Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, emphysema, high…


State Monopolies

John, You miss one very important part of the history of the yellow cab company in Chicago: It succeeded as a business almost entirely…


At CPAC and Depressed

I’m at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and I’m discouraged. I’m a pro-life, pro-gay, pro-market, pro-gun conservative who hates terrorists and central planning…


Let’s Keep Taxis

Michelle, I’m all with the D.C. cab drivers and I disagree with your post. Anyone with a not-terrible driving record should be free to…


The Real Problem in Detroit

In the last few days, I’ve been following the saga of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick with the same fascination I often reserve for car…


Poorly Run Charities: A Solution

Today’s Washington Post carries an interesting, dirt-filed piece about a the Veterans’ charity Help Hospitalized Veterans. The group spends only 31 percent of…


Mob Justice in Bolivia

Thor Halvorssen's wonderful Human Rights Foundation has published an important new report on Bolivian president Evo Morales' efforts to introduce a system of…


Notes from the (Virtual) Trail

I couldn’t resist posting this gem from a Radar magazine article speculating that Ron Paul has Asperger’s syndrome (a mild form of autism):…


Open Markets and Eric Cartman

I appeared on CNBC earlier today arguing in favor of sovereign wealth funds. (Which are foreign government-owned investment companies.) For whatever it’s worth, you can…


Healthier Than Fascism?

Our fine colleagues at Bureaucrash have long sold a t-shirt reading “Smoking is Healthier than Fascism.” Now, Illinois has apparently become the first state…


Department of the Obvious

A new British government report has concluded that…wait…wait…wait.. getting rid of bad teachers will improve schools. Wow. I’m amazed.


A Great Libertarian Artist?

This past weekend, I watched Juno. It’s the best film I’ve seen this year. (I’m not alone: Roger Ebert also loves it.) The film…


Ninjas are Lame

Earlier this year, CEI recognized Talk Like a Pirate Day. Today, December 5, many will mark The Day of the Ninja. For reasons…


Cyber Cold War? Probably Not

McAffee, a company that makes cyber security software, has released a report warning of a new “cyber cold war.” I’m skeptical of how big…


Who cares about “bad” foods?

Men’s Health magazine has released its latest list of what it’s editors believe are the “worst” items on chain restaurant menus. Yawn! Unlike, say,…


Trent Lott Knows Your Name

Nearly everyone has an opinion about Sen. Trent Lott (who, the Associated Press reports, plans to resign from the Senate today.) My off-the-cuff judgment…



If you’re interested in the debate over Optional Federal Chartering for insurance companies, you may want to check out CEI’s new website OFC FAQ.ORG.


The Cult of Historical Preservation

The D.C. Preservation League recently announced its 2007 list of "most endangered" properties. While there's nothing wrong with historical preservation per se, the recent…


In Defense of the Zone System

Ivan, As I’ve written before, I disagree with your post on the end of D.C.’s zone system. Washington cabdrivers are overwhelmingly independent entrepreneurs…


I Want One

If you have an extra $2.5 million to spare, you can become the proud owner of The Robosaurus. Some specs from the web…


Credit Unions and Payday Lending

Wayne told me about an NPR story about credit unions getting into the payday loan alternative business. My only comment is: Why didn’t they…


Eeek! More Banks

Today’s Washington Post carries a story decrying the growth of bank branches in the District of Columbia. Reporter Paul Schwartzman writes: District officials…


First SF Nobel?

Dorris Lessing won the Nobel prize in literature today. I’ve never been a fan of her work myself. I don’t think I ever finished…


Other Ways to Fix Elections

As a Chicago native, I’m quite used to crooked elections. As a result, I got a huge kick out of this story from Reuters:…


Shaking up Insurance

The House Capital Markets Subcommittee is currently conducting the first in what I hope will be a series of hearings to discuss reform of insurance…


For Our Pirate Readers

Arrr. Shiver me timbers! Why hasn’t CEI done more t’ celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day? Only one post? Although Seafarin’ heartys be, fer…


Internet Co-Ops, Why Not?

Wayne’s post got me thinking. Yes, of course, its absurd for Sen. Byron Dorgan to say that consumers somehow own fiber “pipes” that clearly…


Goodbye to Active Management?

A very interesting USA Today story points to investors’ flight from actively managed mutual funds largely in favor of index funds. In general, mutual…


In Defense of Freegans (Sorta)

Well, someone had to do it. UnlikeWayne I don’t mind the freegans. Yes, they’re annoying and self righteous. But they do practice what they…


About Metro

Hans, I have three comments about what you say here. First, on paratransit. The paratransit service (MetroAccess) in this area is already run by…


About that $100 Million Skull

I count myself amongst those who think Damien Hirst — he of the shark-in formaldehyde — a first-rate artist. His work is shocking, interesting, stimulating,…


Sen. Johnson is Back

Senator Tim Johnson, returned to work yesterday. His return means that the debate over Optional Federal Chartering of insurance will heat up (link…



Friars in the City

The Washington Post carries a very interesting story about the growth of a Roman Catholic Religious Order. Two things I find interesting from a…


OFC Debate to Begin Again

With Tim Johnson, the lead sponsor of the Optional Federal Charter for insurance companies back in the U.S. Senate next week, it’s likely that the…


Computers: The Fun is Gone

Taiwan’s Acer has announced plans to acquire computer-maker Gateway. In its heyday during the 1990s, Gateway ran brash, folksy ads in just about every…


One Light Bulb: $47.00

I came home Thursday to find an Light Emitting Diode (LED) light bulb in my mailbox. I had ordered it on ebay and paid…