
Greenhouse Sinners Repent!

Airplanes emit CO2.  Ergo people shouldn’t fly.  To do otherwise is, well, sinful in the view of some people  Reports ABC News: Moral authorities…


A Question for Iain

Iain, I believe you that congestion pricing has not worked in reducing traffic during London’s rush hour. Here’s my question: how can Virginia’s just-started…


Save a Species. Eat it!

You don’t have to be a free market ideologue to realize that markets are the best means of saving endangered plants and animals.  Reports…


Wow, Markets Work for Autos!

Who would have thought it?  Gas prices go up, and the demand for smaller cars rises.  Some cynics might even think that arbitrary regulations like…


Congested Pockets

Almost five years ago, I argued that London’s Congestion Charge was merely a wealth transfer from London commuters to the administrators of the charge.


The Children’s Crusade

Steven Dubner asks whether children are responsible for the recent explosion of environmental concern. He’s got a point. As well as the decidedly non-secular…


Law Limiting Gun Suits Upheld

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the federal law (PLCAA) limiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers over acts committed by criminals with guns,…


Drill for Oil to Save the Environment

In the Washington Post, Robert Samuelson’s column “Start Drilling” points out that ethanol production is far worse for the environment than drilling for oil in Alaska’s Arctic…


We Told You So

If you ever thought that governmental economic planning or market manipulation is a useful tool, take a look at this article in today’s Washington…


Ban the Smokes, Kill the Smokers

The unintended consequences of government are wonderful to behold.  Impose a minimum wage and put poor, ill-educated teens out of work.  Raise auto fuel-economy requirements,…


Heritage Speech

I’ve just got back from delivering a speech at the Heritage Foundation on the subject of my book. I think it went well and…


Fat Discrimination Bills Lumber Forward

A Chicago Tribune story notes that a few jurisdictions now ban discrimination against fat people (generally as part of general bans on discrimination based on physical appearance), and that Massachusetts…


The Problem with HSAs

Doug, Although I sympathize with your point of view, I think that your post about HSAs misses the fact that the HSAs we have…


Colombia “tariff ticker” debuts

The U.S. Department of Agriculture features a Colombia “tariff ticker” on its website to illustrate in money terms how the pending U.S.-Colombia Free Trade…


More on Deadly Ethanol Subsidies

Nate Beeler has an an excellent editorial cartoon, “Food for Thought,” that captures the deadly and costly consequences of ethanol subsidies, in today’s Washington Examiner.   Many go…


When monopolists clash…

…ugly things happen — at least for organized labor, which enjoys monopoly representation under the Wagner Act. Unlike for other services, individuals usually face…


The Windy Denmark Question

Yesterday, a listener on the Michael Medved show challenged me that (I paraphrase), “Denmark has adopted wind power at no cost.” I said that I…


Food Crisis Round Up

As food prices soars to new heights, researchers at Texas A&M makes a potentially revolutionary discovery. They discover a plant gene for saline tolerance…


“Cap and trade is a tax”

Thus spoke CEI’s Myron Ebell at yesterday’s launch of the Hot Air Tour, sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, in time for Earth Day.


Stagflation on the horizon?

Today’s Wall Street Journal carries a front-page story by Ann Davis and Russell Gold on the surge in natural gas prices. The subtitle reads, in…


The Indian Question

At a time when liberal condescension is an important issue in domestic American politics, we shouldn’t forget that it is extremely important in the global…


The Left on Ethanol

As the ethanol disaster gets more and more apparent, the liberal left is trying to wriggle out of any responsibility for it, blaming it on…


Greening the Issue II

Meanwhile, British grocery chain Sainsbury’s has rejected the idea, proposed by the British government as its major (yes…) environmental initiative, of charging shoppers for…


Greening the Issue I

This, from British Tory leader David Cameron, who has made his name as a conservative promoter of green issues, is very interesting: Launching the…


Blinkered Approach

British Conservative Party finance spokesman George Osborne seems to have a blinkered approach to certain aspects of the economy: “An economic strategy for the…


“Too Much Money for AIDS” Treatment

So much foreign-aid money is being spent on costly AIDS treatment in Africa, compared to other diseases, that “H.I.V.-infected children are offered exemplary treatment, while…


No Need to Fear Plastics

Reading the headline of a Washington Post story today, you would think that government researchers have made a new and major finding on a…


Bush’s Global Warming Surrender

We’re hearing some very bad things about the President’s likely unconditional surrender on global warming tomorrow. One senior source suggested that the last line of…


It’s no better here

Doug, Obviously, stories like the one you related show that socialized medicine is a bad idea. In this context, it’s worth noting two things:…


It’s the French, again

I know, I know, the French are targets of easy ridicule here in the USA. But still. Seems French lawmakers passed a bill making it…


Beware the Angry Renter

Former Open Market editor Peter Suderman emailed this week with a new FreedomWorks video on the mortgage bailout. The message is simple – people…