
CEI Alumnus Superstar

Former Warren Brookes Journalism Fellow Tim Carney has distinguished himself yet again, this time with a fancy book award. He’s the winner of the…


I Do

Surfing around, I just came upon AT&T’s “You Will” advertising campaign from the early 1990s. The ads are well-produced and, almost fifteen years after…

Tech and Telecom


Capitalizing on Patriotism

Finally, I’ve received some unsolicited commercial email that has nothing to do with Section 419 or natural male enhancement. The flag-waving proprietors of…


In search of “dystopia”

Last weekend, as the Nor’easter pelted the area, we curled up in front of a fire and watched Blade Runner — Director’s Cut. Hadn’t…


Kurt Vonnegut, RIP

Grossly overrated novelist Kurt Vonnegut Jr. died yesterday after a fall. I’ve never quite understood why a man of such modest talents received so much…


How Business Rates

Business gets a bad rap in America, but I didn't know how bad that rap was until I saw quantified and laid out in easy…


Smearing Coal

Readers of the Wall Street Journal this morning will have noticed several really expensive ads depicting pretty faces smeared with coal dust and the headline…

Energy and Environment


Save the World by Cooking

My wife and I are fans* of in-your-face chef Gordon Ramsay’s program The F Word, which airs on BBC America (but which is actually…


The Tip of the Iceberg

I have a piece in today’s National Review Online about the new bill that would provide optional federal chartering (OFC) for insurance companies. OFC,…



Now I wanna be a Stooge

Anyone who doubts that Americans are living longer and healthier need only see the Stooges, Michigan’s godfathers of punk, who, pushing 60…


Baptists and Bootleggers in the Tropics

Authoritarian thugs are often puritanical and self-righteous, and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is earning his place in the pantheon of dictatorial killjoys, by limiting alcohol…


Koch on Management

I’ve been reading Charles Koch’s The Science of Success recently. Koch himself, of course, is likely one of the greatest benefactors of the libertarian…


PLA = Union Ripoff

Today’s Washington Examiner features a very good editorial on the District of Columbia’s consideration of Public Labor Agreements in its proposed $2.3 billion…


Before Che, there was Leon

Slate features a great essay on Leon Trotsky by British critic Clive James, excerpted from his volume, Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories from History…


Death by Regulation 2.0

A firefighter in the UK is facing suspension for breaking fire service regulations.  His breach?  Saving a drowning woman’s life: The brigade’s rules state: “Personnel…

Consumer Freedom


Bureaucrash on NPR

One of Bureaucrash’s latest project in defense of liberty was recently featured on NPR’s Day to Day. In the link, crashers are seen outside…