Wall Street Journal

Regulator Without Peer

Anyone wondering why the U.S. economy can't seem to grow at its usual pace should examine one product category where production is booming: federal regulation.

Weekly Standard

Monotony Motors

The energy crisis only made matters worse for designers when, in 1975, Congress introduced the first mandatory Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations that set…


Wind Blows

When the calendar changed to 2014, the multi-billion dollar wind energy production tax credit expired, but that doesn’t mean wind companies still aren’t reaping benefits…

Washington Times

The Light Fantastic

Go ahead. Turn on the lights, throw a margarita in the blender or dance around while an industrial-sized sound system plays ‘80s music. So say…

Free Beacon

A Tale of Two Cities

Critics of federal support for green energy projects say Agua Caliente, and the discrepancy between the economies of Yuma and Midland, is indicative of a…