Washington Times

Al Gore’s latest outlandish outburst

We shouldn’t be completely surprised by his defense of population control. This has long been part of his left-wing environmentalist agenda. As Myron Ebell, the…

News Max

Stagflation, Anyone?

Meanwhile, Obama seems bent on doing all he can to strangle the economy, raise prices and kill jobs. He’s driven the national debt to World…


Obama Hires Incendiary Podesta as Top Advisor

Podesta’s group also belittled government watchdogs’ calls for more Obama administration transparency regarding IRS officials targeting Tea Party groups, State Department officials failing to disclose…

New York Post

Obama Makes Up His Own Rules

“They want input from liberal activists and Democratic partisans without public scrutiny,” said Competitive Enterprise Institute official John Berlau, who last year represented a Mississippi…

New York Post

Obama Makes Up His Own Rules

“Racial discrimination in school discipline is a real problem today,” Duncan claimed in announcing the new policy. But chances are he outsourced this “solution.” “I…

Washington Post

Inconvenient Facts for Obamacare

Economist Doug Holtz-Eakin, who heads the conservative American Action Forum and has been warning for years about the law’s ill-effects isn’t surprised. He e-mails, “The…


Married To The State

Two marriage penalties enshrined in Obamacare are proof of the government’s continued efforts to erode traditional marriage. Consider this: the Affordable Care Act requires…


This Farm Bill Stinks

“The farm bill continues the command-and-control sugar policy—with its domestic production…

New York Times

Federal Judge Upholds Health Care Subsidies

Sam Kazman, general counsel of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a libertarian advocacy group that is coordinating and helping finance the lawsuit, said the plaintiffs would…

National Review

Maryland’s Low-Energy Chill

The increased cost of energy isn’t just a side effect of Maryland’s environmental agenda; for radical green policymakers, it’s the point, explains Myron Ebell, the…
