Featured Posts
Bees are flourishing again. Thanks, capitalism!
You can relax, everyone: The honeybees are back. As Andrew Van Dorn of the Washington Post reported recently, America suddenly now has a record…
EPA’s Scientific Integrity Policy is unscientific, lacks integrity
The Environmental Protection Agency recently released a draft update to its “Scientific Integrity Policy,” which aims to ensure the agency’s science-based decisions and…
News Release
New CEI Paper Highlights the Risks Banning Plastics Poses to Humanity
WASHINGTON – In a new paper released today, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) senior fellow Angela Logomasini, PhD argues destroying the U.S. plastics industry,…
Search Posts
Obama’s Spending Freeze, the UN’s Lack of Peer Review and FDA’s Chemical Worries
President Obama proposes a freeze on discretionary spending. A UN scientist confirms that dramatic claims of Himalayan glaciers melting due to global warming were not…
DDT: The Silent Killer…Only When It Was Gone
DDT: The Silent Killer…Only When It Was Gone
Iain Murray’s Testimony at the Legislative Hearing on the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act
Murray will testify in the Senate today, Oct. 29th, at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
Pay Cuts for Wall Street, Required Window Glazing and the New Public Option
The White House “pay czar” plans to cut paychecks for top bank executives by 50%. Environmental regulators in California move to require all cars sold…
Credit Card Fees, Nike Resigns and EU Chemical Policy
Convenience store chain 7-Eleven lobbies for restrictions on credit card processing fees. Nike resigns from the board of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in protest…
Norman Borlaug’s Legacy, Junk Food Science and ACORN’s Shame
Plant scientist Norman Borlaug – Nobel Prize winner and father of the “Green Revolution” – dies at age 95. The Environmental Working Group issues a…
Meryl Streep’s Attack on Julia Child Ironic, Ungrateful
In the new movie “Julie & Julia,” Meryl Streep does well portraying the late Julia Child, but one can say Streep also benefits from…
Unseen Stimulus, E-waste Abroad and Pelosi’s Private Jet
CNN.com profiles Americans receiving benefits from the economic stimulus package. International agencies weigh in on the issue of “e-waste” – trash generated…
Chevron in Court, Health Care in Congress and California’s Budget in Crisis
Chevron continues to fight a lawsuit alleging environmental damage done in Ecuador. Republicans go on the offensive against President Obama’s proposed health care plan. Governor…
Big Labor in Congress, Private Conservation and White House Science Policy
Potentially dramatic changes in U.S. labor law make their way through the legislative process. Efforts to eliminate E. coli contamination on farms leads to unintended…
Burning Rivers, Broadband Price Controls and Beach House Bailouts
Residents of Cleveland observe the 40th anniversary of the infamous Cuyahoga River fire. Congress considers a bill to regulate the pricing of broadband Internet service.
Cap and Trade, GM’s Bankruptcy and BPA
Utilities worry about the costs associated with proposed “cap and trade” legislation for greenhouse gases. General Motors files for bankruptcy. Manufacturers fight off a proposed…
Regulators Fail Chemistry Test
Just how dangerous are modern chemicals? According to experts, not as much as regulators or the media would have you think. That’s the finding…
Europe Investigates Intel, Obama Explodes the Deficit and Minnesota Jumps on the Banned Wagon
European antitrust officials prepare to rule in an investigation of Intel’s microchip marketing practices. The White House estimates that the deficit will explode to $1.8…
The War on Cockroaches, Consumer Credit Shrinks and the Future of Internet Gambling
New York State officials move to limit sale of anti-insect “bug bombs” to consumers. Economists chart a record drop in consumer credit. Rep. Barney Frank…
Cap and Trade Compromise, the Return of Bed Bugs and Jack Kemp, RIP
The White House floats the idea of allowing new oil and gas drilling in exchange for support of a cap and trade system for greenhouse…
Celebrating Earth Day, the FDA Drags Its Feet and Health Scares Debunked
CEI releases a new video titled “Humans Make Earth Day Better.” Promising anti-cancer drug Provenge languishes in the federal approval process despite mounting evidence of…
Michelle Malkin
Humans make Earth Day better
CEI Comments on Draft FDA Risk-Benefit Assessment of Fish Consumption
CEI applauds the FDA's even-handed approach.
News Release
VIDEO: People Make Earth Day Better
This year, the Competitive Enterprise Institute urges those celebrating Earth Day to remember the challenges presented by living in the natural world, and the inspiring ways that human…
Absurd Product Bans, Global Warming Legislation and Unsafe Organic Farming
Industry observers look to California to take the lead in ending the ban on online gambling. Reps. Henry Waxman and Ed Markey introduce sweeping new…
Michelle Malkin
Learning From Cameron’s Mistake
Learning from Cameron’s Mistake Embracing trendy green policies did not help the British Tories. By Iain Murray & Matthew Sinclair…
Michelle Malkin
Feinstein wanting desert swath off-limits to solar, wind projects
Daily Mail
Hour Power
News Release
New Study Debunks Myths About Bottled Water
Recent activist campaigns against bottled water have been filled with myths and half-truths, and have been motivated more by environmentalist ideology than evidence, according to a new study released…
News Release
CEI Unveils Agenda for Congress
Washington, D.C., January 26, 2009—With the incoming Obama administration and the opening of the new Congress, the House and Senate are…
E-waste, Auto Bailout and Climate Science
Activists oppose exportation of used electronic and computer components, or “e-waste”. Detroit auto companies start spending their $17.4 billion in bailout funds. Journalist Lawrence Solomon…
The Energy Independence and Security Act,
Environmentalists fear Obama will forget them in crisis
News Release
Campaign Targets Unfair Political Assault on Bottled Water
A new petition drive demands that politicians not continue plans to ban the product for safety workers and consumers. The campaign comes in the wake of…
Horrible Mortgage Ideas, Environmental Non-Disasters and Defending Delaware’s Honor
Senators spar over a plan for the federal government to buy up “distressed” mortgages. The Capital Research Center releases the “Doom List,” a litany of…
Toxic Arguments
A Review of “Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on Our Children” by Philip and Alice Shabecoff By Iain Murray There’s…
Activists Hit the (Plastic) Bottle Again
Anti-chemical activists opened a new front in their jihad against the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) this week.
West Nile, Union Corruption and Federal Courts
The West Nile Virus has infected individuals in 28 states so far this year. The Los Angeles Times publishes a 3-part series on corruption allegations…
News Release
Environmental Policies Need Overhaul, Says New Study
A new book scrutinizes crucial environmental policy areas in need of change, from global warming to free-market environmentalism, biotechnology, chemical risk, and more.
Losses at Fannie Mae, Satellite TV Merger and Toxic Chemicals
Mortgage giant Fannie Mae reports a loss of $2.3 billion. Cable TV provider Dish Network proposes a merger with DirecTV. Former New York Times environmental…
‘Poisoned Profits’: Recycled Junk Science
Former New York Times environmental reporter Phil Shabecoff is so green he even recycles debunked health scares.
National Review
The Pill As Pollutant
National Review
Iain Murray’s New Book
National Review
Green Ideology
Farm Subsidies, Chemicals in Plastic and High Gas Prices
The White House announces plans to veto the recently-passed $300 billion farm bill. Debate continues over the safety of plastic additive bisphenol A, or BPA.
Green: The New Color of Catastrophe
Is there an advert on TV that doesn’t claim the product or company involved is “doing its best for the planet” or something…
Junk Science: Schumer Chucks the FDA?
Who needs the Food and Drug Administration? New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer and personal injury lawyers certainly don’t — at least to the extent…
Baby Bottles, Union Conflicts and Credit Card Fees
Wal-Mart announces that it will stop selling baby bottles made with the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA. Members of the California Nurses Association and the…
Environmental Politics, Internet Gambling and Drug Imports
Regnery Publishing releases the new book The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You to Know About--Because They Helped Cause Them. An…
Anatomy of a Chemical Murder
Wal-Mart announced last week that it would stop selling baby bottles made with the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA.
The Pill as Pollutant
In 2002, thanks to soccer star David Beckham, the world was introduced to the “metrosexual.” Two years later, and with less mainstream-media…
The Really Inconvenient Truths
From the Inside Flap Al Gore is bad for the planet… Talk about really inconvenient truths–that's one of the many you'll find in Iain Murray's…
Bush’s Climate Plan, Carcinogens in Plastic and Free Trade
President Bush outlines a new plan for national climate policy. A new study raises concerns about a connection between plastics and cancer. Democratic leaders in…
Looming Lightbulb Liability
The speeding freight train carrying toxic waste liability for makers, sellers and purchasers of compact fluorescent lightbulbs, or CFLs, was only faintly audible in the…
Living up to green ‘standards’
In his HGTV show “Living with Ed,” actor and environmentalist Ed Begley Jr. shows his viewers how to live green. Begley certainly more…
Al Gore and the Mission of the Nobel Prizes
In just a few hours following publication of this article, at approximately 9AM Eastern time this morning, the Norwegian Nobel Committee will announce its selection…
The Green Regulatory State
Full Document Available in PDF Over the years, the environmental lobby has advanced a considerable…
The Church of Rachel Carson
One hundred years after her birth in May of 1907, it’s difficult to underestimate Rachel Carson’s influence. Unfortunately, it’s all bad. That hasn’t stopped…
Silent Alarmism: A Centennial We Could Do Without
Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, the 1962 book that launched the modern environmental movement, was born a century…
Rachel Carson’s Deadly Legacy
This week, the world celebrates the 100th birthday of environmental icon Rachel Carson, author of the 1962 book, Silent Spring . To mark the…
Rush Limbaugh for the Nobel Peace Prize
Rachel Carson’s legacy nothing to celebrate
Today is the centenary of Rachel Carson’s birth, which has been noted by many environmentalists who cherish her legacy. However, what has been little…
News Release
Rethinking the Rachel Carson Legacy
Washington, D.C., May 21, 2007—As environmentalists around the world prepare this week to celebrate the 100th birthday of author Rachel Carson, the Competitive Enterprise…
The Case of the DDT Deniers
Day of Reckoning for DDT Foes?
Last week’s announcement that the World Health Organization lifted its nearly 30-year ban on the insecticide DDT is perhaps the most promising development in…
Europe’s Global REACH: Chemical Regulations in Europe Promise Worldwide Costs
This month, the European Parliament voted in favor of a massive new expansion of the European Union's (EU) chemical regulations. Known as REACH—which stands for…
The Long REACH of the EU
The European Union's Council of Ministers is expected to vote soon on the proposed chemicals regulation called REACH, an acronym for Registration, Evaluation, and…
Europe’s OverREACH
Europe’s Global REACH: Costly for the World; Suicidal for Europe
Full Document Available in PDF Regulations enacted in the…
News Release
The REACH of a European Chemicals Proposal: New Study Uncovers Emperor With no Clothes
Washington, D.C., November 7, 2005—A proposed program in Europe to massively expand chemical regulations would be too costly with no benefit, and also have…
National Review
Natural Repellents Tell Mosquitoes to Buzz Off (Letter to the Editor)
Despite the way it was cast in the story (“Natural Repellents Tell Mosquitoes to Buzz Off,” Aug. 18), insect repellants containing DEET have the longest…
National Review
Natural Repellents Tell Mosquitoes to Buzz Off (Letter to the Editor)
Despite the way it was cast in the story (“Natural Repellents Tell Mosquitoes to Buzz Off,” Aug. 18), insect repellants containing DEET have the longest…
REACH and Risk
One of the key reasons the European Union’s proposed constitution was rejected by French and Dutch voters is that they dislike having their lives…
News Release
The Politics Behind Pesticides and the West Nile Virus
In a new study published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, author Angela Logomasini exposes how environmental activists are opposing vital efforts to combat the deadly…
The Green Inquisitor
Europe’s REACH Exceeds Its Scientific Grasp
European regulatory officials have raised hostility to technological innovation to an art form. Their current medium of choice is the Precautionary Principle, which holds…
CEI’s Angela Logomasini Testifies Before The Consumer Product Safety Commission On The Use Of Chromated Copper Arsenate In
Comments of Angela Logomasini, Director of Risk and Environmental Policy, Competitive Enterprise Institute Before the Consumer…
West Nile Wakeup Bites
It became common in Washington’s parks during the summer to see mothers rubbing their children’s arms, faces, and legs with wipes pulled from…
To Beat West Nile, Kill The Carrier
It is common in Washington’s parks these days to see mothers rubbing their children’s arms, faces and legs with wipes pulled from brightly…
Senators Attempt Balancing Security And “Right to Know”
View Full Document as PDF The Department of Justice (DOJ) warned in year 2000 that the risk of a terrorist attack on…
The Precautionary Principle: Protectionism and Environmental Extremism by Other Means
The Precautionary Principle: Protectionism and Environmental Extremism by Other Means …
Deploy DDT To Fight Malaria
Thirty years ago this month, the government launched an assault on a basic liberty – the liberty to protect one’s own health using a pesticide.
Don’t be too Quick to Condemn Lifesaving Pesticides (Letter to the Editor)
Dear Editor: People certainly should be concerned about the declining lobster population in New York, (“A deadly mosquito cure,” Aug. 1) But we should not…
Poisonous Propaganda: Global Echoes of an Anti-Vinyl Agenda
Full Document Available in PDF Led by Greenpeace,…
Pests in Congress
On August 2, the Environmental Protection Agency announced new restrictions and. bans on the use of methyl parathion and azinphosmethyl, two pesticides used widely…
Ignore the Pesticide Scare Du Jour
“Public advocate” reports on the supposed dire consequences of pesticide use seem to come out almost daily. According to news reports and environmentalist “studies,” if…
Washington Post
Chemically Speaking (Letter to the Editor)
It is ironic that environmental groups and others jumped ship from the Environmental Protection Agency’s food-quality advisory panel on the same day that President Clinton…
The Mismeasure of Man
The environmentalist assault on chlorine has taken a recent turn. Organochlorines, we are now told, not only cause cancer, they are capable of altering human…
Rachel Was Wrong
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring ushered in an era of national concern over the potential effects of synthetic chemicals. Published in 1962, Carson's book suggested that…
Rachel’s Folly: The End of Chlorine
Full Document Available in PDF The environmentalists are right about one thing: Dirty…