The Frivolous iSuit
California resident Timothy Smith has sued Apple and AT&T over the iPhone, accusing them of illegal monopolistic behavior. The iPhone…
Uncertain Antitrust Trajectory
The proposed XM/Sirius satellite merger — awaiting OKs from the Justice Department and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) — represents the antitrust establishment’s latest target……
Global Warming’s Bottom Line
Sen. Hillary Clinton last week proposed that publicly-owned companies should be required to disclose to shareholders the financial impacts of global warming. Financial…
US barring import of brilliant minds
Sir, Gideon Rachman's article “Hearts, minds and immigration” (November 13) wonderfully describes the current political arguments concerning immigration policy. But while discussing the US,…
An Immaculate Smithsonian
The Smithsonian isn't going far enough in returning oil industry donations for its ocean exhibit [“Smithsonian Questions $5 Million in…
‘Profit motive’ can benefit everyone
If Thomas Robertson, the new dean of Wharton School, really wants his students to be a "force for good’"in the world, he ought to…
Global Warming’s Senseless Consensus
Is there a “consensus” on global warming among the scientists participating in the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)? To find out,…
Eliminating Prison Rape
It has been far too long in coming but, yesterday, the Federal Prison Rape Elimination commission released its report on elimination and prevention…
This just in
Mark Allen’s "FCC should face reality" [guest commentary, Nov. 8] rightly points out the negative effects of the FCC’s media-ownership rules. One not…
This Just In
Mark Allen's “FCC should face reality” [guest commentary, Nov. 8] rightly points out the negative effects of the FCC's media-ownership rules. One not mentioned,…
Federal Ethanol Mandates Will Plow Us All Under
Holman W. Jenkins Jr.'s column “Cheap Shot at Toyota,” (editorial page, Oct. 24) rightly points out the significant negative consequences of the ethanol “cornrush”…
Sea Treaty Would Crush US Entrepreneurs
The Law of the Sea Treaty, or LOST, is the most important treaty you've never heard of. It would turn over all of the…
Junk Science: Food Nannies’ Halloween Cancer Scare
Ecoterrorism Kills
With reports that some of the fires in California may have been started by arsonists, some people have speculated that all the fires were…
Kyoto-Style Bill Rushing Quietly Through Senate
Just last week conservatives cheered obvious progress in derailing the bipartisan push to quietly adopt the sovereignty-eroding Law of the Sea Treaty or “LOST”…
Self-Interest: Inconvenient Truth of Climate Change
Al Gore has called on humans to address climate change “as a species.” Inconveniently for Gore, however, Homo sapiens are parsed into nation-states that have…
Hogging All the Corn
This fall, Congress will consider an aggressive ethanol production mandate that spells bad news for pork producers in the Tar Heel State. …
California Fire Smokescreen
Are climate alarmists using the Southern California wildfires to fan the flames of global warming? Are environmentalists and government bureaucrats using global warming…
Unions Grasp for Influence Over Private Equity
Mention the names of certain large corporations, and many people think bad things—from ExxonMobil gouging drivers with high gas prices to Wal-Mart destroying city…
Law of the Sea Meets ‘Legacy Time’
As the Bush Administration spends more and more time creating its legacy, the worst collection of initiatives are those that whittle away at American…
Hey Al Gore, We Want a Refund!
A British judge ruled on the eve of Al Gore co-winning the Nobel Peace Prize that students forced to watch…
Why America Doesn’t Ratify Treaties
One of the leading sources of anti-Americanism relates to America's supposed arrogance in failing to sign or ratify international treaties that the rest of…
Partners in spin win Nobel Peace Prize
In its collective wisdom, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this year jointly to former Vice President Al Gore and…
The Subprime FHA
After two months of economic jitters over bad lending decisions, it looks as if the credit markets may have turned a corner. The stock…
Algore’s Nobel Prize for Globaloney
So, former Vice President Al Gore is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, awarded every year with a nice bag of money “to the…
Big Sea Treaty Would Crush Entrepreneurs
DDT Backlash Continues
Ever since the World Health Organization reversed the environmentalist-promoted ban on DDT in 2006, eco-activists have scrambled to devise new ways to malign the…
Al Gore and the Mission of the Nobel Prizes
In just a few hours following publication of this article, at approximately 9AM Eastern time this morning, the Norwegian Nobel Committee will announce its selection…
Bushwhacked: Europe, Media Can’t Handle the Truth
A strange, almost funny thing recently happened at the State Department. This was unusual not solely because proceedings at Foggy Bottom generally prompt fits…
Global Warming’s Trillion-Dollar Turkey
A trillion dollars doesn’t buy what it used to — at least when it comes to global warming, according to a new analysis from…
Economic Reality
Scott Cleland’s Sunday Commentary column, "Ultimate Internet gatekeeper?" described the potential Google acquisition of DoubleClick as a dire situation that would offer "no real…
Unions Grasp for Influence Over Private Equity
Summary: When private equity firms buy up companies they expect to avoid shareholder pressure campaigns—especially those devised by labor unions. Or so they hope.
Crist’s insurance ‘fix’ might leave you broke
When former Gov. Jeb Bush recently said his successor's insurance reforms were “as bad as the natural disasters themselves,” he understated his case. As…
The Break-Up: Time for a Green Divorce
After the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, environmental groups saw an opening. They realized that national-security hawks would be open to proposals to…
The Long Petard: The New York Times and Sarbox
Having dug itself into a hole with inept handling of the MoveOn.org ad and its aftermath, the New York Times Company may…
Painting the Court Green
A specter is haunting the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />U.S. economy — the specter of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)…
A Pardoner’s Tale
Are you a carbon-using Christian? Feeling guilty about all that carbon dioxide (CO2) you pump into the atmosphere by such awful things as breathing, heating…
Biofueling Disorder
Would you believe that the weather in Indiana could trigger popular unrest in China? Global demand for fuel made out of food is growing…
Al Gore’s Unbeatable Deal!
Just imagine the infomercial: Have I got a deal for you! You may not know it, but your house is leaking energy, which means…
Tax hike ahead
USA TODAY's debate on private equity taxation raised important points but overlooked a key fact (“Decoy on tax fairness,” Our view; “…
Europeans Use Antitrust to Thwart Competition
The European Union’s highly politicized business environment increasingly threatens competitiveness and consumer welfare across the continent. The Court of First Instance upheld…
Osborne is wrong about green taxes
Sir, There are several problems with George Osborne's call for higher green taxes (“A strong case for switching to green taxation”, September 13).
Bush’s Credit Issues
In the midst of what’s called the subprime mortgage “contagion,” President Bush seems to have caught a virus of his own: Potomac paternalism syndrome.
Cooking Up Global Warming
A very embarrassing chapter in the history of our nation's scientific establishment has been unfolding thanks to a creative new website www.SurfaceStations.org set…
The Energy Bill That Wasn’t
HUMAN EVENTS' readers are understandably difficult to shock these days with new examples of Congress’ political arrogance. Yet, as the House of Representatives was putting the…
Blackboard economics at FTC
Antitrust regulators are at it again. The Federal Trade Commission remains under the sway of what Nobel Prize-winner Ronald Coase referred to as “blackboard economists,”…
Ethanol and Arkansas
Arkansas corn farmers have rarely had it so good. I should know. Due to surging corn prices, our family farm in Independence County has been…
Runaway Climate Captured?
Runaway global warming, the climate alarmist fantasy let loose on the public, has not yet been captured, but it certainly appears to have at…
Congress’ Energy Legislation Would Impair Alabama
Major industrial firms like <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Toyota and Boeing continue to pour investment into Alabama, which now boasts…
Ripples Make Waves: We shouldn’t tax our credit unions
When last week’s credit-related market slump started reversing the stock market’s 2007 gains, it seemed clear that the Bush Administration would act quickly…