
A Christmas Present for the Labor Lobby?

Lots of people have been oohing and ahhing over President-elect Barack Obama’s surprisingly centrist nominees to the Cabinet.  But there’s one major exception:  Rep. Hilda…


Killing Without the Smile

The National Health Service loves to save money.  Too bad that means denying essential medical care and killing patients.  But what’s a bureaucracy for? The…



The Nutrition Nazis are Back

The consume’rs right to know. It’s hard to disagree with the nanny-state proposal now before the California legislature (I know, I know … what nanny-state…


Fruits and Nuts in California

I love California, but the fruits and nuts truly have taken control.  The city of Los Angeles has initiated a moratorium on fast food restaurants–but…


Government Service with an Oops!

Remember stories about the horrors of the American medical system?  Operations performed on the wrong leg and such?  Guess what:  it’s also a problem in…