
Play the Energy Game

Fans of Sid Meier’s classic video game Civilization are framiliar to the challenge of designing an entire society, God-like from above. Fans of energy…


Ivy League Shame

All you Columbia rejects out there dig out your “we regret to inform you” letters and plaque them up on the wall. Take it as…


Recent Studies Suggest Too Much

Wall Street Journal science columnist Robert Lee Hotz has a fascinating profile of epidemiologist John Ioannidis and his view that because of unacknowledged biases…


Muncipal Wi-Fi Plans Imploding

USA Today reports that Municipal Wi-Fi plans across the nation continue to collapse under the pressure of economic reality. Schemes such as those proposed…


OIRA Backs Science

Cheers to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Yesterday, it released a…


More on internet co-ops

Eli’s post on internet co-ops referring to Wayne’s post about broadband infrastructure got my mind whirring about other examples of cooperatives — housing…


For Our Pirate Readers

Arrr. Shiver me timbers! Why hasn’t CEI done more t’ celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day? Only one post? Although Seafarin’ heartys be, fer…


Internet Co-Ops, Why Not?

Wayne’s post got me thinking. Yes, of course, its absurd for Sen. Byron Dorgan to say that consumers somehow own fiber “pipes” that clearly…


Is this quote from Al Gore?

Who recently made the following statement? [T]he life of all mankind is in danger because of global warming resulting to a large degree from the…


The Costs of Cap-and-Trade

Curve-aceous economist Arthur Laffer (and his colleague Wayne Winegarden) have a new study out this week, estimating the costs to the U.S. economy…


Left Unaccountable

Activists on the left don’t seem to mind expanding bureaucracy and red tape when it hits businesses, consumers, property owners, and taxpayers in general. They…


Goodbye to Active Management?

A very interesting USA Today story points to investors’ flight from actively managed mutual funds largely in favor of index funds. In general, mutual…


Costing the Earth

The Indian government is finding out something that most of us have known for a long time: that measures aimed at dealing with global warming…


Vanity Unfair

Julie’s post today included a link to the May ’07 Vanity Fair article focusing on CEI’s own Myron…


Jane Fonda: Climate Criminal

Shocking allegations, from the New York Times by way of Editor & Publisher: In their regular “Freakanomics” column which will appear in this Sunday’s…


About that Mark Warner Tax Increase

I'm baffled by Eli's contention that Mark Warner, as governor of Virginia, controlled government spending. Warner became a champion big spender after initially practicing fiscal…


Rosia Montana update

For several years now, environmental activists have been fighting to keep a gold mine from reopening in Romania: a mine that would bring much needed…


Now THIS is global warming!

When the sun swells into a red giant in about 5 billion years, “Earth Might Survive Sun’s Explosion,” observational evidence of other star systems…


My Green Rosh Hashanah

At my temple last night the rabbi’s sermon started off beautifully, examining Rosh Hashanah as the birthday of the world.  But it quickly turned into…


Beware the Little Children

I am always cautious when someone utilizes the “do it for the children” argument. Usually it signals a lack of rational justification and the necessity…


Misguided Green Priorities

A story in today’s Washington Post highlights the fact that with all the news about Chinese toy recalls, regulators are ignoring other, more serious…


In Defense of Freegans (Sorta)

Well, someone had to do it. UnlikeWayne I don’t mind the freegans. Yes, they’re annoying and self righteous. But they do practice what they…


Food Nannyism Preempted

A federal judge has struck down a bossy New York City regulation that ordered restaurants to list calorie-counts on their menus for each menu…


Reducing the Harm from Tobacco

Swedish-style snus, a smokeless tobacco product, are much less hazardous to your health than cigarettes. Yet in most of Europe, they are banned, supposedly on…


Anita Roddick, RIP

Anita Roddick, the hyper-politically correct founder of the Body Shop chain of cosmetics stores, has died. She is being widely lauded as a…


About Metro

Hans, I have three comments about what you say here. First, on paratransit. The paratransit service (MetroAccess) in this area is already run by…


“Polluted” Politicians?

Canadian politicians are worried. News reports say that several politicians had recently given some of their blood to the greens, who examined it for…


The Bogus Reefer Madness Excuse

A teenager’s lawyer falsely claims he raped and killed his sister because he was high on marijuana. Amazingly enough, his gullible mother believes this…


Gas Tax Falls Flat

According to a story in today’s Financial Times, Europeans are buying more SUVs than ever. Evidently, European consumers don’t care that larger cars emit…


About that $100 Million Skull

I count myself amongst those who think Damien Hirst — he of the shark-in formaldehyde — a first-rate artist. His work is shocking, interesting, stimulating,…


Propaganda About Discrimination

Even if a Supreme Court decision is correct and well-reasoned, it can still be overturned if the plaintiff's bar comes up with good soundbites…