
An Illiberal Liberal

Brad DeLong writes that "America's best hope for sane technocratic governance required the elimination of the Republican Party from our political system as rapidly…


Alien Stimulus

If hostile aliens invade the planet, “this slump would be over in 18 months,” according to New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. It’s a bizarre…


The Big Repeal

Congress and the White House have typically been reluctant to repeal any laws or regulations, regardless of which party is in power. The solution? Change…

Regulatory Reform


What Shrinking Government?

I had a letter to the editor in Friday’s Washington Post: Richard Cohen fretted that Tea Party activists have “shrunk the government.” He…


They Aren’t Math Majors

Eleven people were arrested for staging a sit-in today inside the U.S. Capitol. They were protesting budget cuts. The trouble is that spending is set…


The Believing Brain

Reason's Ronald Bailey reviewed Michael Shermer's excellent The Believing Brain for The Wall Street Journal. If you don't feel like reading 340 pages, it's a…


Hayek vs. Keynes, Round Two

Russ Roberts and John Papola are at it again. Last year they made a rap video starring F.A. Hayek and John Maynard Keynes. It garnered…


Giving Back to the Community

People often refer to their charitable efforts as "giving back." This is a misuse of language; what did they take? Here's an excerpt from a…


Polls Are Useful

“By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.” - Oscar Wilde…