
Hands off VOIP

Today's New York Times carries a story about the sudden failure and shutdown of my former home telephone company, SunRocket. Although it obviously…

Consumer Freedom


David Thibault, RIP Editor-in-Chief David Thibault died today, after a long fight with cancer. Many of us here at CEI have worked closely with the reporters and…


Too much union disclosure?

House Democrats are seeking to cut funding for a government agency. A sign of their newfound fiscal frugality? Well, no. Their seeking to cut funding…


Plans for the A380

EADS, the parent of Airbus and the largest heavy industrial company in Europe, yesterday announced that it would no longer have two CEOs…


What Lending Crisis?

Inside Higher Ed carries a very interesting article about how Columbia University’s Barnard College cut its volume of student loans by 73 percent. According…


Just Say No…to The Yes Men

This week DC played host to the anti-corporate shenanigans of The Yes Men, self-proclaimed “culture jammers” who get off on impersonating corporate and government spokespeople…


Government Wisdom

The House Agriculture Committee’s homepage features a message from the chairman that includes this line: Every American who eats should recognize the importance of…

Consumer Freedom


Hate Crimes Bill is Back

Earlier, I wrote about how the federal hate crimes bill contains provisions that would undermine protections against double-jeopardy and constitutional federalism safeguards (see here,…

Law and Litigation


Mandatory Purchase

In a piece in Saturday's Washington Examiner, I examine the parallels between auto insurance and health insurance, and, for the most part, find that…



Support for Big Government Grows

The Pew Center finds that a growing percentage of Americans believe that “government should have the responsibility to take care of those who can’t…


More on Sicko

Kurt Loder, in his review of Michael Moore’s Sicko (cited earlier), mentions the short documentary Dead Meat by filmmakers Stuart Browning and…


Sicko’s Sick Stunt

MTV film critic Kurt Loder takes apart Michael Moore’s Sicko.  The entire review is well worth reading, but here’s a sample, Loder on Moore’s…



Blame Government, Not Wal-Mart

Sunday’s Washington Post printed a sympathetic story about an independent pharmacy. The story appears to be about how the rapacious forces of capitalism are…