
Death by Regulation 2.0

A firefighter in the UK is facing suspension for breaking fire service regulations.  His breach?  Saving a drowning woman’s life: The brigade’s rules state: “Personnel…

Consumer Freedom


Bureaucrash on NPR

One of Bureaucrash’s latest project in defense of liberty was recently featured on NPR’s Day to Day. In the link, crashers are seen outside…


More from Gore on the Hill

Keep up with Al Gore’s Capitol Hill appearance with Iain Murray, live blogging on Planet Gore. His latest entry follows: Al…


Me Want Cookie!

Fred — Your reference to my personal hero Cookie Monster reminded me of a rumor I had heard that he was going to become “Veggie…


Beyond parody

I cannot put it better than Stephen Pollard, who sums up this article with the well-known oxymoron, “We’re from the Government, we’re here…


All property is (ripe for) theft

Latest wizard wheeze from Her Majesty’s Government – if you’ve left money unused in a bank account for a while, you obviously don’t need it…


Re: Energy Sources

Eli, that table actually refers to the generating capacity of new facilities – c.1300 MW over the next few years. There’s not really any way…


Can “Unsafe” Planes Save Lives?

Today's Wall Street Journal (online version by subscription only) contains a rather shocking chart on page 1 showing enormous rates of air travel fatalities in…


Ignorance is Bliss

Senator Hillary Clinton opines: “I turn off a light and say, ‘Take that, Iran,’ and ‘Take that, Venezuela.’ We should not be sending our…


In the thrall of Big Oil

The current Entertainment Weekly has an interesting little tidbit about the pre-Oscar party for Al Gore thrown by Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith (photos…


Al’s Big Adventure on NRO

“Al’s Big Adventure,” appearing today in NRO’s Planet Gore blog, features CEI’s Chris Horner giving Congress some pointers about Mr. Gore’s upcoming testimony.


Cookie Scalping

A gas station in Parma, Ohio has taken to reselling girl scout cookies at a profit. The media, of course, is having a field…


Green AND Market Oriented

To me, the best green invention in the world is the compact fluorescent light bulb: these bulbs cost more up front but they last about…


Slacker May Bust Anti-Trust

Sirius and XM are both losing cash, fast. So, they’ve proposed a merger to cut costs, but that has to be endorsed by regulators. That’s…


Operation Amtrak

Eli is, of course, correct. Amtrak is in no state to be privatized yet, and the botched BR privatization demonstrated that privatizing a railroad…


Good point!

Climate scientist James Annan makes an important point about the economics of climate change in a comment (#4) over at Prometheus: “Putting it…


Global warming round-up

Here are some tidbits and links you may have missed: “Deniers” vs “Alarmists” in a debate in NYC tonight More calls for individual…


AT&T Merger with BellSouth

The Internet is abuzz with worry about the possible negative implications of the merger of AT&T and BellSouth. One of the biggest fears is that…


Insult to injury

Doesn’t anyone in the UK understand the economic concept of “sunk costs” any more?  Three men wrongly convicted of murder and released after many years…


Global warming latest

A few days to catch up on, so here are quite a lot of global warming-related stories you may have missed: China will not be engaging in…


IP Block Connecticut

The Connecticut legislature is considering a bill that would require social networking sites, such as MySpace or Facebook, to verify the age of users of…


Everyday Kerry

Call it a case of Oscar Envy or simply the road more well-traveled, but Saturday’s Boston Globe featured a headline, “Kerry’s new book…


Selective Support for Democracy

In response to a federal appeals court’s decision Friday striking down the District of Columbia’s gun ban, the head of the Brady Center to Prevent…


The Great Global Warming Swindle

Martin Durkin brings us the documentary answer to global warming alarmism – recently broadcast in the UK. Enjoy: [googlevideo]9005566792811497638[/googlevideo] UPDATE: The Telegraph has a story…


Leave the wind to Uncle Sam?

A newish Congressional Research Service report raises some very interesting questions about current proposals that the federal government begin to provide wind insurance. Paired…


Washington, D.C. Gun Ban Shot Down

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has just declared Washington, D.C.’s gun ban unconstitutional under the federal Constitution’s Second Amendment,…


Caring for Vets: A Healthy Plan

I have a piece in yesterday’s NR Online–my first CEI publication–that may seem a little counterintuative coming from a free market organization like CEI.


Behind the Times

Today’s Globe and Mail reports that a recent study summarizes the “latest scientific evidence” on the dangers of eating too much fish containing trace levels…


The Internet Never Forgets

Former CEI research associate Achim Schmillen has a great op-ed today in the Detroit News on proposed new “data retention” regulations: Do you remember every…


Global Warming Round-up

Some global warming-related stories you may have missed: British companies involved in the Emissions Trading Scheme enjoy a $1.5 billion profits windfall while energy…


No Cletus Left Behind

Last night’s new episode of “The Simpsons” skewers the No Child Left Behind Act’s testing requirements — in only a few seconds. School district…


NYT opines on civil liberties

A Sunday New York Times editorial, “The must-do list,” reviews the attacks on civil liberties in U.S. policies since 9/11. Worth a read, especially…


Rewind to the future

Over at Planet Gore, Iain and our former colleague Peter Suderman have some further commentary on the silly Washington Post article by…


Insider trading in TXU deal?

The Wall Street Journal‘s energy blog is reporting that the Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating possible insider trading in the TXU takeover deal.


Global warming round-up

Lots of global warming-related stories you may have missed: Threat of Kyoto is leading to wholesale deforestation in New Zealand. U.N. climate talks…


The Nanny State’s Next Frontier

Many libertarian economists and commentators have long criticized professional licensing as a protectionist scheme that restricts competition to the benefit of some (licensed) producers and to the…