
LibertyWeek 13: Scandal Watch

Tune in to lucky episode thirteen of the best pro-freedom podcast around, CEI’s very own LibertyWeek, with your hosts Richard Morrison and Cord Blomquist.


Are There No Workhouses?

Some people seem to think that having a mind for business and profit means you must be some kind of money-grubbing miser. Far from it,…


Reason TV on Ethanol

Our friends over at Reason TV has produced a snappy little video on the questionable merits of ethanol, starring former CEI Warren Brookes Journalism Fellow…


Beware the Angry Renter

Former Open Market editor Peter Suderman emailed this week with a new FreedomWorks video on the mortgage bailout. The message is simple – people…


Capitalists for Capitalism

Our good friend Steve Milloy gets some ink today in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, where columnist Jack Markowitz profiles the Free Enterprise Action Fund:…


Charlton Heston, R.I.P.

And so film legend and freedom lover Charlton Heston has left us, at age 84. There are already hundreds of obituaries and tributes,…


Bush Budget Battle

The final Bush budget is out for FY 2009 (though not on paper, notes The Hill), and the criticism is already flying. Speaker of…


CAFE’s Killer Impact

New estimates are out on the impact of increasing Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations, as the recent energy bill did. It’s not pretty.


Soothing the Employment Panic

Last week John did an excellent job of putting recent unemployment numbers in historical perspective. Some market observers seem to be freaking out because…


The $100 Question

It’s official, oil has broken the $100 a barrel threshold. Why are prices so high and what can we do about it? Our very…


Turning out the Lights?

Since we’ve been lamenting the incipient demise of the incandescent light (Bulb 1.0), I’d say it’s a good time to review The Simpleton’s Guide…


Carney on Congress

Make sure to take a look today at Tim Carney’s latest Friday column for the DC Examiner, this time on the travesty of an…


Hands off Cable, FCC

The FCC today is going to consider expanding its authority to saddle cable TV with many of the same regulations as broadcast. That, to…


The Real GM Food Scandal

Author Dick Taverne has the cover story in this month’s issue of Prospect, in which he takes on the unwarranted negative reputation GM foods…


Farm Bill Follies

The Senate farm bill is headed to the floor, even as Agriculture Committee chairman Tom Harkin is expressing reservations about some of the…


More Senate Mischief

News from Congress Now on this afternoon’s machinations by members of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee: Highlighting the difficult straddle facing proponents, a…


And so it begins…

Wayne emails today with a link to an NPR story about an ominous milestone in U.S. history: The first member of the Baby…


Watch for Falling CFLs

Over the past few months, many an Open Market post has been dedicated to the issue of compact fluorescent (CFL) lightbulbs vs. traditional incandescents.


Ag + You = $$$

Mining giant Barrick Gold has recently announced a fascinating challenge to would-be mining engineers of the world: if you can think up a new…


Play the Energy Game

Fans of Sid Meier’s classic video game Civilization are framiliar to the challenge of designing an entire society, God-like from above. Fans of energy…


Recent Studies Suggest Too Much

Wall Street Journal science columnist Robert Lee Hotz has a fascinating profile of epidemiologist John Ioannidis and his view that because of unacknowledged biases…


The Costs of Cap-and-Trade

Curve-aceous economist Arthur Laffer (and his colleague Wayne Winegarden) have a new study out this week, estimating the costs to the U.S. economy…


Jane Fonda: Climate Criminal

Shocking allegations, from the New York Times by way of Editor & Publisher: In their regular “Freakanomics” column which will appear in this Sunday’s…