In recent years, especially under the Biden administration, there has been an unprecedented attack on the supply of reliable and affordable energy, from reducing oil and gas lease sales to the administration’s efforts to shift from reliable electricity sources to renewable energy sources. The partisan Inflation Reduction Act is a central piece of the harmful electrification effort that will undermine the electricity grid. If all of this was not bad enough, there are also governmental efforts to limit Americans from using reliable and affordable energy, such as efforts to severely limit the availability of gas-powered vehicles and bans on natural gas appliances.
Ensuring abundant, reliable, and affordable energy is a must, as is consumer freedom when it comes to energy. The Competitive Enterprise Institute advocates for policies to keep energy abundant, affordable, and competitive. Carbon fuels—coal, natural gas, and oil—provide about 80 percent of U.S. and global energy. They are the world’s dominant energy sources because, in most markets, they beat the alternatives in both cost and performance.
CEI is leading efforts to defend the personal energy choices of Americans. We advocate for policies that will stop government at all levels from banning or restricting what good and services Americans can choose to best meet their needs.
For decades, CEI has opposed regulatory overreach from the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies that put undue costs on energy industries and consumers. These include President Biden’s new power plant rule, the “Blackout Plan,” which would ignore the major questions problems detailed in West Virginia v. EPA, increase consumer electricity prices, and threaten grid reliability. CEI’s research and policy proposals have been instrumental on energy issues.
Featured Posts

News Release
CEI-led coalition urges Congress to end Green New Deal policies embedded in the Inflation Reduction Act
The Competitive Enterprise Institute today sent a coalition letter to Congress urging lawmakers to make it a priority to get rid of the Inflation Reduction…

House should support the Protecting American Energy Production Act
This week the House of Representatives is expected to consider the Protecting American Energy Production Act (H.R. 26), which was introduced by Rep.
The Independent Institute
Wind and Solar Tax Credits are Destroying the Grid
Rising power demand is revealing the fatal flaw in the increasing penetration of wind and solar on the grid. It’s time to admit that enough…
Search Posts
News Release
Negatives Outweigh the Positives in Manchin-Schumer Permitting Bill
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) released the text of a bill proposing minor changes to the federal permitting…
News Release
CEI Supports Sullivan-Lee Amendment to Eliminate Unfair Advantages Given to China in Kigali Treaty
The Competitive Enterprise Institute strongly supports the Sullivan/Lee Amendment that would eliminate the unfair advantages given to China under the Kigali Amendment, but still opposes…
Inflation Reduction Act and West Virginia v. EPA: Legislative History Refutes Sen. Carper’s Spin
“And whatever interpretive force one attaches to legislative history, the Court normally gives little weight to statements, such as those of the individual legislators, made after the…
Could Heating Costs Set Records This Winter?
Gasoline prices reached their peak at over $5 per gallon last June before declining to the current $3.70, but the worst may be yet…
Coalition Comments on Proposed Determination to Prohibit Disposal Sites in Pebble Deposit Area
Comments of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, 60 Plus Association, Heritage Action for America, Freedom Works, Project 21, Reaching America, American Lands Council, American Business…
Wall Street Journal
Renewable Energy? Where’s Your Permit?
The U.S. has one of the developed world’s most costly, time-consuming and unpredictable systems for authorizing big infrastructure projects. In the Inflation Reduction Act, Sens. Joe…
Real Clear Energy
An Update on Anti-West Virginia Scheming in the Schumer-Manchin Reconciliation Bill
Last Friday I discussed two provisions in the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that seemingly aim to rebut the Supreme Court’s recent landmark decision in West Virginia…
CEI Comments to EPA Regarding Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Improvement Rule, Proposed Rule
INTRODUCTION The Competitive Enterprise Institute is a policy and analysis organization committed to advancing the principles of free markets and limited government. We are particularly…
Does the Schumer-Manchin Bill Undercut West Virginia v. EPA? No, But Not For Lack of Trying
This Wednesday on Fox Business with Larry Kudlow and later on Fox News with Sean Hannity, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned that buried…
News Release
Senate Votes on Sensible Reforms to Fix Broken Environmental Permitting System
In a vote that brings big implications for energy, mining, and infrastructure, the Senate voted today for reforms that would make improvements in the nation’s…
Think Handouts to Rich Electric Vehicle Buyers Are Unfair? Check Out the Inflation Reduction Act’s Homeowner Tax Breaks
The Manchin-Schumer Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 extends the current tax credits up to $7,500 for electric vehicles (EVs). Among the many flaws with…
Important NEPA Reform Vote in Senate this Week, with Implications for the Schumer-Manchin Package
The Senate may vote as soon as this week to reinstate Trump administration reforms to the federal permit process under the National Environmental Policy Act…
Net Zero, Joe Manchin, and High Energy Prices
This morning National Review published my article expressing skepticism that the advance of “net-zero” climate policy is inevitable (or even likely). It was written…
News Release
Manchin/Schumer Deal on Health Care, Energy Spending is Bad News for Inflation, Taxpayers
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Joe Manchin reportedly announced a surprise deal on July 27 that resuscitates Democrats’ big government spending ambitions on…
CEI Leads Coalition Opposing the Confirmation of Joseph Goffman as EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation
Dear Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Capito, and Members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works: The undersigned organizations and individuals write to express…
Fox Business
Experts slam Pete Buttigieg’s comments on EVs: ‘A con job’
Fox Business cites CEI Center for Energy and Environment Director Myron Ebell on electric vehicles. However, experts highlighted that cheaper EVs are still more expensive than comparable…
Law & Liberty
Zero Impact’s Grim Cost
Philosopher and energy expert Alex Epstein sets himself two goals in his new book, Fossil Future—one significantly more difficult than the…
News Release
Declaring National Climate Emergency Would Be an Abuse of Power and Further Raise Energy Prices
WASHINGTON—Recent reports suggest President Biden is considering declaring a “national climate emergency” citing authority under the Defense Production Act to impose energy policy in…
Green Politics Leads to Higher Gas Prices
Americans have been plagued by high gas prices in recent months, with recent polls showing fuel costs at the top of the list of…
News Release
Remembering Pat Michaels (1950-2022)
The Competitive Enterprise Institute and the entire policy community lost a friend and colleague last week. We mourn the death of Dr. Patrick J. Michaels…
DOT’s Doublespeak Carbon Reduction Program
The Department of Transportation (DOT) is proposing to require its state and metropolitan counterparts to reduce on-road carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from portions of…
The Federalist
How the Supreme Court Upended EPA’s Power Grab and Curbed the Administrative State
The Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency upends the EPA’s assertion of authority, under the Obama and Biden administrations, to…
Some Good News on the Mountain Valley Pipeline
There are a lot of bad federal policies currently blocking American energy. Perhaps worst of all are measures bottling up Appalachia’s abundant natural gas that…
News Release
CEI Experts React to Supreme Court’s West Virginia v EPA Decision
WASHINGTON—In deciding West Virginia v. EPA today, the Supreme Court held that Congress never authorized the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon emissions from…
CEI Expert Testimony at Legislative Hearing to Strengthen Energy Infrastructure, Efficiency, and Financing
House Subcommittee on Energy 2123 Rayburn House Office Building June 22, 2022 Legislative Hearing to Strengthen Energy Infrastructure, Efficiency, and Financing Remarks of Ben…
Yellen Proposes Capping Oil Prices? Not Quite
Cable news and Twitter are aflame with outrage today that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen proposed price caps for oil. Fortunately, the rumors are false.
The Many Arbitrary and Capricious Aspects of SEC’s Climate Risk Disclosure Rule
Yesterday (June 16), CEI submitted two comment letters to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on its proposed rule: “The Enhancement and Standardization of…
The New Joe Biden – Friend of American Industry?
In recent months, President Biden has undertaken several measures he claims will encourage domestic drilling, mining, and manufacturing. It’s a big change from 2021 when…
American Banker
Financed emissions are banks’ latest climate-change challenge
American Banker cites CEI Senior Fellow Richard Morrison on financed emissions: Shareholders are already deciding whether companies should disclose more information about their emissions, often…
The Washington Post
Biden wants to rebuild the EPA. He doesn’t have the money to do it.
The Washington Post cites CEI Director of Energy and Environment Myron Ebell on the EPA’s budget: “I’m happy to see the…
America’s Heat Pump Emergency
The Biden administration announced it will use the Defense Production Act (DPA)—a Korean War-era statute allowing presidents to demand American industry increase production of anything…
More Staycations This Summer, Thanks to Biden’s Gas Price-Raising Agenda
Memorial Day Weekend kicks off the summer driving season, and vacationers will be paying record-high gasoline prices—and quite a few families may even have to…
Fox News
Washington’s war on air conditioning heats up
It’s the scariest moment of the year for many homeowners – that first really hot day, usually in May, when we turn…
Pumping Up Prices
Creators cites CEI Senior Fellow Ben Lieberman on gas prices: “If big oil could raise prices anytime they wanted and get…
News Release
Biden Cancels Oil Lease Auctions
With gas prices way up, the Biden administration has just canceled significant oil and gas lease sales pending before the Department of the Interior. CEI…
A Bad Day for Incandescent Light Bulbs – and Freedom of Choice
Consumers are better off with choices, and worse off when federal regulators step in and take them away. That’s the best way to view today’s…
CEI Comments Explain Why FERC’s Greenhouse Gas Regulatory Policy Cannot Pass a Cost-Benefit Test
Today, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) filed comments on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) proposal to consider climate change impacts in reviews…
CEI Comments to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Docket No. PL21-3-000
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Order on Draft Policy Statements, March 24, 2022. Docket No. PL21-3-000 Comments submitted by Marlo Lewis, Patrick Michaels, and Kevin Dayaratna.
The Flipside of Earth Day
If I wanted America to fail,To follow, not lead,To suffer, not prosperTo despair, not dreamI’d start with energy.I’d cut off America’s supply…
News Release
Final NEPA Rule Will Encourage Anti-Development Lawsuits Against Fossil Fuel Projects
The White House today released its final rule updating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the law governing permitting and environmental review for new federal…
American Energy Alliance
In the Pipeline, Daily Energy News
The American Energy Alliance cites Senior Fellow Marlo Lewis, Jr.’s “SEC Ignores the Easiest Way to Reduce Climate Policy Risks – Oppose the NetZero Agenda”…
SEC Ignores the Easiest Way to Reduce Climate Policy Risks – Oppose the NetZero Agenda
The Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) rationale for its proposed climate risk-disclosure rule does not pass the laugh test. The SEC claims it seeks…
E-15 May Do More Food Price Harm than Gas Price Good
The Biden administration Environmental Protection Agency has announced an emergency waiver allowing gasoline blends containing up to 15 percent ethanol in a bid to…
Algae and High Gasoline Prices
If you have managed to avoid record-high gasoline prices by using algae fuel instead, you have former President Barack Obama to thank. If not, you…
Time for a Sensible Sense of Congress Resolution on the Paris Agreement
National Journal yesterday confirmed what has become increasingly obvious since October 2021: “Biden’s Climate Goals Are in Peril.” The Democrat-controlled Congress has failed…
Rep. Bill Johnson Asks Oil CEOs to Stop Apologizing and Be Proud of Producing Energy
The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a long hearing yesterday to harangue oil company CEOs for price gouging as the cause of high…
Desert Sun
Gas Station Owners, Oil Companies Are Not to Blame for High Gas Prices
Whenever the price at the pump increases, so does the finger-pointing, but much of the blame game over high gasoline prices is neither accurate nor…
News Release
New IPCC Report Deals in Politically-Convenient Fictions Rather than Fact-Based Reality
WASHINGTON—The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) today released the findings of its third working group, focused on mitigation and adaptation to…
Invoking Defense Production Act Won’t Unleash Domestic Mining
President Biden is reportedly going to invoke the Defense Production Act for the minerals needed to make electric vehicle (EV) batteries. But it’s all…
Inside Sources
Who NOT to Blame for High Gasoline Prices
Whenever the price at the pump increases, so does the finger-pointing, but much of the blame game over high gasoline prices is neither accurate nor…
The Washington Examiner
Will Ukraine Invasion Spark Another Trans-Alaska Pipeline Moment?
Could Russia’s invasion of Ukraine convince the Biden administration to abandon its opposition to increased domestic oil and natural gas production? It seems doubtful, but…
Further Thoughts on the Supreme Court’s Clean Power Plan Case
I heartily recommend the reply briefs by petitioners West Virginia and Westmoreland Mining Holdings, LLC in the Supreme Court’s Clean Power Plan case,…
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine And Energy Prices: Myth vs. Fact
Candidate Joe Biden repeatedly promised to aggressively target new domestic oil and natural gas projects in the U.S. as part of his climate change…
News Release
After Bloom Raskin Withdrawal, Biden Should Nominate Someone Focused on Financial Stability, Monetary Policy
President Biden’s nominee to be Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Sarah Bloom Raskin withdrew her nomination from consideration today, after it became clear that…
Inside Sources
Russia’s Invasion Impact Hits Beyond Oil to Mining and Metals
Much has been said about the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on oil and natural gas markets and the lessons for American energy policy.
Fox and Friends First
VIDEO: Myron Ebell Joins Fox & Friends First
Director for the Center for Energy and Environment Myron Ebell joins ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss President Biden’s Russian oil ban and the need…
The Washington Times
Why Biden Energy Policies Have Contributed to Surging Oil Prices
The Washington Times cites Director of the Center for Energy and Environment Myron Ebell on why the Biden Administration should change its stance…
Fox Business
West Virginia vs. EPA at Supreme Court: Energy Costs at Stake as Ukraine-Russia War Rages
Fox Business cites Director of the Center for Energy and Environment Myron Ebell on the West Virgina v. EPA Supreme Court case:…
The Washington Times
Journalists Under Fire in Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The Washington Times cites Director of Center for Energy and Environment Envir Myron Bell on how the Biden Administration’s anti-energy policies will continue to harm…
News Release
Biden Admin’s Reinstatement of California’s Power to Rig Auto Markets Deserves to Lose in Court
The Biden Administration announced today it will reinstate the waiver that allows California to set its own fuel economy standards. CEI experts argue it faces…
News Release
Unless Biden Admin Reverses its Anti-Energy Policies, Russian Oil Imports Ban Will Hurt American Consumers
The Biden administration announced a ban on oil imports from Russia, in response to the invasion of Ukraine. CEI experts reacted to the decision. Director…
Climate Change as an “Existential Threat” Is So 2021
President Joe Biden confirmed in his State of the Union address to Congress on March 1 that climate change was last…
Clean Power Plan Litigation: The Supreme Court Should Rein in the EPA
On Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency. Depending on how the Court decides it, the case…
News Release
CEI Experts React to President Biden’s State of the Union Address
President Joe Biden delivered his first State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress tonight. CEI policy experts weighed in on his…
The New York Sun
Why the EPA Needs a Lesson in Constitutional Law
The Supreme Court on Monday has a chance to remind the Environmental Protection Agency that there are limits to its power. During the Obama administration,…
Real Clear Energy
Will the Supreme Court Rein in the EPA?
The Supreme Court will soon hear oral argument in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency. The Court will examine the lawfulness of the Obama administration’s…
No Matter How You Heat Your Home, This Winter Is Costing A Lot More
We are wrapping up the winter of 2021-2022, the first full one under the Biden administration and its energy policies. It has been a rough…
Why the Mountain Valley Pipeline Matters
In what came as a surprise to few, if any, observers, the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline has hit another judicial setback that will delay…
The Washington Post
Court Ruling on Social Cost of Carbon Upends Biden’s Climate Plans
The Washington Post cites CEI’s request for reconsideration of revised 2023 and later model year light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emissions standards:…
E&E News
Group Asks EPA to Nix Fuel Rule that Relied on Climate Metric
E&E News cites Attorney Devin Watkins on the EPA’s social cost of carbon: A conservative think tank is asking EPA to reconsider…
News Release
CEI Requests EPA Reconsider Vehicle Emissions Rule After Federal Court Rules Social Cost of Carbon Likely Unlawful
WASHINGTON – The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) sent a formal request on behalf of itself and four individuals to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)…
Either Support Domestic Mining or Oppose the Climate Agenda; You Can’t Do Both
The Biden administration supports more electric vehicles and wind turbines and solar panels in order to address climate change. It should also support more domestic…
Biden Administration Continues Push Toward Electric Vehicles
KSNV-TV NBC cites Senior Fellow Ben Lieberman on the realities energy alternatives: “So we’re going from energy dominance in coal, oil and…
U.S. Geological Survey Study Underscores Extent of Import Dependence for Critical Minerals
The U.S. Geological Survey’s recent report, Mineral Commodity Summaries 2022, documents the significant extent to which America relies on imports of numerous critical minerals,…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter to Department of Energy Defending Freedom of Choice for Light Bulbs
As I described in my recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, A Regulatory Burden For Every Room In Your House, the Biden administration has embarked…
Coalition Opposes Proposed DOE Lightbulb Rule
Re: Docket Number EERE-BT-STD-0005: Department of Energy: Energy Conservation Program: Backstop Requirement for General Service Lamps: Notification of Proposed Rule: 86 FR 70,755 (December…
Sustainable Aviation Fuel Provisions In Build Back Better – A Slippery Slope?
There are many carrots for low-carbon alternatives to fossil fuels in the Build Back Better legislation passed by the House and now being considered…
CEI Comments on Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation under Sections 3 and 7 of the Natural Gas Act.
Docket No. PL21-3-000 Comments submitted by Patrick Michaels, Kevin Dayaratna, and Marlo Lewis.[1] Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the questions posed…
Tell Us It Ain’t So, Joe
There is at least one news report that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has continued negotiating with the White House on a slimmed down version…
CEI in Amicus Brief Asks Supreme Court to Block the Clean Power Plan that Congress Rejected
People often talk about the undemocratic and illegitimate administrative state, of which the Clean Power Plan (CPP) is the perfect example. The Supreme Court will…
Law & Liberty
Self-Defeating Environmental Activism
When we say, “the environment,” we usually mean the natural world and its processes, the plants and animals which we collectively call the biosphere. It…
For Energy Infrastructure Projects, Even Supreme Court Victories Mean Nothing
In the last two years, two different natural gas pipeline projects were the subject of Supreme Court cases, and both times the project developers achieved…
Is It Finally Goodbye for Incandescent Light Bulbs—and Consumer Choice?
President George W. Bush initiated the federal government’s targeting of incandescent light bulbs in energy legislation he signed in 2007. Subsequent Department of Energy…
National Review
Tales from the Carbon Cult in Glasgow
CEI’s visiting investigative writer, Kevin D. Williamson, shares tales from COP26Myths of the 21st CenturyThere is a whiff of incense in the air, sweet and heavy as tree sap.
CEI’s New Anti-Carbon Tax Study
CEI has a new study out this week titled, “Why Carbon Taxes Are Anti-Growth, Anti-Consumer, and Politically Dangerous for Conservatives.” It develops the following…
News Release
A Carbon Tax Would Raise Prices, Harm Economy and Spur Political Backlash
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) published a new paper today arguing a carbon tax is unnecessary, harmful to economic growth and consumers, and…
Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Cannot Undo Biden Administration’s Anti-Drilling Agenda
The Biden administration seems to know the playbook for pretending to respond to high gasoline prices. First, blame big oil for price gouging and launch…
NEPA Is Not a Climate Policy Framework. CEI Submits Comments on Biden Proposal
CEI submitted comments yesterday opposing the Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) proposal to repeal regulations adopted by the Trump CEQ in July…
Another Gasoline Price Increase, Another Useless Federal Trade Commission Investigation
President Biden has officially requested the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate high gasoline prices. Unfortunately, this diversionary tactic has a long history and…
CEI Comments on Biden Administration Proposal to Revise National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Regulations.
Comments of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) proposal to modify certain…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Urging Senators to Vote Against Ratification of Kigali Amendment
November 17, 2021United States SenateUnited States CapitolWashington, DC 20510 Dear Senator: The undersigned organizations strongly urge you to vote against ratification of the Kigali Amendment…
National Review
COP 26 Cables: The Glasgow Pact Is a Cry for Central Planning
TL;DR: The COP26 meetings closed with a whimper as realpolitik dashed dreams of an immediate green revolution. The insular community that thrives at…
National Review
COP26 Cables: A Bit of Argy Bargy among Countries Seeking the Spotlight in Glasgow
My Competitive Enterprise Institute colleagues and I are filing brief cables on COP26, the international climate conference being held in Glasgow, Scotland. Below is our…
The Most Wasteful Infrastructure Bill Ever?
The $1.2 trillion dollar Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be signed into law by President Biden on Monday. If it is like past…
National Review
COP26 Cables: Lights, Camera, Action!
My Competitive Enterprise Institute colleagues and I are filing brief cables on COP26, the international climate conference being held in Glasgow, Scotland. Below is our…
National Review
COP26 Cables: Nothing Is Quite as It Seems in Glasgow
My Competitive Enterprise Institute colleagues and I are filing brief cables on COP26, the international climate conference being held in Glasgow, Scotland. Below is our…
News Release
Biden Methane Rule would Cause Decline in U.S. Energy Jobs and Higher Prices at the Gas Pump
This week, the Biden Administration announced proposed rules on methane emissions, targeting energy exploration and production in the oil and gas industry. Timed to…
News Release
Supreme Court Will Review EPA Over-Reach on Energy Rule
The Supreme Court today has agreed to review the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeal’s rejection of the Trump administration’s repeal of the Clean Power Plan…
CEI Comments on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Proposed Fuel Economy Standards for Model Year 2024-2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
Comments submitted by Patrick J. Michaels, Kevin Dayaratna, and Marlo Lewis.[1] Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the National Highway Traffic Safety…
News Release
As Washington Democrats Consider Imposing a Carbon Tax, Americans Voice Unwillingness to Pay More to Combat Climate Change
Senator Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) opposition to the so-called Clean Electricity Payment Program (CEPP) has the White House and Congressional Democrats looking for alternative climate proposals…
Staff & Scholars

Sam Kazman
Counsel Emeritus
- Antitrust
- Automobiles and Roads
- Banking and Finance

Paige Lambermont
Research Fellow
- Capitalism and Free Enterprise
- Energy
- Energy and Environment

Marlo Lewis, Jr.
Senior Fellow
- Climate
- Energy
- Energy and Environment

Ben Lieberman
Senior Fellow
- Climate
- Consumer Freedom
- Energy

Fred L. Smith, Jr.
Founder; Chairman Emeritus
- Automobiles and Roads
- Aviation
- Business and Government

Jacob Tomasulo
Policy Analyst
- Climate
- Energy
- Energy and Environment