Featured Posts
Wall Street Journal
A Thumb on the Scale for Wegovy
The Biden administration announced one more bit of executive overreach on its way out the door. On Nov. 26, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid…
Evaluating Telehealth
Executive Summary Why Did We Write This Report Telehealth—the use of remote audio and/or video technologies to provide health care services—has been promoted as…
News Release
Report: Telehealth flexibility deadline looms, but Congress needs better information to decide
Congress is poised to consider proposals that permanently or temporarily extend flexibilities for telehealth services enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic that are set to expire…
Search Posts
Sack Vilsack!
Something is very wrong at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The secretary, Tom Vilsack, is letting hypothetical claims by organic farmers–who produce less than 1%…
A Spoonful of Sugar Will Soon Cost More
Despite many years of success with genetically modified plants, various environmentalists won’t stop trying to obstruct biotech foodstuffs. First they tried to frighten consumers away…
Premium Power Grab: Feds Take Control of Insurance Prices
Obamacare Litigation: The Pennhurst Argument
December 23 roundup
Activists Target Important Agricultural Fertilizer
Protect Incentives for Pharmaceutical Innovation
Full Document Available in PDF In recent years, Congress has faced mounting public pressure…
Improve Food Safety and Quality though Greater Information, Consumer Choice, and Legal Accountability
Full Document Available in PDF Few…
Recognize the Deadly Effects of Over-Regulating Medicines and Medical Devices
Full Document Available in PDF Over the past…
Reject the Precautionary Principle, a Threat to Technological Progress
Full Document Available in PDF Increasingly, governments and environmental activists…
Food Safety
Happy Meal Lawsuit, cont’d
Judge Should Have Struck Down Entire Law (Letter to the Editor)
This editorial about a federal judge striking down Obamacare’s individual insurance-purchase mandate rightly noted that the law lacks a severability clause. Because of…
Food Safety: Why Is the Food Safety Bill So Controversial?
Judge to Obamacare architects: Ahem. Meet the Constitution, power-grabbers.
Federal Judge Strikes Down Obamacare Mandate as Unconstitutional
The Health Care Law Under the Judicial Knife: Some Early Reactions
McDonald’s Obesity Class Action Dismissed
Washington Examiner
Government Health Programs Skew Incentives; People Respond
Forget QE2; this is QED. When a health-care providing government pays doctors according to how many procedures they perform, rather than by the effectiveness or…
Washington Examiner
The Food Industry Plays Regulatory Roulette
Washington Examiner
Food safety bill update (and welcome readers)
Washington Examiner
More FDA Authority Won’t Improve Food Safety
In its rush to enact sweeping new food safety legislation during the lame-duck session, Congress hit a procedural roadblock that may put the bill off…
Washington Examiner
The Environmental Impact Subterfuge
Action needs to be taken to prevent anti-biotech activists from co-opting environmental law to derail the planting of transgenic crops that have already received regulatory…
Washington Examiner
Trimming the Fat
Safe Drinking Water Act Overview
Full Document Available in PDF Since passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)…
Pesticides and Public Health
Full Document Available in PDF In recent years, public health authorities have expressed serious…
Pesticides and Agriculture
Full Document Available in PDF In 1989, environmental activists claimed that a chemical called Alar…
Food Quality Protection Act
Full Document Available in PDF In 1996, the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) amended the two…
International Fisheries
Full Document Available in PDF The history of fisheries management in the United States largely…
Legal Brief
Amicus in Obamacare Litigation on Behalf of Minn., Rhode Island Governors
Full Document Avalible in PDF The Competitive Enterprise Institute is representing Governors Tim Pawlenty (R, Minn.) and Donald Carcieri (R, Rhode Island)…
Full Document Available in PDF In his 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Malthus argued…
Cancer Trends
Full Document Available in PDF In recent decades, many have claimed that cancer is rising…
Washington Examiner
‘Natural’ Foods Activist Gets It Wrong
Washington Examiner
Does FDA’s Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverage Ban go too Far?
Washington Examiner
Brief of Governors Tim Pawlenty and Donald L. Carcieri As Amici Curiae In Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment
Washington Examiner
FDA Criticized for Ban on Alcoholic Energy Drinks
Washington Examiner
Agencies Target ‘Blackout in a Can’
Fox News
FDA’s Graphic Warnings for Cigarettes: Noble Ad Campaign or Nanny State at Work?
Legal Brief
Amicus Motion in Obamacare Litigation
The Competitive Enterprise Institute is representing Governors Tim Pawlenty (R, Minn.) and Donald Carcieri (R, Rhode Island) seeking permission to file an amicus brief in…
Pawlenty Joins in Overhaul Suit
Google News
Minn.’s Pawlenty Ups Challenge to Fed Health Law
Google News
Pawlenty Seeks to Add Voice to Health Care Suit
Google News
USDA’s System Invites Lawsuits, Researchers Say
Tim Pawlenty Joins Health Bill Lawsuit
Pawlenty Ups Challenge to Health Care Law
Texas Insider
An End to Out-of-State Beer?
Washington Times
Cigarette Warnings to be More Graphic?
US News
Tobacco Settlement Could Go to the Supreme Court
MPR News
Little Change to Agriculture Policy, Even as Peterson Loses Chair
Energy Tomorrow
Is EPA Protecting Human Health?
Energy Tomorrow
New Obama healthcare plan relies on imaginary savings, costs $2 trillion, explodes budget deficits
Energy Tomorrow
FDA: Genetically Modified Salmon Are Safe for Consumption, Environment
Energy Tomorrow
High Cost Is Not Worst Thing About Obamacare (Letter to the Editor)
The Examiner was right to criticize Obamacare for being even more costly than many of its opponents expected, but the worst things about it…
Energy Tomorrow
Physician-legislator Dr. Ritze Speaks Out Against ObamaCare
Energy Tomorrow
List of nation’s worst AGs includes Rhode Island’s Patrick C. Lynch
Energy Tomorrow
Upstream Battle for Genetically Engineered Salmon
Over the last two decades, the use of modern genetic engineering technology to produce pharmaceuticals and new crop plants has given rise to prodigious scientific,…
Energy Tomorrow
Don’t Blame BPA on Lobster Decline
If you trust the headlines, you might think that the biggest challenge facing the lobster industry in New York and New England is pollution —…
Energy Tomorrow
USA – The billion dollar drug lobby in overdrive
Energy Tomorrow
Call Made for Continued Use of Antibiotics
CEI Backs Judicious Antimicrobial Use in Livestock
CEI Comments regarding FDA’s Draft Guidance on the Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals
Executive Summary The Competitive Enterprise Institute respectfully submits these comments on the agency’s Draft Guidance on The Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial…
News Release
FDA Warned Against Hazards of Curtailing Antibiotic Use in Livestock
Washington, D.C., August 30, 2010 – The Competitive Enterprise Institute submitted comments today on an FDA proposal to limit the use of certain antibiotics in…
Energy Tomorrow
Lobsters Should Fear Mother Nature More than Plastics
If you trust the headlines, you might think that the biggest challenge facing the lobster industry in New York and New England is pollution —…
Energy Tomorrow
Role of Research in School Reform
Energy Tomorrow
Seeking Food Safety, Getting Human Harm
Congress is set to consider a food-safety bill when it returns from the August recess. But the bill has so far stalled because of…
Energy Tomorrow
Biotech Beets Banned
Energy Tomorrow
Biotech Beets Banned
AOL News
The FDA’s Deadly Overcaution
In the past two months, there've been news accounts of two major diagnostic advances in medicine. One involves a far more efficient HIV detection…
AOL News
Civil Rights Division Pursues Wacky Radical Agenda (Letter to the Editor)
It was extremely depressing to read that the Obama Justice Department blocked Amazon from selling a talking Kindle reader because its “talk” button doesn’t have…
Why Does the NTSB Hate Babies?
Constitutional challenge to state-backed tobacco cartel rejected
Cloned Meat, Kagan’s Activism and Greenhouse Gases in Texas
Protestors object to the idea of cloned animals being part of the human food chain. Elena Kagan is sworn in as the nation’s 122th Supreme…
The Story of Cosmetics, Personal Responsibility and Corporate Pride
Environmental alarmist Annie Leonard returns to the world of online video with “The Story of Cosmetics.” A Baltimore woman receives no jail time after starving…
The Politics of Booze, Challenging Obamacare and “Paycheck Fairness”
Beer wholesalers have been throwing massive amounts of money at Washington. A federal judge in Virginia allows the state’s lawsuit against Obamacare to proceed. The…
Article particles: Obamacare org chart and other offerings
Online Gambling, Offshore Drilling and the Complexity of Obamacare
The House Financial Services Committee passes the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection, and Enforcement Act. Today the House of Representatives will vote on an energy…
Campaign Finance, Alcohol Regulation and Underage Senior Citizens
Senate Democrats lose a key vote on the DISCLOSE Act, a bill to regulate campaign finance spending. Congress is considering a bill that would allow…
Groups Call Alcohol Regulation Bill “An Affront to Consumer Freedom”
Full Document Available in PDF Washington, D.C., July 27, 2010 — Today a coalition of nonprofit and consumer groups sent a letter…
Online Privacy, Food Safety and Unemployment Benefits
The Senate Commerce Committee prepares for a hearing on consumer online privacy. Environmental groups sue to compel the Food and Drug Administration to ban the…
Cap and Trade, Financial Regulation and Toyotas and the Truth
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) mentions plans to pass a cap-and-trade bill in a post-election “lame duck” session if necessary. President Obama signs the Dodd-Frank financial…
Too safe for our own good?
Myths about the risks of various products and activities can themselves be harmful to your health. They include the belief that greater regulation is synonymous…
Does the FTC Really Protect Consumers?
What is Government’s Role in Fighting Obesity (Letter to the Editor)
Climategate, Wine Regulations and the Jones Act
A recent report appears to clear scientists involved in the “Climategate” scandal of most wrongdoing. Congress sidelines a bill that would have created new restrictions…
Banning Pets, Vampire Attacks and Consumer Credit
The City of San Francisco proposes a ban on pet sales. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has received some bizarre claims, including a woman’s…
Daily Caller
Cell Phones Don’t Cause Cancer
Could your cell phone be killing you? A lot of people seem to think so. Some activists say that talking on your phone for…
A Beer Stimulus, Comcast Merger Questions and Urban Beekeeping
A proposed “Beer Stimulus Bill” would reduce the federal excise tax that small brewers must pay. Yesterday lawmakers conducted a field hearing questioning “Who Benefits?”…
CEI Planet
CEI Planet: May – June 2010
To view this issue of the CEI Planet, please click here to download the PDF file. Below are selected articles from the May-June 2010 issue: Collective…
News Release
Supreme Court Overturns Judge’s Ruling in Major Win for Biotech Crop Breeders
Washington, D.C., June 21, 2010 — The Supreme Court today over-turned a lower federal judge’s ruling that farmers could not plant a biotech alfalfa variety…
Daily Caller
Ending the Ethanol Experiment
EPA Politics, Federal Courts and Chemical Safety
The Senate fails to pass Lisa Murkowski’s resolution of disapproval against the EPA. The Senate Judiciary Committee approves Obama’s nomination…
EPA’s Global Warming Plans, Debit Card Fees and Alcohol Energy Drinks
The Senate will vote this week on Lisa Murkowski’s resolution to block the EPA’s proposed global warming regulations. California State Senator Jenny Oropeza has introduced…
Extreme Refreshment Crackdown
The FDA’s Misguided Campaign Against Alcohol Energy Drinks…
News Release
Regulators Stage Extreme Refreshment Crackdown
Washington, D.C., May 27, 2010—The Food and Drug Administration’s attempts to crack down on makers of alcoholic beverages with added caffeine are unwarranted and rely…
Daily Caller
Obama Administration Fosters Thug-Friendly Climate (Letter to the Editor)
The Examiner was right to criticize D.C. Police for escorting union thugs to the home of a Bank of America lawyer, whose terrified young…
Daily Caller
The Other Blumenthal Scandal
Daily Caller
Off Target On Off-Label Drugs
Americans are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with their government, according to opinion polls released in April by the Pew Research Center. The center’s president, Andrew…
GM’s Misleading Bailout Claims, Swine Flu and Financial “Reform” Legislation
General Motors boasts that it has repaid its government loans in full, despite having used other bailout funds to repay the initial loans. The government…
Pesticides, Communication Privacy and Climategate’s Impact
The Environmental Protection Agency proposes incorrectly labeling new biotech fruit as containing pesticides. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission requires employees to keep records of their…
CEI Comments on EPA Biopesticides Registration for Biotech Plum
Full Document Available in PDF The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) appreciates…