Department of Labor’s New Overtime Rule Puts Flexible Work Arrangements and Paths to Success at Risk
Full Document Available in PDF On March 13, 2014, President Obama sent a memorandum to the Secretary of Labor to update and…
NLRB’s New Joint Employer Standard Threatens Business Formation and Job Creation
What can we expect from new joint employer standards? Roadblocks to entrepreneurship and job creation.
Mapping Washington’s Lawlessness
Wayne Crews writes a preliminary inventory of “Regulatory Dark Matter.”…
Myths and Facts about the Wire Act
Full Document Available in PDF Myth: The 1961 Federal Wire was intended to ban all online gambling. Fact: At the time of…
Debunking Myths about Internet Gambling
Preventing states from legalizing and regulating online gambling would push American online gamblers back into the black market.
A Remedy for Fairfax County’s Taxpayer Giveaway to Unions
Full Document Available in PDF Use of taxpayer funds should be reserved for purely public purposes, not the private benefit of an…
Understanding an Internet Sales Tax
21st century taxation without representation? Attempts to expand states’ abilities to tax online sales across borders are wildly unpopular and fly in the face of fiscal conservative…
IRS Complaint Against Climate-Focused Nonprofit Founded by GMU’S Shukla
Reviving Capitalism
The near-death and rebirth of American railroads is a case study in business leaders fending off regulation.
Virtuous Capitalism
Is there less corruption in business than we think?…
Keeping the Skies Open for Drones
Drone technology could transform the way we live and work, offering great potential in precision agriculture, aerial photography, to infrastructure inspection, and disaster response. But overzealous…
Government’s Unfounded War on BPA
During the past decade, the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) has become a target of environmental activists who make a host of unfounded claims about the…
How Government Unions Undermine Upward Mobility
Full Document Available in PDF A common claim made by government employee unions and their supporters is that they stand up for…
The Case Against the Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Full Document Available in PDF The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is a U.S. federal government agency with three key policy objectives:…
Real Goals to Empower the Developing World
The United Nations is soon due to replace its ambitious Millennium Development Goals with a new set of far more extensive and even more ambitious…
Why Right to Work is Right for Missouri
No individual should be forced to financially support an organization they disagree with or risk penalty. However, in Missouri and 24 other states, private sector…
Federal Labor Agencies Ambush American Economy
As it enters its final stretch, the Obama administration has launched an unprecedented campaign to reward the president’s union allies, using the regulatory process.
The Nation’s Worst State Attorneys General 2015
From noteworthy ethical and legal breaches, including violating the Constitution, fabricating legal norms, usurping legislative powers, hiring campaign contributors as outside counsel on a contingency-fee…
Environmental Disaster: The Renewable Fuel Standard
View PDF here The bipartisan disaster called the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) has all the usual characteristics of bureaucratic central planning: It…
EPA’s Clean Power Plan Overreach
Could the Clean Power Plan make the EPA an Electricity Czar? …
A Remedy for the Lone Star State’s Taxpayer Giveaway to Unions
Full Document Available in PDF Use of taxpayer funds should be reserved for purely public purposes, not the private benefit of an…
How Dodd-Frank Harms Main Street
The financial crisis of 2007-2008 was a drastic shock to the American economy. Now five years after being signed into law, Dodd-Frank was just as powerful…
A Bird in the Hand and No Banks in the Bush
Full Document Available in PDF Radio Shack. Borders Books and Music. Blockbuster Video. Eastman Kodak. These are the names of…
Reimagining Surface Transportation Reauthorization
Full Document Available in PDF Many transportation policy observers estimate that stagnating revenues and increases in fuel efficiency will cause the current…
Time for a Sensible Sense of Congress Resolution on Climate Change
Read the full OnPoint here: During Senate debate on the Keystone XL Pipeline, Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) introduced an amendment affirming that…
The NLRB Joint-Employer Cases
Designating companies with certain business models as “joint employers”, including many restaurants, gas stations, day care providers, cleaning services, auto repair shops, hotels, and more,…
Ten Thousand Commandments 2015
No Spoof
Several states had serious doubts about the validity of tax credits for individuals purchasing insurance on Obamacare's federally facilitated exchange as early as 2011. Questions still remain,…
“Beepocalypse” Not
A Remedy for Taxpayer Giveaway to Unions
Full Document Available in PDF Use of taxpayer funds should be reserved for purely public purposes, not the private benefit of an…
Obama’s Climate Trick
Read the full study here In a rush to end the production of inexpensive electricity from coal—a policy that would hamstring the…
Free to Prosper
With the start of the 114th Congress comes a fresh opportunity to address the challenges created by a broken government. To kick off this new…
Preview – CEI’s Agenda for the 114th Congress
Beyond Gruber: How HHS Flip-Flopped on Federal Exchange Subsidies
Top 5 Things Congress Should Consider During Lame-Duck Session
View the document here During Congress’ lame-duck session, both Republicans and Democrats will dig into a number of stalled pieces of legislation…
Declaration of Crowdfunding Independence
Crowdfunding regulation threatens entrepreneurs and their ability to start businesses, create jobs and bring innovative products to the market.
From Overstock to Overtaxed
With Congress poised to consider similar taxes in the Marketplace Fairness Act…
The Wire Act and Implications for State-Based Legalization of Internet Gambling
More than 30 years after the original Federal Wire Act, members of Congress seek to use it to stop the rise of casino-style gambling on…
Europe’s Fiscal Crisis Revealed: An In-Depth Analysis of Spending, Austerity, and Growth
Read the Full Study at Italy’s current economic problems are the result of a decades-old web of business-stifling regulation and a…
Learning from the Past, Freeing up the Future: The Political Economy of Regulatory Change
Why British Columbia’s Carbon Tax Is Not Applicable to America
A carbon tax does not boost growth. It does not lower the tax burden, but merely shifts it around—and can even open the door to…
How the EPA Is Undermining Cooperative Federalism under the Clean Air Act
When it crafted legislation to fight air pollution, Congress relied on America’s unique system of federalism. For most of the Clean Air Act’s history, states and…
Deadline Citizen Suits: An Idea Whose Time Has Expired
This study was originally published at the Applachian Natural Resources Law Journal. Read Full Study Here Two statutory devices — deadlines…
The EPA’s War Against the States
This study was originally published at the Capital Research Center Read Full Study Here Congress intended the Environmental Protection Agency to…
Cutting the Gordian Knot: A Road Map for British Exit from the European Union
This study was originally published at the Institute for Economic Affairs as a finalist for the 2014 IEA Brexit Prize coauthored with Rory…
Food and You: Feeding The World With Modern Agricultural Biotechnology
This study was originally published at the American Council on Science and Health, coauthored with Martina Newell-McGloughlin and Bruce Chassy. Read…
Operation Choke Point
Can the government shut down legal but politically disfavored businesses? If an ongoing federal regulatory campaign continues, that may be precisely what happens.
The Unintended Consequences of Collective Bargaining
With high levels of unionization and no right-to-work laws, union presence has cost individuals more than $10,000 in income over the last 50 years…
EPA’s Illegitimate Climate Rule
Full Document Available in PDF On June 2, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a proposed rule under the Clean Air…
An Interstate Analysis of Right to Work Laws
There is compelling evidence suggesting a substantial, significant, and positive relationship between economic growth in a state and the presence of a right to work laws. This paper…