Free Beacon


“It’s not a poorly written rule so much as a muddled one that conflates those two too readily,” Competitive Enterprise Institute energy policy analyst William…

Energy and Environment

Free Beacon

The First Bank of Solar

The green energy sector has struggled with high costs and strong competition from overseas despite generous help from the Obama administration. The Competitive Enterprise Institute’s…

Heresy Hunters Rule CPAC, and GOProud, Chris Christie Need Not Apply

John Kerry’s Climate Change Alarmism

CEI Founder & Chariman Fred L. Smith talks about how John Kerry is using his position to further his agenda on climate change.

Heresy Hunters Rule CPAC, and GOProud, Chris Christie Need Not Apply

How Gay Rights Got into CPAC

Two years after GOProud was evicted as a CPAC sponsor, the gay conservative group’s president, Jimmy LaSalvia, has been invited to speak on a “pro-gay…

Business and Government

Free Beacon

Fannie Motors

“It’s becoming Fannie Motors,” said Competitive Enterprise Institute finance scholar John Berlau, referring to the government-backed housing lender Fannie Mae. “They’re still using our tax…

Banking and Finance

One News Now

Politics in Transportation

So far, the list of potential replacements includes Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and National Transportation Safety Board chairman Deborah Hersman. Regardless, Marc Scribner of…
