CEI’s work on health care examines both the supply of and demand for health services and technology, as well as the availability and financing of health insurance and government health programs. Consumers benefit from choice, competition, and innovation in the health care sector. And policies that embrace patient responsibility and control over health care spending result in higher quality and lower prices than one-size-fits-all government rules. So, our experts promote deregulation of the market for health services, health care technology, and health insurance.

For over three decades, CEI has advocated health care reforms that put more power in the hands of consumers to choose their health providers, treatment protocols, and scope of insurance coverage. We have advocated reform of the Food and Drug Administration’s drug and device approval process to allow for greater flexibility and patient choice. And in 2013, CEI organized the court challenges to Obamacare’s exchange subsidies that concluded with the Supreme Court’s King v. Burwell decision.

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Biofueling Disorder

Would you believe that the weather in Indiana could trigger popular unrest in China? Global demand for fuel made out of food is growing…



CEI Daily Update

Issues in the News   1. ENVIRONMENT Danish scientist Bjørn Lomborg garners high-profile media attention for his new book, “Cool It:…



Issues in the News<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />   1.  HEALTH AND SAFETY A recent…

Energy and Environment


Alarming Waste

Today’s Washington Post includes a story on bisphenol A, a chemical that has been used to make flexible, clear plastic products–including baby bottles–since the…

Consumer Freedom


CEI Daily Update

Issues in the News 1. ENVIRONMENT NASA orders a review of climate data after an independent researcher discovers that 1934 – not 1998 as…



Mandatory Purchase

In a piece in Saturday's Washington Examiner, I examine the parallels between auto insurance and health insurance, and, for the most part, find that…



Sicko’s Sick Stunt

MTV film critic Kurt Loder takes apart Michael Moore’s Sicko.  The entire review is well worth reading, but here’s a sample, Loder on Moore’s…



Rachel Was Wrong

Today we launch our campaign urging people to rethink the legacy of environmentalist icon Rachel Carson, with the site www.RachelWasWrong.com. Today she’s mostly remembered…

Consumer Freedom

Gregory Conko

Senior Fellow

  • Health and Safety
  • Healthcare
  • Innovation

Sam Kazman

Counsel Emeritus

  • Antitrust
  • Automobiles and Roads
  • Banking and Finance

Joel Zinberg

Senior Fellow

  • Health and Safety
  • Healthcare
  • Medicines and Medical Devices