Human Events

Farm Bill Lacks A Dry Match

The U.S. Capitol Police might investigate me for saying this, but Guy Fawkes was onto something that fateful evening beneath the House of Lords in…

Human Events

Remembering ‘Reagan Democrats’

Students of politics understand the historical importance of the “Reagan Democrats”—those predominantly working-class cultural conservatives who were integral to both of Ronald Reagan’s successful campaigns…

Human Events

Score One For Obamacare

Score one for Obamacare. Last week, a federal court struck down one of the major legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act. Washington, D.C. District…

National Review


We know the pattern by now. A crisis arises. As my Competitive Enterprise Institute colleague Chris Horner puts it, this administration says, “There’s no time…

Banking and Finance

Human Events

Groundhog Day?

Feels like Groundhog Day, again. Congress is debating another extension…

The American Spectator

Santa Capitalism

We should call it the “Great Fact,” argues University of Illinois at Chicago economist Deirdre McCloskey. “It” is the Industrial Revolution that, starting in Great…

Business and Government

USA Today

GOP fighting cellphone freedom

Should the federal government outlaw rudeness? Some senior Republican lawmakers seem to think so. Since 1991, the Federal Communications Commission has barred cellphone use on…



Pope Francis Is No Economist

We all hoped this guy would be different. Jorge Bergoglio’s spontaneous ruminations upon becoming Pope revealed a humble, loving heart. Too bad that in his…

Human Events

Shutdown? What shutdown?

In case you hadn’t noticed, the federal government is not currently functioning at full capacity. As one who works in Washington, D.C., I can certainly…


Binz is not being Borked

Ron Binz, President Obama’s nominee to head the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, still could be confirmed by the Senate. But to some of his supporters,…


Human Events

In Name Only

Traipsing through Dulles Airport the other day, my eyes were drawn to a series of wall poster advertisements. Each one featured a supposed “foreign aid…

Business and Government

The American Spectator

The EPA’s death blow to the coal industry

“Surprise! The Federal Government Just Did Something That Will Address Climate Change,” blared the headline on the George Soros-funded, radical-left Climate Progress website. Only the…