Human Events

Big Government Ripple Effect

I am fascinated by ripples  – whether from stones thrown into a pond or ocean waves crashing on a rocky seashore. If you’ve ever observed…

Human Events

No One Likes Stereotypes

No one likes stereotypes. But seriously, what’s up with the French? I regularly travel overseas and know what it’s like for things to not quite…

Human Events

CEI Sues the NSA

The Central Intelligence Agency recently entered the 21st century with uncharacteristic humor. Its first foray into social media began, “We can neither confirm nor deny…

The Freeman

Earthquake Europe

An earthquake, they called it. The European political establishment looked on helplessly over Memorial Day weekend as elections for representatives to the European Parliament showed…

Trade and International

Wall Street Journal

Ranchers Harassed Off Their Land

The solution to federal grazing disputes offered by Shawn Regan of the Property and Environment Research Center ("A Peaceable Solution for the Range War…

National Review

The Worst Federal Agency

A government agency with its own stream of funding and unaccountable to Congress — what could possibly go wrong? Planting witnesses and skewing data, that’s…

Human Events

The Rising Class-War Chorus

Last week, three seemingly unrelated events illustrated an important truth about our nation’s political debate. In Detroit, a 125-year-old mansion went on the market for…

Human Events

Cronyism versus the Free market

As the economy has continued to falter under his watch, President Obama’s response has been to try to hang the albatross of the nation’s woes…

The American Spectator

Praying for an Obamacare Escape

Matt Drudge’s widely discussed mid-March tweet that he has already paid Obamacare’s “liberty tax” highlights the uncertainties the self-employed face both from the health care…


Washington Times

School-Conduct Codes Aren’t Racist

Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. notes that schools’ well-meaning attempts “to hold black kids accountable by enforcing codes of conduct are called racist” by…

Human Events

Celebrate Human Achievement Hour!

After many years in Washington, D.C., it’s hard not to notice how little it has changed since President Kennedy called it “a city of Southern…

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Hoover’s Deficits

Regarding the March 12 letter “It’s Time to Reject National Debt Fear-Mongering”: Nathaniel Brodsky claimed that President Herbert Hoover made “attempts to shrink” the national…

Trade and International


George Washington Was a Founding CEO

Last month, America celebrated the birthday of one of the country's earliest business innovators and large-scale entrepreneurs.  During a time period of America's existence as…

Human Events

Regulation: The Tax You Don’t See

Government spending—everybody’s talking about it. But unlike the weather, everyone wants to do something about it. Last week, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave…