Daily Caller
Title IX Expansion, Coming Soon To An Elementary School Near You
L.A. Times
Readers Defend Free Speech After Texas shooting
The LA Times prints Hans Bader's letter on "free speech" versus "hate speech." The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that hate speech is…
‘Fiduciary Rule’ Takes Aim at Retirement Plans
Three years ago, President Barack Obama signed into law the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, modestly but significantly liberalizing securities markets for investors…
RealClear Policy
Will Congress Ban Your Poker Game?
Baltimore Paradox: City Finances Strong, Anti-Poverty Policies Weak
The Freeman
The UK’s Return to Socialism
National Review
Obamacare for your IRA
Is Jonathan Gruber — the MIT economist who seemingly dropped out of public view after he was…
Is College An Investment Or Consumption?
Daily Caller
The Dark Side of Earth Day
Rash Regulation Is What’s Really Threatening Honeybees
European Commission Still Searching For Google Monopoly
The Fresno Bee
The NLRB’s Emerging, Disastrous Joint-Employer Cases
Franchise businesses provide us food, tax preparation, daycare, and gasoline. Many of us have worked a temporary job or know someone who has. Businesses commonly…
How ‘Progressive’ Policy Weakens African-American Banks
The Washington Post and other outlets have highlighted the decline of banks owned by African-Americans, however coverage hasn’t connected that trend with…
The Wall Street Journal
Suspension, Restorative Justice and Productive Schools
Investor's Business Daily
New Rule Empowers Union ‘Ambush Elections’
Americans usually associate mid-April with tax filing — a trying yet predictable annual ritual. This year, however, it will mean a change in America’s workplaces…
A Tale Of Two Cities: How Municipal M&A Saves Taxpayers, Prevents Budget Shortfalls
Human Events
Federal Gaming Bans Undermine Federalism
Why Human Achievement Is Worth Celebrating
This Saturday marks the seventh annual observance of “Human Achievement Hour,” a celebration of technology and prosperity hosted by my organization, the Competitive Enterprise…
The Daily Caller
Obama’s Bizarre Executive Privilege Claim Over Fannie And Freddie
Enhancing The Private Role For ‘Public Goods’
John Kenneth Galbraith once observed that in America our gardens are beautiful, while our public parks are in a state of disaster. While Galbraith saw…
Human Events
The Most Transparent Administration… Oh, Wait…
Obama Plan Could Cripple IRA Choices
Last week, President Obama called on the Department of Labor (DOL) to "update the rules and requirements that retirement advisers put the best interests of…
Human Events
Why Capitalist Virtue Beats Cronyist Sin
Washington Times
The Coming Climate Court
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently circulated an email breathlessly titled, “Governments on Track to Reaching Paris 2015 Universal Climate Agreement…
Washington Times
Don’t Reward Law-Breaking Office
Opportunity Lives
Republican Pollster Explains How GOP Can Close the Gender Gap in 2016
USA Today
Obamacare Rule Harms Millions
Why the FCC’s Vote to Regulate the Internet Is a Mistake
On Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to regulate Internet providers as public utilities under a 1934 law. President Obama celebrated…
Private Sector Fuels Growth; Student Loan Repayment Should Reflect This
At the Conservative Political Action Conference, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker dinged President Obama for his economic policies. “We have a president who thinks we grow…
Washington Examiner
No Currency Manipulation Rules in Pacific Trade Deals a Good Thing for Americans
Last week, President Obama told Congressional Democrats not to expect any rules against “currency manipulation” in the forthcoming Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. This is…
FTC Sues To Block Sysco – US Foods Merger
Don’t Ban E-Cigarettes on Airplanes
These are good times for anti-smoking campaigners. But you wouldn't know it from listening to their rhetoric. At the urging of anti-tobacco activists, the Department…
A Valentine For Capitalism
The notes and cards we exchange on Valentine’s Day cover a wide range of emotions—from intimate love letters for that special someone to the simple…
CNS News
Fed Wasted Millions on Activist-Spawned Media Frenzy About BPA Risks
After a decade or more of alarming headlines about the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA), you may be surprised to learn that it poses no significant…
The Blaze
Operation Choke Point: Consumer Protection Bureau Can Act as Judge, Jury and Executioner to Targeted Businesses
The Obama administration has been waging an undeclared war on businesses it doesn’t like by stretching executive authority beyond its proper bounds. Known as Operation…
Human Events
In Washington, Every Day is Groundhog Day
Don’t Extend the Dead Hand of the FCC to the Internet
On February 26, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote on a proposal to regulate companies that provide Internet access as public utilities. Spearheaded…
The Freeman
Greece Jumps from Scylla to Charybdis
Every Greek child reads Homer in school. So Greek children are familiar with the legend of Scylla and Charybdis, from Homer’s Odyssey. The sailor Odysseus,…
Investor's Business Daily
Save Capitalism With Those Ads On Super Bowl
With another Super Bowl comes another venerable tradition — the contest to produce the best ads. It's the biggest event of the advertising year —…
Human Events
Back to the Future of Education
The American Spectator
Main Street Challenges Dodd-Frank’s Chipping Away at the Constitution
"Wall Street Chips Away at Dodd-Frank,” blared a recent front-page headline in the New York Times about bipartisan measures that have passed the U.S. House…
Obama’s 2016 Federal Budget And Middle Class Economics
To everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate…
Can Cutting Red Tape Generate $200B For Low-Income Families?
With partisanship de rigueur in Washington, rare moments of compromise are refreshing. One area ripe for bi-partisan reform is occupational licensing. President Obama’s proposed budget…
Je Suis S&P: Government’s Chilling Effect on Credit Rating Agencies
RealClear Policy
The Crushing Burden of Government Regulation
Anyone concerned about the future of jobs and economic competitiveness in America must have been disappointed by the litany of free lunches and new government…
From Mutual Aid To Modern Insurance: How Capitalism Eased The Pain Of Death
We all die. And we all need to make provisions for that eventuality—especially if we have dependents or goals extending into the future. In traditional…
US News
The Clean Power Plan’s Dirty Secret
The Environmental Protection Agency recently announced it would finalize three enormous rules regulating carbon emissions this summer, as a part of the Obama administration’s plan…
Human Events
Pennsylvania On My Mind … Or Not
The Roanoke Times
A New Idea for Tax Fairness Online
The misleadingly named Marketplace Fairness Act died a quiet death during the House of Representatives’ lame-duck session, but is it really the end? What does…
CNS News
Obama Seeks More Double Taxation and Job-Killing Taxes in State of the Union Address
A Glimmer Of SOTU Compromise? Expanding The Earned Income Tax Credit
Republicans will grimace as President Obama unveils his massive tax hikes in tomorrow’s State of the Union address, however, one policy will receive bi-partisan applause:…
Obama’s State Of The Union Address In Five Words
Even before presidents become lame ducks, their State of the Union Address proposals often don’t materialize. President Barack Obama is one of five lame…
Independent Women's Forum
Policy Focus: The Science of the “Endocrine Disrupter” Debate
Download from IWF here Americans are increasingly being told by the media and environmental activists that common consumer goods—from plastics to cosmetics to flame…
RealClear Policy
Public-Sector Union Fixes for the States
As states begin their new legislative sessions, lawmakers have many opportunities ensure that government works toward the benefit of the public, not the benefit of…
Four Reasons Why ‘High Roller Tax’ On Stock Trading Hurts The Economy
Congressional Democrats’ newly-unveiled economic proposals, likely to reverberate into the 2106 presidential race, continue the drumbeat of class warfare and economic contraction. However well-intentioned,…
Human Events
To Get Up and Go – and Go Again
On Federal Red Tape Reform, President Obama Prepares To Veto Himself
Obamacare Has Been A Boon For The Insurance Industry
This year could mean big changes for Obamacare, given the latest challenge accepted by the Supreme Court, King vs. Burwell. The Court is slated to…
The Blaze
Obama’s Abuse of the Veto Makes Him an ‘Imperial President’
Just a few days into the new Congress, and President Barack Obama already has made three—count ‘em—credible veto threats. Representatives and Senators had barely started…
CES And A Case For Separation Of Technology And State
As the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) winds down, there’s a lot of stuff you probably hope doesn’t stay in Vegas. Creative contributions to the…
The Freeman
The Importance of Free Speech to Human Progress
The Daily Caller
Dodd-Frank Relief Is A Better Deal For Homeowners Than Obama’s FHA Folly
“If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” So said Ronald Reagan in 1986. Reagan was describing the unintended…
The Daily Caller
Having Feasted On Microsoft, Eurocrats Go For Their Next Prey
CNS News
Consumers to Pay the Price for State Environmental Regulations
Consumers could soon face higher prices, reduced choices and lower-quality products, thanks to a slew of chemical regulations that are advancing in various states. These…
CNS News
Government’s Mixed Messages – ‘Making Marriage the Exception Rather Than the Rule’
Beginning in the 1930’s, the federal government sharply increased central planning of the economy and society. (Perhaps as a consequence, the economy…
The Daily Caller
What Will Happen After The Latest Keynesian Bubble Bursts?
Two Cheers For Cuba Libre
President Obama’s recent decision to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba was welcomed by many free marketers, but met with skepticism by those who favor political…
Human Events
Welcome to 2015 and the Year of the Regulators
The tinsel had hardly fallen from the trees and the family reunion squabbles barely subsided—and the Washington Redskins’ disastrous season just ended—before two Washington Post…
Obama’s Veto Warning To The GOP Disregards His Record-Setting Regulation
In a widely cited year-end interview with National Public Radio, President Obama warned Republicans that: Now I suspect there are going…
Washington Post
Are Common Core and Title IX linked?
Hans Bader writes a letter to the editor in the Washington Post on Common Core: "George F. Will was right to lament that “the Education…
Investor's Business Daily
Marketplace Fairness Act: Back Door To New Tax
House Speaker John Boehner blocked passage of the Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) in the lame-duck congressional session. So consumers were able to shop online this…
Opportunity Lives
This Colorado Ballot Measure Finally Brought Transparency To The State’s Unions
Though the biggest story in last month’s election was the Republican takeover of Congress, progress at the state level is another important emerging narrative. By…
How Dodd-Frank Financial Regulation Is Messing Up That Thing Where You Surf Zero-APR Credit Cards This Christmas
Dodd-Frank financial regulation is the gift that keeps on taking. If you’re juggling Christmas bills, or soon will be—or maybe trying to take advantage of…
Skills-Based Education Can Help Solve The Inequality Puzzle
A Better Way To Help Our Fellow Man
As we enter the Christmas season, the question of our responsibility to our fellow man (and woman) arises. When we see people in need, how…
The Blaze
Want to Help Someone Rebuild Her Business? Better Lawyer Up!
Neighbors and people across the nation were appalled when local shops in Ferguson, Missouri, burned down during the recent disturbances there. Thankfully, family, friends, and…
The Freeman
Kickstarting It Old School
Human Events
How the Grinch Picks our Pockets
RealClear Policy
Why Affordability Is Not Obamacare’s Primary Goal
A Professor Who Suffers No Fools
Library of Law and Liberty
The Surprising Economics of Consumer Credit
In the past few years, popular books about economics, such as Freakonomics and The Undercover Economist, have become surprise best-sellers, wowing readers by showing how…
CNS News
Dodd-Frank Act Causes Starvation and Misery Through Conflict-Minerals Rules
Much misery has been inflicted upon the Congo and millions of desperately poor people by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, through its “conflict minerals” provisions, known…
Washington Examiner
Easy Come, Easy Go
The Federal Reserve announced Oct. 29 that it was ending quantitative easing, its program to keep interest rates low. Two days later and halfway around…
CNS News
UAW Seeks Foreign Labor Groups’ Help to Unionize American Workers
Imagine you are an auto worker and one day you find union representatives campaigning inside your workplace, assisted by a foreign labor union, trying…
Washington Examiner
What Lame Ducks Might Do
Iain Murray spoke with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on Congress' Lame Duck December Q: With just a handful of legislative days remaining in December, what concerns…
Mired In College Debt, Millennials Need Better Options
As national dialogue continues about the usefulness of a traditional, 4-year college degree, data show the Millennial generation is falling behind previous ones in savings,…
Big Sexy Holiday Fun With The 2014 Unified Agenda Of Federal Regulations
The fall Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions always seems to appear just before the Holidays. You know, when nobody’s really looking. The…
Are Fiscal Issues Christie’s Achilles Heel for 2016?
With the Bridgegate scandal apparently fading, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is politically rising after leading GOP governors to a solid Election Day showing under…
The Hill
An NLRB Prescription for Trouble
President Obama's nominations to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) have proven a prescription for trouble, and Lauren McFerran is no exception. Sen. Tom Harkin…
The Freeman
Greedy Corporations Save Lives
With Ebola wreaking havoc across West Africa, news that a private company has virtually eradicated the disease on its extensive property invites sighs of relief.
Why Retailers are Wrong on Apple Pay
There's a war going on for your wallet. Around the world, the credit and debit cards we use every day are under threat from a…
Opportunity Lives
Are Big Box Stores Good For America?
Are big box stores good for America? I thought about that last weekend during a panel where I spoke with fellow Millennials on issues…
Cut the Red Tape on Crowdfunding
In America and around the world, aspiring entrepreneurs are meeting their colleagues and their mentors in official and unofficial sessions of Global Entrepreneurship Week. Created…
U.S. Senate Keystone Pipeline Defeat Shows The Hazards Of Over-regulation
The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights. …
Confessions Of A Capitalist
The recent remake of The Manchurian Candidate is a curious thing. While it repeats most of the plot of the 1962 original, the North Korean…
Stockton Highlights Nationwide Risk Of Conflict Between Muni Investors And Public Sector Unions
Fixed-income investors are now on notice that their rights could be trumped by public-sector union bosses, following a court ruling granting Franklin Templeton Investments…
The Blaze
Dodd-Frank Court Case Could Provide Injunctive Relief for America
The Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 has been a disaster for our financial system. Passed in haste after the financial crisis ostensibly in order to stop…
Roll Call
The Grinch Who Taxed The Internet
Human Events
If it Walks Like a Lame Duck
I’ve always found the term “lame duck Congress” an affront to waterfowl everywhere. And it’s odd to boot. Why does it matter if they have…
CNS News
IPCC’s Latest Report: The End Is Nigh Unless Mankind Repents of Its Fuelish Ways
This article was originally published on CNS News on November 10, 2014. The end of the world is always big news, no matter how…