There are two main areas in which Congress can enact meaningful reform. The first is to rein in regulatory guidance documents, which we refer to as “regulatory dark matter,” whereby agencies regulate through Federal Register notices, guidance documents, and other means outside standard rulemaking procedure. The second is to enact a series of reforms to increase agency transparency and accountability of all regulation and guidance. These include annual regulatory report cards for rulemaking agencies and regulatory cost estimates from the Office of Management and Budget for more than just a small subset of rules.
In 2019, President Trump signed two executive orders aimed at stopping the practice of agencies using guidance documents to effectively implement policy without going through the legally required notice and comment process.
Featured Posts

Agenda for Congress: Regulation
CEI’s new Agenda for Congress is out now. Each chapter contains pro-market policy recommendations in areas where CEI has expertise. Here are four principles…

This week in ridiculous regulations: Automatic brakes and horse protection amendments
Sixty-seven people died when a military helicopter and a passenger jet collided near Reagan Airport. President Trump issued an Executive Order to stop all federal…

Free the Economy podcast: Trump vs. the Regulatory State with Susan Dudley
In this week’s episode we cover how the feds are forcing your bank to spy on you, a new strategy for housing…
Search Posts
Trump’s ‘Deregulatory’ Juggernaut’?
Reason quoted a report by the Competitive Enterprise Institute on the success of the Trump administration in enacting deregulatory reforms. “While the Republican…
Undoing President Obama’s Damage Will Take Time
RealClearMarkets quoted Daniel Press on banking regulations impact on the banking system. Ronald Reagan once said, “No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in…
Pennsylvania becomes the Fourth State to Legalize Online Gambling
PGRI re-posted an article released by the Competitive Enterprise Institute on its blog detailing the successful legalization of online gambling in Pennsylvania. …
FCC’s next step on net neutrality: Blocking the states
Politico quoted Jessica Melugin on the difficulties awaiting states or cities who would try to impose their own individualized versions of net neutrality highlighted by…
Cordray out
Politico cited the video released by the Competitive Enterprise Institute criticizing the CFPB. Sheila Bair wants a commission: Sheila Bair on CNBC: “I…
CEI Reacts to Trump’s FY19 Budget Proposals for CFPB, EPA, and Regulatory Reform
CEI experts react to provisions in President Trump’s fiscal year 2019 budget proposal released on February 12, 2018.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Under the radar, Trump, Republicans are in frontal assault of Obama-era regulations
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch cited Wayne Crews as well as the Competitive Enterprise Institute on the effects of President Trump’s reforms and how mcuh overregulation…
Dear President Trump, Please Fire CFPB’s Cordray — Now
On Oct. 30, 2017 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Richard Cordray released a letter to President Donald Trump in which Cordray urged the…
The New York Times
Net Neutrality Hits a Nerve, Eliciting Intense Reactions
The New York Times cited the Competitive Enterprise Institute in its support of internet regulation reforms that seek to create a more regulation-free environment. …
New York Post
Banks Remain Quiet On Mulvaney CFPB Appointment
The New York post quoted Iain Murray about the conditions of a legal standoff surrounding the CFPB. While Washington was buzzing on Monday…
The Hill
EPA blocks scientists who get grants from its advisory boards
The Hill quoted Myron Ebell on the actions of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and his recent reforms. The Trump administration rolled out a…
The Hill
Why are we still regulating Main Street like Wall Street?
It’s no secret that banks across America aren’t doing well under the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress’s response to the 2008 financial crisis. Since Dodd-Frank’s enactment in…
The Hill
Credit Trump for boosting business and fueling our economic growth
The Hill cited the Competitive Enterprise Institute for the success of President Trump’s deregulatory policies and the postive impact said changes are materializing for business…
Compliance Week
Coalition Urges Congress to Halt CFPB Rule on ‘Payday’ Loans
Compliance Week covers CEI’s coalition letter urging Congress to stop the CFPB’s payday-loan rule. On Feb. 6, 23 free market groups led by the…
Trump’s Assault On The Administrative State Will Benefit America
Fox News cited Competitive Enterprise Institute’s “Ten Thousand Commandments – An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State” as proof of gross overspending by the…
Outdated Auto Safety Regulations Threaten the Self-Driving Revolution
Self-driving cars should be welcomed for their substantial safety and mobility gains for the traveling public, especially the elderly and disabled. But the federal government’s failure…
Fox Business
Trump’s CFPB won’t be Obama’s: Key ways it could be different
Fox Business cited Iain Murray on the need for focus by the CFPB on upholding existing laws rather than imposing new ones. As the battle…
Most Federal Agency Regulatory Guidance May Be Invalid, So Now What?
Forbes published an article by Clyde Wayne Crews, Jr. about the lack of firm rules beign established by federal agencies in stead copius “interpretive guidance”…
Reflections On The Evolution Of Trade Policy
Reflections On The Evolution Of Trade Policy
Forbes has published an article by Fred Smith detailing the effects of renegotiation and its effects on the North American economy as well as the…
The Denver Post
This Group Thinks Trump Hasn’t Done Enough to Unravel Environmental Rules
The Denver Post referenced Myron Ebell on the underlying weakness within the EPA owing to a personnel process. The activists gathered behind closed doors…
CNS News
Carbon Tax Is Political Poison for Conservative Movement
A carbon tax is political poison for conservatives and free marketers. The struggle for hearts and minds in this country is to no small degree…
The Washington Examiner
What CEOs Still Want from Trump: A Deregulation Wishlist
The Washington Examiner discusses deregulation with Myron Ebell. America’s CEOs have a long wish list for the regulatory rollback President Trump has promised to…
Climate Skeptics and Coal Boosters Gather to Cheer Trump’s Energy Agenda — and Hold His Feet to the Fire
CNBC cited Myron Ebell on the developing successes by the Trump administration with its energy agenda as well as covered him biographically HOUSTON —…
Trump Deserves Some Credit for the Rally in Stocks
Bloomberg cited statistical data from the Competitive Enterprise Institute about the breadth and cost of Obama-era regulations and the effects of Trumpian deregulation fueling market…
Job and GDP Growth Numbers Signal Improving Economy
Today’s jobs numbers, which were modestly above expectations, are yet another sign that the economy is starting to pick up steam as a result of…
Investor's Business Daily
Lots of Presidents Talked About Getting Rid of Bad Regulations – Trump Is Actually Doing It
Investor’s Business Daily cited the Competitive Enterprise Institute on the major role in which the Trump administration is playing in deregulating the federal government. …
Government Executive
Trump’s Deregulatory Efforts Are Ensuring Agencies ‘Stay Within the Laws,’ Officials Say
Government Executive cited the Competitive Enterprise Institute on the efficiency of the Trump administration on introducing federal deregulation policies. The Trump administration boasted…
Trump at 9 Months: ‘The Least Regulatory President of All’
Reason cited Wayne Crews about the deregulatory success that has defined the Trump administration thus far. The most underreported story (except here at…
Conservative groups urge Congress to rein in NLRB
The Washington Examiner mentioned the role of CEI in advocating for legislation to be backed in Congress to reel in the National Labor Relations Board.
Washington Examiner
Trump ahead of Reagan’s record in cutting regulations
The Washington Examiner cited the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Clyde Wayne Crews on the increasing amount of reulation cutting being succesfully implemented by President Trump’s administration. …
E&E News
Who’s Who in Trump’s Infrastructure Initiative
E&E News discusses Trump’s infrastructure plan with Myron Ebell. President Trump’s ballyhooed infrastructure push — envisioned as a $1.5 trillion construction push paired with…
Inside Sources
Free-Market Coalition Urges Action on Franchise Rule
Inside Sources cites the leadership role which CEI is playing in defining joint-employment as head of a coaltion of free-market advocacy groups. A coalition…
Real Clear Markets
What’s the Difference between “Major,” “Significant,” and All Those Other Federal Rule Categories?
RealClear Markets posted an article written by Clyde Wayne Crews about emergence and ensuing pervasiveness which the nomenclature of department rule-creation holds within the U.S. federal government, as…
Exclusive–Trump’s EPA Transition Chair Myron Ebell: ‘Scrapping’ Clean Power Plan ‘Key Part of Deregulatory Agenda’
Breitbart has interviewed Myron Ebell on the negative effects which the Obama-era ‘Clean Power’ Plan brought forth including destablization of the American electrical grid, heightened…
The World Post
Trump Administration To Propose Scrapping Major Obama-Era Climate Change Policy
The World Post quoted Myron Ebell on the negative impacts of the ‘Clean Power’ Plan on domestic manufacturing industries as well as job growth.
The Hill
Overnight Energy: EPA to propose Clean Power Plan repeal | Pruitt takes on wind, solar tax credits | Committee to mark up antiquities reform
The Hill quoted Myron Ebell on the effects which the ‘Clean Power’ Plan raised consumer rates for electricity and threatened stability of America’s electrical grid. …
After 12 Months of Trump, Here’s What 100 CEOs Are Saying About His Effect on Business
Inc. covers deregulation under the Trump administration. Donald Trump doesn’t talk much about entrepreneurship. Conventional wisdom says he favors incumbents over disruptors. Still, one…
Trump State of the Union Response: Double Down on Cutting Red Tape
Cutting red tape, so talented individuals can thrive, will help put the long-term roar back into the economy.
Top Issues for Trump’s State of the Union 2018
For the State of the Union 2018, CEI presents a round-up of what Trump might say, what he should say, and how members of both…
State of the Union Address in Five Words, Trump vs Obama
The occasion of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address marks a time of considerable optimism flowing from the prospects of more jobs, smaller government,…
Franchise Businesses Expect Faster Growth Under Trump
InsideSources covers deregulation under the Trump administration. President Donald Trump was credited by a major franchise association Monday with the sector expecting to outperform…
Rumors of Nationalized 5G Point to Need for Reform of Existing Networks
Consumers will suffer from government efforts to create a nationalized 5G telecommunications network, and the rumoured plan to move in that direction needs to be …
State of the Less Regulated Union: 6 Ways Trump Has Cut Red Tape
Rollbacks of federal regulation are a main element of the Trump administration’s economic recipe and deserve credit. It’s highly likely that the loosening of red…
Bloomberg Politics
Trump Plays Down Health Hazard in Justifying Climate Rule Repeal
Bloomberg Politics quotes Myron Ebell on the importance of curbing Carbon Dioxide and how that should pose a greater priority to the Trump administration.
Free Beacon
Clean Power Plan Repeal Will Save $33 Billion in Compliance Costs
The Washington Free Beacon quotes Myron Ebell on her opinion of how cutting the Clean Power Plan will afford…
Energy Companies Don’t Like the Clean Power Plan — or President Trump’s Plan to Kill It
Time quotes Myron Ebell about the ability of the Trump Administration to deregulate Power Plants. Donald Trump boasted last month that the Obama…
Washington Examiner
Repealing The Clean Power Plan Will Benefit All Americans
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt's proposal to repeal the so-called Clean Power Plan is the most notable step President Trump and his team have…
City Journal
Well-Heeled Fliers Against Air-Traffic Reform
The City Journal quotes Marc Scribner on the influence the NBAA has in preventing federal reform and modernization of air traffic control. Members…
7 Congressional Efforts the President Should Urge Members to Support
President Trump should use his State of the Union address to encourage members of Congress to pass these 7 bills immediately.
City Journal
EPA Chief Set to Bar Government-Funded Experts From Agency’s Science Panels
The Daily Signal cites William Yeatman on several points about the laxness in EPA scientific standards and financial regulation. Try asking the nation’s…
Staff & Scholars

Clyde Wayne Crews
Fred L. Smith Fellow in Regulatory Studies
- Business and Government
- Consumer Freedom
- Deregulation

Ryan Young
Senior Economist
- Antitrust
- Business and Government
- Regulatory Reform

Fred L. Smith, Jr.
Founder; Chairman Emeritus
- Automobiles and Roads
- Aviation
- Business and Government

Sam Kazman
Counsel Emeritus
- Antitrust
- Automobiles and Roads
- Banking and Finance

Marlo Lewis, Jr.
Senior Fellow
- Climate
- Energy
- Energy and Environment