
Can HR 1 Rekindle The Blue Flame Of Freedom?

​It’s not easy to choose the Biden Administration’s single most foolish climate change policy amongst many deserving candidates, but worst of all may be the assault on the residential use of natural gas.  The costs of this agenda are substantial, and it’s all…


National Review

Vetoing Financial Security

President Joe Biden is widely expected to issue the first veto of his presidency in response to a bipartisan congressional resolution aimed at protecting…

Wall Street Journal

“Josh Hawley, Meet Lina Khan’s FTC”

The Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board addresses the FTC’s requests to Twitter for communication with journalists and Sen. Hawley’s proposal to grant more power to…

Eye on FTC

Wall Street Journal

“The FTC’s Antitrust Collusion”

Emails reveal that the FTC coordinated with European regulators to stop Illumina’s acquisition of cancer blood testing startup, Grail, according to the Wall Street Journal’s…

Eye on FTC