
XM-Sirius is Finally Approved

I reported last Thursday that the FCC was set to approve the long-ignored XM-Sirius merger. Yesterday, it finally came through… but hampered by…


Government Service with an Oops!

Remember stories about the horrors of the American medical system?  Operations performed on the wrong leg and such?  Guess what:  it’s also a problem in…


Law Mandates Violating Privacy

We have previously discussed how government often mandates online privacy violations through data retention mandates and tracking requirements. Now, Congress has tucked…


White House Wimps Out

The White House is now backing away from its threat to veto the pork-filled bills that would bail out government-backed mortgage giants…


$25 Billion for Fannie Mae Bailout

“The proposed government rescue of the nation’s two mortgage finance giants will appear on the federal budget as a $25 billion cost to taxpayers, the independent…


Comcast Stands up to Cuomo

My colleague Ryan Radia has an excellent post at TLF about Comcast’s decision to resist New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s attempts to…


3D Movies at Home? Dude!

Ars reports that the movie industry has gathered together a task force to create standards for making 3D movies available in the home. Now…


End Farm Subsidies, Save Doha

The U.S. government transfers about $17 billion from taxpayers to farmers in an average year. Every man, woman, and child in the country gives more…


Today’s card check hearing

This afternoon, the Senate Republican Conference held a hearing on an ongoing attempt to undermine the secret ballot process in union organizing elections. Specifically…


Judicial Elections: Good or Bad? It’s Not Clear

Historically, jurisdictions with judicial elections tended to be somewhat more anti-business than those that didn’t have judicial elections.  But in recent years, voters in some moderate and conservative…


EU Gets Its Own CTEA

You might remember the controversial Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, which in 1998 retroactively extended copyrights that were set to expire (to life…


Congress Scrutinizes NebuAd

Congress is at it again, and once again the victim is NebuAd. The House Committee on Energy and Commerce is sending threatening letters to…


Stadium Rip-Offs

Professor Ilya Somin explains how New York City taxpayers are being fleeced to pay for a new Yankee Stadium.  And the Washington Examiner describes…


ISPs Standing Up for Themselves

Cable companies are fighting the impending FCC ruling against Comcast for violating net neutrality principles. They seek the freedom to try out different…


Technological Solutions to Warming

The talk surrounding global warming has mostly been about regulation: carbon taxes, cap-and-trade schemes, or - worse - outright mandates. But technology can offer solutions…


Is PC Gaming Dying?

There's an interesting discussion on the Technology Liberation Front, a popular blog for those interested in liberating technology from the hands of government, about…


UK Town to Abolish Traffic Cameras

The UK has quietly become one of the most-surveilled societies on earth. The isle sports an eye-popping one surveillance camera for every fourteen people.


NFL Network Angry Again

The NFL Network (NFLN) has been quite aggressive in its demands for cable providers to include it in their lineups. Back in 2006, Adam Thierer…


More USF Troubles

I reported earlier on the failings of the Universal Service Fund. Now, the convoluted transfer scheme has a new critic: the GAO. The…


Better to Drill Than To Spill

The Washington Examiner today pointed out on page 17 that thanks to advances in drilling technology, it’s now far safer to drill for oil off…


Bill to Ban Wireless Tax Hikes

Senators Ron Wyden and Olympia Snowe are proposing a bill that would ban state and local governments from raising taxes on cell phones any…


White Space Testing to Begin

The FCC is set to begin testing white space broadcasts for interference with current technology, such as wireless microphones. The NFL and ESPN –…