
What Taxes Are In Our Future?

Campaign promises about the economy often end up being unfulfilled.  Bill Clinton promised a middle-class tax cut, but increased taxes instead.  Jimmy Carter promised to…


Better Lifestyle Bureau?

On a day when government takes a large stake in the financial markets, we should be aware that all sorts of organizations are trying to…


LibertyWeek 9: Ballparks & Bailouts

LibertyWeek, CEI’s weekly podcast, covered the bailout and the financial meltdown on Wall Street in its last episode.  “Bailouts & Ballparks” features an interview…


Remove ACORN Slush Fund from Bailout Bill

The bailout bill drafted by liberal Congressional leaders contains a massive slush fund that will benefit the fraud-ridden left-wing group ACORN, which must be removed, argues Investors…


Le Schadenfreude?

The glee in European capitals at the woes of “Anglo-Saxon” capitalism is tangible. Sarkozy and the German finance minister pile on, with Sarkozy saying,…