

I followed a link from one of Hans’ posts and found this must-read WSJ article by a former chairman of FDIC–“How to Save the…



These are troubled times for the global economy.  However, we’re working to clarify that the failure is not the market—nor, indeed, even in the most…


Mark-to-Markets for Dummies

Best short explanation of the mark-to-markets issue I have yet seen: Imagine if you had a $200,000 mortgage on a $300,000 house that you…


My Heart Bleeds

From today’s Greenwire: NEW YORK — The crisis roiling Wall Street is threatening to choke financing for green energy projects. Venture capitalists and private equity…

Energy and Environment


Are There No Workhouses?

Some people seem to think that having a mind for business and profit means you must be some kind of money-grubbing miser. Far from it,…


LibertyWeek 8: Cheese for Dogs

Check out me and Richard Morrison doing another episode of CEI’s weekly podcast, Liberty Week.  This week we cover: The “meltdown” on Wall Street…


NFIP Needs Renewal. . .But

Unfortunately, Congress needs to renew the National Flood Insurance Program sometime in the next few weeks. Right now, the program provides the only flood coverage…


Miller Time in Mexico…

…looks very different than it does in the United States. And by Miller, I mean Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.). In 2001, Rep. Miller and several…


More “Stimulus” Package Scams

Congressional leaders want yet more budget-busting, deficit-expanding “stimulus” packages, using the slow economy as an excuse for proposals to bail out state governments…


Stop Inflating the Currency

Inflation is now a bigger economic problem than unemployment, argues the Wall Street Journal, and is a bigger concern to voters, too.  The Fed…


The Nutrition Nazis are Back

The consume’rs right to know. It’s hard to disagree with the nanny-state proposal now before the California legislature (I know, I know … what nanny-state…


Happy Labor Day!

Today, in time for Labor Day weekend, I’ve got two new articles out on current goings-on in organized labor. In The American Spectator, my…


Brookings Winds Up Doomsday Clock

The Brookings Institution is the most establishment of establishment think-tanks. Old-fashioned, genteel, liberal, they do a lot of good work while at the same time…


SEIU’s California Scheming II

Following up on my earlier post about The Los Angeles Times‘ investigation into allegations of financial malfeasance by the head of a California affiliate…


SEIU’s California Scheming

This week, The Los Angeles Times featured a three–part series on suspicious dealings at a local of the 2 million-member Service Employees…


Immigration Law Dysfunctional, Arbitrary

American immigration law is perverse, baffling, and dysfunctional.  It keeps out energetic legal immigrants who could make America richer and smarter, while encouraging unskilled illegal…


Telecom Immunity Perfectly Constitutional

Congress gave the phone companies immunity against the billions of dollars in lawsuits brought against them for cooperating with federal antiterror surveillance programs.  The ACLU and some trial…


Federal Regulations Helped Spawn Mortgage Crisis

Federal “affordable housing” and “diversity” mandates helped spawn the mortgage crisis.  Additional evidence comes from a Washington Post story, which notes that  “even late in the housing bubble, Fannie…


Bailouts Incite More Demands for Handouts

Maryland’s government, which recently raised taxes by record amounts to pay for more government spending, welfare, and public-employee salaries, is now pleading for a federal bailout,…


“Jackpot Justice Gets New Meaning”

Ted Frank has an entertaining and disturbing column in the Washington Examiner about how a compulsive gambler blamed his medication for his irresponsibility.  A jury…


“Political Correctness Undermines AIDS Fight”

Not everyone is equally likely to get AIDS, notes former World Health Organization official James Chin in “Political Correctness Undermines AIDS Fight,” an editorial in today’s Washington Examiner.   As he points out, “We…


Loose Money Follies

The Federal Reserve has been keeping interest rates low and inflating the currency, to bail out irresponsible people who’ve borrowed more than they can afford, and encourage…

Consumer Freedom


FEC: You Can Blog About Candidates

The Federal Election Commission has held that bloggers are covered by the same rules as journalists, permitting them to write about candidates without their…