
Sweet lawsuit, or not…

It seems the anti-biotechnology lobby is bringing out the big guns to prevent the new Roundup Ready sugar beet to have its first commercial growing…


Suharto RIP

Former Indonesian dictator Suharto passed away today. I’m not going to comment on his legacy here, but simply note that for a dictator, he…


Feels like 24 years

At Cafe Hayek, Don Boudreaux links to a comedy video that illustrates very effectively just how far we’ve come technologically over the past…


Happy Medium in Germany?

Germany is opening the door for a corn variety bred with molecular plant breeding methods, and neither activists nor Monsanto is happy about the…


Good Copps Bad Copps

This Tuesday, CNet’s Anne Broache reported that FCC Commissioner Copps was NOT ready to support “new rules requiring wireless carriers to open…


The Concession Question

Jim Geraghty stirred up a minor hornet's nest yesterday with this post on Republican tactics on global warming. After coming in for some pretty…


Tobacco Settlement Inspires More Lawsuits

Earlier, I wrote about how the multi-billion-dollar 1998 tobacco settlement between 46 states and the tobacco companies has inspired more lawsuits, and threatened lawsuits, against…


More Jobless in Frisco

San Francisco’s Golden Gate Restaurant Association has sued to stop implementation of the city’s new health care mandate, which would require employers who hire more…


ADA Backfires, and ESA Kills

Congress is currently in the process of rewriting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make it even more costly for employers to employ people…


Recession Rebate Follies

The Congress and the president are planning to give rebates to taxpayers in an effort to pump up consumer spending and avert a recession.


Nervous Fed Cuts Interest Rates

Nervous about the possibility of a recession, the Federal Reserve has just cut short-term interest rates (the federal funds rate). But how much good,…


Feds Fuel Soaring College Costs

Federal financial aid and subsidies to colleges and universities are fueling soaring college costs, and making universities more expensive, more bureaucratic, and more politicized. That’s…


Recession: Stimulus Package Risks

Congress and the President are working on a multi-billion-dollar ($140 billion plus) “stimulus package” in an effort to ward off a recession. One proposal that…


Soyabean prices are a’soaring

The Financial Times today carries an article about how soaring soyabean (soybean to us) prices are causing large-scale protests in Indonesia…


Carney on Campaign Finance “Reform”

Tim Carney continues the fight against cartelization through regulation, in his weekly Examiner column, this time in the political marketplace. When McCain-Feingold passed in…


RE: Send in the animal clones

Richard Morrison could yesterday report that FDA had approved meat from cloned animals for human consumption. USDA is evidently not in agreement,…


CAFE’s Killer Impact

New estimates are out on the impact of increasing Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations, as the recent energy bill did. It’s not pretty.


Osorio on Free Trade and Mobility

In two articles out today, I tackle the ever-expanding array of environmental and labor provisions attached to trade agreements between the U.S. and other countries…


Regional Homeowners’ Tax Wasted

A 2007 Virginia transportation law allowed the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority to levy a big new tax to finance transportation projects not on those who…


Poorly Run Charities: A Solution

Today’s Washington Post carries an interesting, dirt-filed piece about a the Veterans’ charity Help Hospitalized Veterans. The group spends only 31 percent of…


Europeans Against Free Enterprise

Surprise, surprise! The Europeans don’t like market economics. That’s hardly startling news. But it turns out that the educational system works overtime to demonize free…


ACLU Hypocrisy on Privacy

The ACLU insists that sex in public restroom stalls is protected by "privacy", even though such activity creates a very uncomfortable environment for those…


Green Polluters

If you are not on’s, daily email, you might want to sign up. This daily dispatch sends along nuggets of good information and…


Mob Justice in Bolivia

Thor Halvorssen's wonderful Human Rights Foundation has published an important new report on Bolivian president Evo Morales' efforts to introduce a system of…


Virginia Taxes Skyrocket

Over the past decade, property taxes in Northern Virginia have skyrocketed along with assessments. Taxes have increased to the point that taxes in Northern…


Carbon: Do call it life

Monday’s episode of The History Channel’s “Modern Marvels” focuses on that most essential of elements, without which not even life is possible: carbon. The show kicks off…


Inconsistency on Guns

The American Bar Association has never been reluctant to urge the Supreme Court to overturn existing precedent, if the precedent at issue offends politically correct…


Dimming Consumer Choice

I never knew there were so many shades to a light bulb! But since Congress has basically banned incandescent light bulbs in favor of “energy-efficient”…


Clean Energy Iniative: Paved Roads

The Netherlands is officially on my list of countries with cool research and development of alternative energy sources. I have previously written about nightclubs…


Wrong reason, right decision

Climate change is used to justify the most insane political decisions, but for once it is used for a sensible decision. Although there is no…


Horse Meat Regulations Backfire

State legislatures recently banned the slaughter of horses for human consumption. The net result, according to The New York Times, is that rather than…


Tobacco Settlement: Fraud on the Public?

USA Today hammers state governments for using money from the 1998 multistate tobacco settlement on everything but tobacco-related illnesses and smoking prevention: “With news…


Notes from the (Virtual) Trail

I couldn’t resist posting this gem from a Radar magazine article speculating that Ron Paul has Asperger’s syndrome (a mild form of autism):…


China Reds Go Green

The Chinese have allegedly decided to “clean up their act” environmentally speaking. Their solution: ban plastic bags at supermarkets and make shopping less convenient.


The National Nannies Just Won’t Quit

Let’s see. The U.S. Constitution gives the Congress the power to raise armies, regulate interstate commerce, and … control snack machines in local schools. Apparently…