
The Real GM Food Scandal

Author Dick Taverne has the cover story in this month’s issue of Prospect, in which he takes on the unwarranted negative reputation GM foods…


Exposing Health Care Myths

Critics of the U.S. health care system have a litany of complaints. Some are true, but highly misleading. N. Gregory Mankiw takes on three of…


Who Needs A High Tech Industry?

There’s a lot of political anger associated with the recent immigration debate. But with all the attention paid to unskilled immigrants from Mexico and the…


An Off-Target Response

Target is replacing its PVC shower curtains with vinyl curtains. Whew, I feel so much safer now! Not really. The move is part of a…


Ala carte is not on the menu

Frank Ahren’s “FCC Moves to Place Restrictions on Cable TV” was highly misleading in its description of a “largely unregulated cable television industry” that…


Soothing Green Guilt

While unapologetic free-marketers can enjoy the fruits of their labors (small or large) guilt free, the rich on the left have to find ways to…


Blue Laws and New Laws

The funny old laws from my homeland that Lene links to are actually a distraction from the real problem. When Michael Heseltine was President…


ENDA Gay-Rights Bill Passes House

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would outlaw private-sector (and some public-sector) discrimination based on sexual orientation, passed the House last week by a…


More confused conservatives

I have recently published several op eds on how the European Right has adopted the environmental policy of the Left, embracing greater interventions in the…


Sunset provisions needed

A recent survey in Britain on which laws Brits regards as their most stupid laws make a case for sunset provisions. The laws include…


Milton Friedman on Greed

Don Boudreaux of Cafe Hayek notes that on Friday [Nov. 16], nobel economist Milton Friedman will have been dead for one year. He forwarded…


House votes for Peru FTA

Today the House of Representatives voted 285-132 to approve the U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement. The Senate now has to consider legislation implementing the agreement.


Cramer: Andrew Cuomo Is A Communist

CNBC’s Jim Cramer, no free-market conservative, is nonetheless appalled by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s clumsy meddling in the mortgage markets, which he believes…



If you’re interested in the debate over Optional Federal Chartering for insurance companies, you may want to check out CEI’s new website OFC FAQ.ORG.


More on Manhunt

I’d like to second Hans’s recommendation to read Manhunt — and I feel a more personal connection: The hunt for John Wilkes Booth…


More on Immunity for Telecom Firms

Phone companies deserve immunity from lawsuits for cooperating the with federal antiterrorism surveillance program, according to a recent report by the Information Technology and…


Robert Reich Reformed?

Tyler Cowan offers some generally positive thoughts on former Labor Secretary Robert Reich’s new book, Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday…


NYT: “Pass the Peru FTA”

“Pass the Peruvian F.T.A,” so reads a New York Times editorial today on the same day the House is scheduled to vote on the…


Al Gore is a McCarthy-ite

Steven Mufson reports in today’s Washington Post that Kansans for Affordable Energy, a non-profit funded by coal interests, has taken out full page advertisements…


Worse for Kids than Smoke

What is more harmful to children’s’ health than tobacco smoke? The answer may be irresponsible parents. In Oregon, a state where the unemployment rate hovers…



In June, the Supreme Court ruled against a student’s First Amendment challenge to his discipline for displaying, off school grounds, a cryptic banner that read…


Sugar lobby sweetens pols’ pot

Terrific front-page article on the influence of the sugar lobby in the Washington Post on Saturday by Dan Morgan recounting how the sugar industry’s…


Yet more ado about noting

Yet another study is out suggesting that air pollution is a considerable risk to our health, as highlighted in today’s Washington Post. This time…


More on private preservation

Eli’s post about historic preservation and his mention of D.C.’s Meridian Hill Park has a lesson for preservationists who promote government as the savior…


Immunity for Telecom Companies

In today’s New York Times, former attorney general John Ashcroft explains why it would be harmful and risky to allow lawsuits to continue against…


Draft Gore, Seriously

The Draft Gore for ‘08 campaign is picking up steam. According to the Draft Gore Newsletter (sign up here!), signatures are piling up (more…


The Cult of Historical Preservation

The D.C. Preservation League recently announced its 2007 list of "most endangered" properties. While there's nothing wrong with historical preservation per se, the recent…


Earmark incubator

Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Florida) has coined this apt term for companies such as Concurrent Technologies during a debate about earmarks for a center Concurrent was…


In Defense of the Zone System

Ivan, As I’ve written before, I disagree with your post on the end of D.C.’s zone system. Washington cabdrivers are overwhelmingly independent entrepreneurs…


Farm Bill Follies

The Senate farm bill is headed to the floor, even as Agriculture Committee chairman Tom Harkin is expressing reservations about some of the…


Is this Washington or Paris?

New York has its medallions, and D.C. has its zone system — the bane of each city’s taxi riders. However, unlike the medallion system,…


Linda Stein, RIP

Legendary music manager Linda Stein, whose pioneering work in the early New York punk scene included, “bringing the Ramones to England for their infamous July…


Give it up already!

Just as France has put a temporary freeze on growing corn bred with molecular plant breeding techniques, Austria fails to create a majority within…


More Senate Mischief

News from Congress Now on this afternoon’s machinations by members of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee: Highlighting the difficult straddle facing proponents, a…


Municipal Internet Refuses To Die

Today the Senate Commerce Committee passed the Community Broadband Act, ArsTechnica reports. The bill preempts state laws banning publicly funded Internet and allows…


Mailed Fist Environmentalism

The time for wimpy, squishy, liberal environmentalism is past. The crisis is so deep that it’s time to take more, shall we say, “serious” steps.


AIDS Funding Wasted, As Usual

It turns out that the billions of dollars that have been spent on international AIDS programs have largely been wasted. In some places, like…


Splitting Hairs on Speech

I always worry when a government body starts to sound philosophic. As Ivan noted in his post, the Department of the Interior is struggling…


Government Won’t Save You

In Today’s Washington Post, Cindy Skrzycki reports on Devra Davis’s book The Secret History of the War on Cancer. According to Skrzycki, Davis asserts…


Sea Treaty Fallout

Today one presidential aspirant joined a growing list of senators in opposing U.S. ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty. Taking as long as…


Drilling Teeth the Socialist Way

The health care mess is complicated. It's a strange mix of government and private, with perverse tax incentives skewing the entire system. Handing the whole…


Sea Treaty Has Land Legs

One of the most interesting entries into the debate over the Law of the Sea Treaty during the last few days comes from…