
The Cult of Personality

If you have a copy of the November 5 issue of the Washington Post announcing Obama’s “historic” victory, save it.  It’s worth money.  On Ebay,…


Castro Endorses Obama

Fidel Castro has endorsed Obama.  But liberal lawmakers want to curtail the ability of American citizens to endorse or criticize candidates on the radio.  Senator Charles Schumer…

Law and Litigation


If Only I’d Known

Brilliant insight from Fred Barnes in the Wall St. Journal today: “We could be in for a lurch to the left.” That’s why he gets…


Paper, Not Plastic

Eli, I wrote about the superiority of paper ballots in The Denver Post back in 2000. Unfortunately, the article has disappeared into the aether. Luckily,…


If You Donate, You’ll Vote

Since Bill Clinton ran in 1992 and MTV decided to “Rock the Vote” the youth vote has been something often talked about, but something that…


Yma Sumac RIP

Yma Sumac, the multi-octave exotic Peruvian songstress died Saturday in Los Angeles. Her music never fit into any genre, defying all attempts at categorization. Even…


Vote for is trying to win the Blogger’s Choice Award for the best political blog.  Just a few dozen votes should do it.  If you’d…


City Journal on card check

In City Journal, Claire Berlinski looks at the effects of the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) by looking at a precedent of EFCA…



Some of the brightest minds in the online conservative movement — John Hawkins, Patrick Ruffini and Mark Tapscott — are discussing what…

Consumer Freedom


Stock Market Selloff?

Following the economy, especially lately, can be confusing. Reporters are not helping matters. A article, for example, blames yesterday’s stock market plunge on…


Mukasey sits

Trust in the integrity of a government’s voting process is critical. If you don’t believe me, think Venezuela and Zimbabwe. In the US, public outcry…

Law and Litigation


LibertyWeek 13: Scandal Watch

Tune in to lucky episode thirteen of the best pro-freedom podcast around, CEI’s very own LibertyWeek, with your hosts Richard Morrison and Cord Blomquist.


More Trade Means More Peace

If goods do not cross borders, then soldiers will. It’s an old saying. Maybe even a cliché. But there is some truth to it. What…