
Immigration Law: Utterly Dysfunctional

American immigration law is utterly dysfunctional. Legal immigrants who fight for America in Iraq and Afghanistan wait years to become citizens. Skilled workers needed…


Shacks for Rich People

I recently came across Tumbleweed, the self-styled “tiny house company.” The houses that Tumbleweed builds in California and delivers to any site in the…


The Far Left: Semper Fidel

Today in Reason, Michael Moynihan offers an appropriate epitaph to the useful idiots in the U.S., Europe, and Latin America whose knees have long…


“A Bonanza to Trial Lawyers”

Earlier, we wrote about a bill (S. 2045), the Consumer Product Safety Commission Reform Act, that would impose criminal penalties on company executives, and…


Pointless Nativism in Virginia

Virginia is facing serious problems, like a budget deficit and unanticipated shortfalls in transportation funding, despite mushrooming taxes in recent years. So what…


Disturbing trend

Food prices are going up. Since the green revolution in the 1940s-1960s food prices have been going down, but now they are on an…


What is a poor reporter to do?

Two groups release reports about the same topic at the same time, their conclusions are diametrically opposed to each other. What is a poor reporter…


I told you so!

I’ve been saying the 147 million pound beef recall will lead to calls for more regulation and better regulation, even though the regulatory regime in…


Call-in show on labor issues

Today, I will be on “Leave Us Alone” radio on RightTalk, discussing general labor issues and my upcoming article in Labor Watch (co-authored with…


Castro the Bigot

Via comes an I-can’t-believe-she-wrote-this memo telling journalists to be nice to Castro. One particularly delicious passage: Please note Fidel did bring…


No Oracle to Cuba’s Future

Fidel Castro officially stepped down as Cuba’s head of state this morning, allegedly for health reasons. This will fuel speculations over whether he’s already dead…


Harassment vs. Free Speech

Federal and state discrimination laws have been interpreted by the courts as banning speech that creates a “hostile work environment” for members of protected classes.


Lame Excuse for Restricting Speech

Sometimes an excuse for something is worse than the action itself. That's true of a recent court ruling rejecting a teenager's First Amendment challenge…


But We Already Have It. . .

Doug, I agree with your criticisms of the about the problems with the Swedish health care system. But, of course, we have pretty much…


Those Wild and Crazy Europeans

Liberty-minded Europeans can only look on with increasing frustration as policy becomes increasingly centralized in Brussels. It’s not just the regulations — goodness knows the…


Bill Frist on Chronic Disease

My former boss, Bill Frist, has a very interesting piece in today’s Miami Herald. A quote: Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, emphysema, high…


The policy side of CPAC

I can’t remember a Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that received more media coverage and broke more news events. As fate would have it,…


Tom Lantos, RIP

California Democratic Congressman Tom Lantos passed away this morning. A Holocaust survivor and fervent anti-communist, the Hungarian-born Lantos’s thick accent and propensity for hyperbole…


How Many Cab Drivers Need a Ph.D?

Most jobs don't require someone with a college degree. Yet politicians are always calling for more federal subsidies to send everyone, no matter how dumb,…


Happiness Isn’t Politically Correct

In Sunday’s Washington Post, researcher Eric Weiner (who is not a Republican) notes that Republicans are happier than Democrats regardless of income level, even…


State Monopolies

John, You miss one very important part of the history of the yellow cab company in Chicago: It succeeded as a business almost entirely…


At CPAC and Depressed

I’m at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and I’m discouraged. I’m a pro-life, pro-gay, pro-market, pro-gun conservative who hates terrorists and central planning…


Let’s Keep Taxis

Michelle, I’m all with the D.C. cab drivers and I disagree with your post. Anyone with a not-terrible driving record should be free to…


Cabbies Shrugged

Lawmakers on the Hill may have to walk a little more than usual thanks to the taxicab drivers’ strike that began today. Maybe they’ll…


Bush Budget Battle

The final Bush budget is out for FY 2009 (though not on paper, notes The Hill), and the criticism is already flying. Speaker of…


I love Kyoto, but…

At EconLog, Bryan Caplan sums up succinctly the method whereby President Bush this week was able to sound more predisposed toward a global treaty…


Subprime Crybabies

Last night, ABC News lavished sympathy on a North Carolina couple whose mortgage payments had risen to just over $2,000 a month, owing to the…


Film: Shootdown

President Bush didn’t mention Blanca Gonzalez, the mother of jailed Cuban dissident Normando Hernandez Gonzalez, after all. But the film Shootdown, which I…