
GE’s Househugger tv commercial

For several weeks, General Electric, as part of its “Eco-magination” campaign, has been running a tv commercial in which a tree uproots itself, shuffles down a hill, crosses the street,…


Gay Rights vs. Free Speech Rights?

We previously wrote about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would ban private-sector employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, and how the bill’s requirements regarding “conditions of…


Capitalists for Capitalism

Our good friend Steve Milloy gets some ink today in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, where columnist Jack Markowitz profiles the Free Enterprise Action Fund:…


I Told You So

Last Saturday, Hans wrote a blog post about unrest in Egypt sparked by inflation in the price of food, which, in turn, is caused…


Charlton Heston, R.I.P.

And so film legend and freedom lover Charlton Heston has left us, at age 84. There are already hundreds of obituaries and tributes,…


Left-Wing Pork in Bill for Homeowners

The bill fashioned by Senate leaders to supposedly “help” homeowners struggling with their mortgages contains tons of left-wing pork, such as money for “mortgage counseling”…


Bureaucracy Waivers

The Bush Administration has decided that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is too bureaucratic to follow when it comes to building a fence along…


Bowing to the Multicultural Idol

Maryland legislators are inflicting a moronic new “diversity” mandate on Maryland colleges. Legislation to force institutions of higher learning in Maryland to create…


Carney on Pepsi going green

In his latest column, former CEI Warren Brookes Fellow Tim Carney looks at how rent-seeking opportunities based on  feel-good environmental campaigns, which are currently…


Eliot Spitzer’s Hypocrisy

Mark Tapscott writes about disgraced New York politician Eliot Spitzer’s hypocrisy in the Examiner.   Spitzer flouted the rules while loudly berating others for real or imaginary transgressions,…


Playing God, 1973-style

In today’s New York Times, a feature story profiles a project to create a national economic planning supercomputer by the socialist government of Salvador…


Farm bill excesses

With U.S. farm production and farmers’ incomes soaring, why is a bloated farm bill likely to sweep through the House-Senate conference this spring? The Wall…

Consumer Freedom


Lawsuits Kill Puppies

“Lawsuit Abuse Kills Puppies,” reports Ted Frank at Overlawyered.  “Rogier von Bakel is furious at his local SPCA because they would rather put a…


EU GMO Update

The Europeans quarrel with plants bred with molecular plant breeding methods continue. French farmers are pushing for it, but they lost the court case…


About those Generic Drugs

Everyone likes generic drugs.  So do I.  Who wants to pay those shocking prices–you know, a couple bucks or even a few bucks a pill for…


Regulation killed the GMO star

This is an amazing story of science success, and of consumer loss. Phillip Larkin got funding from Tasmanian Alkaloids to create a more potent poppy…


Death & Taxes 2008

If you think that picking up the phone book sized federal budget is a bit daunting, you might want to get the graphic version.


Bad teeth (2)

Eli— Here’s another theory — fluoridation of water is very widespread in the U.S. but is very limited in England. (About 10 percent of…


Re: X-Prize – and yet another

Fran’s post raises an important point about trade-offs and the ossifying effects of mandates (why on earth don’t we have a much better system…


The Nonpartisan Regulatory State

To believe Democratic politicians, the U.S. has entered an era of near-laissez faire economics.  Regulatory agencies have faded away.  Uncle Sam has gone on vacation. …


Biotechnology Spin-Zone

The suppliers, producers, and retailers in the industrial organic food chain have long lamented about the possibility of grains from plants bred with molecular plant…


Irreligious Fervor

The politically-correct National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) has brought a disturbing lawsuit against an insurance company for an product aimed at church-goers, which provides…


Big drop in commodity prices

Commodity prices plunge is the big news in the markets today. According to Bloomberg today, commodities are– . . . heading for the biggest…


Defending Liberty in India

CEI’s friends at the Liberty Institute in New Delhi have launched a new website, Of particular interest to openmarket readers might be the…


Right to Refuse Service

To respond to Hans’s post: in order for the government to force Geno’s to serve everyone who stumbles up to the window indiscriminately, it…